Mother, Baby & Kids

Master Sulking Kids with These 10 Genius Tips

Sulking kids is common. Young children can be happy one minute and turn moody the next.

This can be incredibly confusing and stressful for parents who can’t understand why their child is suddenly unhappy.

Sulking is a common occurrence when a child is growing up and this silent tantrum can cause bad behaviour if not dealt with positively.

Sulking is used by children to convey their unhappiness with their surroundings or emotions.

It is generally a negative response to situations that are upsetting to the child and parents mustn’t give in to such behaviour.

Let’s explore sulking in more detail and what parenting strategies you can try with your child.

Surprising Reasons Behind Why Children Sulk

Most parents don’t understand why their children sulk at first and it takes some time and observation to find the reasons.

Here are a few reasons why children choose to sulk.

Afraid to Communicate

At times, children sulk because they are afraid to speak out about their upset or express their feelings.

They may be afraid of the repercussions of voicing out and this can happen in an overly strict household.

Since they are afraid to verbalize their negative emotions, sulking becomes an outlet for these emotions.

Attention Seeking

Children want attention from their parents and sometimes it doesn’t matter to them if the attention is negative.

Sulking can be a way for them to get the attention they need at the moment.


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Parents who easily give in to their children’s sad or upset expressions can be subject to emotional manipulation by the child.

Children learn by observing the behaviour of adults and if they understand that they can get away with bad behaviour by sulking, then they will use this as a tool for manipulation.

Unable to Express

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Some children aren’t equipped with the verbal skills to communicate their emotions with words.

In this case, they sulk because they can’t express themselves.

Sulking would feel natural to them as they don’t know how to deal with their upset emotions.

10 Ways to Deal with Sulking Children

Reduce Stressful Situations

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Stressful situations at home can cause the child to have upset feelings. When possible, try to avoid upsetting situations in your home.

A child needs a stable and happy environment to grow up well-balanced and constant anxiety will cause increased moodiness.


If you are unable to find out the reason that is causing the sulking, then try not to punish the child.

Instead of giving them consequences to face when they sulk, ignore their behaviour if possible.

This might not work in all situations but constant consequences to solve sulking will not help the parents.

Spend Time

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Spending quality time with your children is important because part of the reason they might sulk is they want your attention.

Dedicate some time to making memories or doing something special so the child doesn’t feel ignored.


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Observe and check what is upsetting your child.

If your child is unable to communicate well enough, you will need to investigate their surroundings or other factors to pinpoint the reason for the sulking.

Once you find the cause, you can get to a solution and start making the children happy.

Ways to Express

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Teach children positive ways to express their unhappiness. Explain that they can convey their emotions through words in a respectful way.

This can help them to release their upset emotions in a more constructive way rather than sulking.

Don’t Overreact

Overreacting by raising your voice or losing your temper can make the sulking situation worse.

Giving in to the child’s mood swings will show that their moody behaviour affects you.

If you are unable to solve the sulking, give the child some space and let them calm down on their own.

Make a Rule

If you feel your child is sulking just to get away with things, you can make it a rule to not sulk in your personal space.

Avoid harsh punishments or consequences because, to a certain degree, sulking can be natural and not manipulative.

Safe Space

Creating a safe space for the child to express their emotions or have some downtime is important.

Sometimes giving the child some personal space help them to calm down.

Parents should accept that they can’t solve or make things better all the time for the child.

Letting the child sulk in a safe space and supervising them once in a while till they feel better can help.

Be Open Minded

Sometimes children show their negative feelings by sulking because they don’t feel understood by family members.

It’s okay for your child to have a different opinion, they should feel safe and supported in their home so they can openly have a calm discussion.

Sulking may seem childish to adults but in your child’s mind, it’s a logical response to feeling misunderstood or unappreciated.

Mood Swings

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Growing children are affected by the constant physical changes their body experience.

Mood swings are common and can be helped with proper nutrition and mental health care. Nutritional deficiency can be solved with a balanced diet and by staying active.

At times, anxiety and stress can also be the cause of such moodiness so parents should observe their children closely when possible.

Take note of upsetting situations to gauge their reaction.

Super Kids Club

Motherhood’s Super Kids Club is a membership program for young children to enjoy exciting activities for education purposes in the comfort of their homes.

Registration is free and parents can sign up online on Motherhood’s website.

New members can redeem a 1-Day Kids Go Free Legoland voucher and a free Super Kids activity box.

Super Kids Club members can look forward to weekly workshops that are STEAM-based and led by highly experienced educators.

Children can also enjoy unlimited access to educational video content and downloadable printable activity sheets.

This membership can help children beneficially spend their screen time and learn new skills.

From Tears to Triumph

A child that has the support and guidance and parents to deal with sulking will experience significant emotional growth.

Parents can help their children to develop good communication habits and healthy ways of expressing their emotions—making the child feels comfortable.

By always looking for solutions to deal with moodiness, the child can be more emotionally resilient and have better self-esteem.

Even though dealing with sulking isn’t fun for parents, it’s worth trying out different parenting strategies to reduce the child’s moodiness.

The sulking might not reduce at first but dealing with it in healthy ways can create a lasting positive impact on the child’s development.

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