Mother, Baby & Kids

The Importance of “Calming” Corner For Our Children’s Mental Health!

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Have you ever heard of a “calming corner”? A calming corner is an area to ease children’s tantrums and a spot built especially for your toddler or preschooler. It can also help them learn useful skills by controlling their emotions.

In my house, we have built a calming chill-out area where my kids can go to reset, calm down or relax instead of punishing meltdowns or using the standard time outs.

I suppose it is somewhat like a reflective corner with a good spin, nothing like a naughty corner or a time out.

The whole idea is that when they get angry or frustrated, it will help to diffuse the issues.

If this does not happen, children will sometimes be overwhelmed by major emotions and feelings in their little bodies. 

When it comes to rage or anger or disappointment, this corner provides our children with the best outlet for them.

We all know that strong feelings can turn into screams, crying, calling out names, lashing out, tantrums, and even violent threats that we does not like. Thus, having this corner is good for your kids. 

What Does The “Calming Corner” Look Like?


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A calm-down corner can be as basic as a room with a cosy mat and books, or as creative as a fancy tent with vibrant paintings on the walls and bags full of sensory activities. 

Plus, it does not have to be a corner. It can be in a room which is free from the stress and disturbance of the rest of the house.

The main objective of this calming corner is to figure out what makes your child feel relaxed and stable again.

Do you know that the calming corners are also recommended by the doctors? Well, here is the reason:

When used effectively, a calm-down corner can fulfill your child’s need to have some time away while providing and promoting a sense of independence, responsibility, and achievement.

– Dr Donna Housman

Now that you already know the concept of a calming corner and the importance of it, you might ask this question, “So, how do I get started?”

5 Ideas How To Create An Effective Calming Corner For Your Kids!

Create A Safe And Comfortable Space

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The perfect calm-down corners should be a little isolated from the rest of the house.

Set up a physical barrier of any sort. It would be better if you can prepare a room instead of a corner.

However, if your house is small, any corner that is secluded is suitable. Kids will cherish that they have a personal space from everyone else.

Create a space that is safe and cosy for the calming corner. This corner should be the place where your children can relax for a few moments.

The calm space you are looking for can be established by placing pillows, floor duvets and a stuffed animal or two!

Play A Calming Music

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Soothing music is a good method to release and express feelings of relaxation. You can play music such as the sounds of nature and instrumental music.  

If that is not something that appeals to your child, you can try upbeat music or “dancing it off” music for him to express his anger.

This is a wonderful physical outlet to charge energy and shift all of their emotions into a healthier method.

Place Fidget Toys

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These toys help children to concentrate and pay more attention.

It also has been used in calming sessions with kids. Do you know that therapists use interactive games and objects that they called “fidget toys” for children with ADHD, autism and sensory processing disorders?

In fact, these toys are also ideal for all children to cope with their stress!

Puzzles or basic building toys give children a chance to work while their emotions are absorbed, and imaginative outlets such as colouring books or crafts may also calm down your children.

Make The Corner Smells Good!

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Lavender has been known to help relieve stress for many people, including children.

You can use it in diffusers, lit a candle, or spraying the room with this fragrance.

These aromatic smells will help to ease and calm your children. 

I personally love having diffusers around the calming corner, so my children can pick what scent and fragrance they want when they need their space.

This allows them to have a pleasant relaxation so that they can digest their feelings and thoughts. 

Story Books

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Reading a story book can also be a form of meditation.

You should offer your children some of their favourite books so that they can take their thoughts somewhere else.

According to research, “reading can even relax your body by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles”. 

It helps to escape to a fictional world which can distract your children from reality for a while.

Many parents told me that their children used this method, and it works wonders!

Last Note On Calming-Corner For Parents:

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Once the calm-down corner has done its magic, it is important to check your children’s emotion on how they feel and how their behaviour has made you feel.

It is important that this corner is never used for punitive purposes, such as a “time-out” or a penalty, since that would contradict its objective of being a place to learn to calm down. 

Instead, use this space as a unique spot for your children to go to every time they want to cool down, chill out, or have a break.

You will be surprised at the outcome later. Hopefully, you can implement this corner at your own home now!