Mother, Baby & Kids

This or That: Indoor Fun Vs Outdoor Fun


Semester breaks, public holidays, weekends. Parents and children actually get plenty of free time throughout the year to relax, have fun and most of all, to bond.

But when the time comes around, you may suddenly yourself torn on whether to take your kids out for a family outing or to just plan something at home. What’s worse, not all of your kids may want to do the same thing.

One might suggest outdoor fun, while another may prefer indoors. So, which do you choose? Is one option really superior over the other?

Well, before you exercise your veto power as a parental figure, here are some pros and cons about both indoor and outdoor fun you may consider.

Indoor Fun

Indoor fun is not as limiting as some people may believe. Not when you’re part of a family—even a small one.

Indoor fun can include board games, barbeque, movie nights, video games, arts and craft, pretend play, karaoke, cooking as a family, or even a combination of these.

By the way, indoor does not have to mean in your home only. Taking your kids to an indoor playground can be considered a form of indoor fun too.


  • Cheap: Indoor fun is relatively inexpensive as you likely already have what you need at home. This can be a great option for parents on a budget since all you’ll be spending money on is your basic utilities and maybe your Wi-Fi bill, if you have a smart TV.
  • Comfort: If your kids get cranky, hungry, or just tired, being indoors usually has the added benefit of satisfying your kids’ mercurial needs at any time. It also eliminates any public tantrums.
  • Safety: Outings with kids are fun, but there are many dangers out there that you can never predict. In some ways, possibly more so than if you were indoors. For example, your kids could easily get lost in a crowd of people, or get hurt in a playground when you’re not looking. Adults may also get easily distracted when they’re outdoors.


  • Options: You may run out of ideas after a few activities and may need to constantly come up with new ones. But some parents are surprisingly resourceful and make indoor fun their priority. So, this problem isn’t applicable for all parents. If you’re having trouble, however, here are some fun indoor activities to try.
  • Boredom: Staying inside all day, even with fun activities can get old pretty fast. And your kids won’t be the only ones who may get listless. Even some adults can end up feeling cooped up and claustrophobic whilst staying indoors for too long.
  • Space: Some kids may need to run around and if you live in a small house this may not be possible. Autistic kids, for instance, need lots of physical stimulation and activity. But again, this isn’t applicable to all. This may not be a problem for families with spacious backyards or gardens.

Outdoor Fun

Family outings are a staple during many weekends. After all, this is probably the only time you can spend together as a family and actually have fun.

Many take this opportunity to go shopping at the mall, go on day long road trips, have picnics at the park or beach, and even plan tropical getaways during long weekends.

Even playing sports in the backyard counts as outdoor activity. Anything that gets them out in the sun.


  • Choices: There are so many things to do while you’re outdoors. You may actually experience some analysis paralysis from all the options that are available. Moreover, you can always go to another place when it gets a little too boring.
  • Exciting: Being outdoors is always more enjoyable, especially if you’re going to somewhere new for the first time as a family. There are so many new sights and sensations to absorb. It will surely enrich your kids’ childhood experience.
  • Exercise: Outdoor fun means lot of physical movement, even if it’s just walking around the mall, or window shopping. It’s a good mini-workout for the whole family. Your kids will also be exposed to a lot of sunlight, which will give them with much needed vitamin D. But don’t forget to wear sunscreen.


  • Expensive: Some parents have incredible discipline when it comes to their outing budget. They don’t succumb to their kids’ demands, nor do they spend frivolously on non-essentials. But not all families stick to these healthy boundaries. So, it’s time to look at your finances before going on that family outing.
  • Tantrums: Kids may love outdoor activities but most the time they lack the capacity to handle it physically. Overheating, hunger, exhaustion, fighting, carsickness and other issues arise when you take kids out. You may end up getting home early because your toddler is acting up.
  • Weather: Even if your destination is a mall, getting in and out can be a pain when it rains. Worst case scenario, you paid hundreds of Ringgits for an outdoor theme park and it pours the entire day. On the flipside, some kids are allergic to hot weather and being outdoors in the Malaysian climate can trigger rashes.

Have Fun as a Family Anywhere, Anytime

These pros and cons can either help cement your decision or complicate it. After all, you may have figured out some kinks that you weren’t expecting.

If you have trouble choosing the best type of fun for your family and kids, try alternating. A good compromise is to balance between the two.

If we take the weekends as an example, you can reserve Saturdays for indoor fun and Sundays for outdoor fun. It’s all about balance, after all.

For parents on a budget, make sure you get your itinerary and finances in line before starting the car. It will save you a lot of trouble.

Most importantly, no matter your decision, just remember to have fun!

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