Mother, Baby & Kids

Your Kids Are Having Trouble While Peeing? Things You Should Know About UTI


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Well, do you know that Urinary Tract Infection or UTI is common to children?

As many as 8 out of 100 girls and 2 out of 100 boys will get UTIs! It happens when the bacteria get into the bladder or kidneys. It has been proved that younger children often get UTI compared to adults. 

What Are The Signs and Symptoms? 

According to Kids Health, your children can show these signs:

  1. Burning or pain when your child has a pee
  2. Foul-smelling pee or cloudy pee
  3. There is an urgent need to go, but then just pee a few drops
  4. Fever
  5. Nausea or vomiting
  6. Diarrhoea

Kids often feel pain in their lower belly, back, or side and want to pee regularly. They even have a little blood in their urine sometimes. 


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What Can Cause UTIs?

  1. When bacteria in the skin or poop get close to the urinary tract.
  2. Poor toilet habits: Children should be encouraged to urinate every two to three hours.
  3. Poor toilet hygiene: Females should always clean their urethral opening from the front to the back while males should clean their rectum regularly.

UTI can also easily affect circumcised male infants.

There are two types of UTI infection:

  1. Bladder infection called cystitis. 
  2. A kidney infection called pyelonephritis.

How Should UTIs In Children Be Treated?

First, you should take your children to a paediatrician and diagnose them. Most of the doctors will have antibiotics for your children.

Usually, it is going to disappear in 1 week and your children MUST finish the antibiotics to prevent the bacteria from developing again.

If your children still face any discomfort, you should consult with a paediatrician to have a detailed check-up. 

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Things To Do To Prevent UTIs From Happening In The Future

Worry not, parents. You can prevent your children from getting UTIs again by often changing their diapers for toddlers.

If you have a daughter, I would advise you to teach her to wipe from front to back because that would help prevent the bacteria from entering the vagina and urinary tract.

Girls can also use cotton underwear and use non-fragrance soap to eliminate bacteria. 

And if you have a son, I would advise you to teach him to clean his rectum regularly so that it would help prevent bacteria from entering the urinary tract. 

Also, you should teach your children to drink plenty of water so they would go to the bathroom and not hold it in.

Hopefully, the above information will help you tremendously to recognise the symptoms and gain more knowledge about UTI.