Mother, Baby & Kids

The Joy of Giving Through Hobbies | Time to Help Each Other

As time of writing, worldwide infections of COVID-19 have surpassed 8.2 million. Over 440,000 have died.

The world is hoping, and praying for an end to this virus. With nothing substantial to-date, we have to brace ourselves for a rough ride ahead, even with the loosening of the restrictions that have bound us thus far. Alone Together

Unless you are part of essential services, you would be cooped up, like the rest of us, at home.

Some may be thriving. Others, not so.

Extroverts may be finding the days long, dreary and stifling. Social connectivity has been a boon, but nothing replaces the reality of face to face contact.

Introverts may be finding the situation more tolerable. However, with everyone at home, all the time, peace and quiet may have flown out the window.

The days seem to be melding together, with many finding themselves unable to differentiate one day from the next. Time also seems to be running on blurred lines. And many find themselves working harder now than before.

It has been, to put it simply, a time of silent upheaval.


Photo Credit: EyeEM

Lessons Learnt

Regardless of how the days pan out, one thing is sure, we have some extra thinking time on our hands. As such, this might be a good time to take stock of our lives.

Some may be content.

Others may be searching for a change. Hindsight, as they say, has a 20/20 vision.

Some may chance a drastic change, others may prefer rolling changes, as they settle down into a new normal, post-MCO.

Whatever your choice, you are not alone. These changes will be our take away lessons from Covid-19 and life under the MCO.

Photo Credit: Good Housekeeping

Sustaining Hobbies

With the majority of Malaysia currently working from home, travelling time to and from work has been reduced to zero.

With more time on our hands, we can pamper our passions. In this article, we thought of exploring the gifting of the self, through hobbies.

Photo Credit: Country Living Magazine

The Benefits Of Hobbies

Hobbies proffer a plethora of benefits.

For those who have one, two or more hobbies, you need no convincing.

For those who are dithering, be convinced that hobbies are fun and enriching. Plus, they are also beneficial for self-development and are well-known stress relievers. The list of benefits is long, but trust me, hobbies are well worth your time.

Photo Credit: Universiry of Iowa College of Public Health

It is in the spirit of togetherness that we will rise

– Ralph Lauren

Each of us is one of a kind and irreplaceable, gifted with a variety of talents.

Some of us may bake or cook well. Others play musical instruments or have a beautiful voice. Still, others may be whizzes at chess or have green thumbs.

Have you ever thought of sharing the gift of your talents with others?

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We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give

– Winston Churchill

The needs out there, within your community, are many.

With a little thought and ingenuity, you will be able to come up with a list of those who might need a helping hand.

There is no better time than now to share the genius of your hobbies or talents with those in need.

Share Your Hobbies with Those in Need

To help you along, we have listed some basic ideas to aid you. Feel free to use the list or come up with new, fascinating ideas for those in need.

Don’t forget to tell us all about it. We would love to hear from you.

  • Reading

If you love reading and have a good voice, you could consider volunteering at an aged care facility to read to the residents there.

While some residents may be able to read unassisted, others might appreciate your help. Other than reading, you could spend your time chatting with them or playing board games.

Before popping by though, it would be a good idea to call ahead and let the Management know.

If they are open to the idea, they could advise you on the best time to visit and also give you the heads up on the residents’ preferences.

Photo Credit: Education And Friendship: The Relations
  • Teaching

Are you good at teaching? If so, what is your forte?

Volunteer tutors are in demand at children’s shelters.

Give a shelter near you a tinkle to check out possible options.

In addition to tutoring, you could also offer to teach children art and craft. Throw in storytelling and sports for good measure. Or perhaps help them express themselves through playacting.

You could also volunteer at UNHCR. They are always on the lookout for volunteers.

Photo Credit: Guitar
  • Playing An Instrument Or Two

If you can play an instrument and hold a tune, you can share your love of music and singing at aged care homes, orphanages, and just about anywhere else.

Music is a balm for the soul. Whip out your guitar or settle at a piano and belt out those memorable tunes, for one and all.

Cannot hold a tune? Do not worry. It’s all good. Psst…neither can they. Just let it go, live the moment and enjoy yourself.

Depending on your schedule, you can make this a weekly endeavour, helping out when your children are at school.

During festive seasons, up the ante and plan for something special.

At Christmas, Polly* makes it a point to take her family to an aged care facility for a pre-planned high tea. They bring the residents’ favourite goodies. After tea, out comes the guitar and they all sing-a-long to a medley of old-time favourites and Christmas carols.

It has been such a success, Polly has made it a point to do it on a yearly basis.

Amidst the fun and frolic, the children take home an invaluable experience and a deep teaching moment.

Photo Credit: RHS
  • Outdoor Hobbies


If you are an outdoorsy person and love gardening, taking care of pets, or just helping people, you may be a treasure in waiting.

With green thumbs, you can volunteer at Community Gardens, which are sprouting around our cities. Notable mentions include Kebun-Kebun Bangsar or Kebun-Kebun Kerinchi.

Then, there is the Taman Tun Edible Community Garden. Good news is, they are looking for volunteers.

Photo Credit: Mundo Animal

>Passion For Pets

It is a well-known fact that pets are therapeutic.

If you love animals, you can always volunteer to help others care for them. Sometimes, pet owners need a little help, especially if they are homebound, for any reason, or perhaps elderly.

In addition to that, if you have the place at home, and are so inclined, you can even offer to home them when their owners go away for a vacation or balik kampung.

Animal shelters such as PAWS or the SPCA are always in need of volunteers. Additionally, the SPCA also has a foster care programme, if you are game to take up that challenge.

Photo Credit: Buehler’s
  • Personal Shopper

Like shopping? Who doesn’t!

You may have a convalescent friend, a Mom in confinement or a someone homebound who may need a little pick up.

Although there are paid services for those in need, your personal touch will go a long way in charity. A quick run to the shops for groceries, a pick up of meds, or satisfying a craving or two, is another way of giving.

Photo Credit: Urban Angels
  • Cooking & Baking

Do you cook or bake with a passion?

If so, helping out in soup kitchens may be an idea.

There are soup kitchens scattered throughout the country. Pitching in to help cook and bake for the less fortunate is commendable.

While many soup kitchens run like a tight ship, volunteers are always welcome. Tasks include food preparation, cooking, packing and clean up afterwards. Start with tasks you feel comfortable with before launching out into deeper waters.

Photo Credit: GoEco

Paying It Forward

As Moms, we are instinctively generous, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Taking that up a notch and opening your heart and arms to others, is a step forward in making the world a better place, no matter how small.

While volunteering opens up a deep wellspring of charity within us, it also fills us with joy.

The needs out there are plentiful, so be mindful to start small. Use baby steps to build up volunteering endeavours. While volunteering can be hard work, it should not make you feel overstretched or unduly stressed.

As volunteering becomes second nature, your example will make a lasting impression on your children. In time, they will be quick to lend a hand to another who needs it and “try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud” – Maya Angelou.

*Name changed as requested