Mother, Baby & Kids

Young Scientists in the Making: 5 Tips for Parents

Young kid dressed as Albert Einstein

Has your child ever gazed into the night sky and be amazed by the moon and stars? Is your kid always curious about the surrounding and asking a lot of why’s? Does he/she like to take stuff apart and put them back together? Salute! to the parents of future Nobel Laureate. It is a great thing that your children are passionate about science. How could you encourage the talent and keep it alive? Here are 5 tips for you. These are also applicable to parents who would love to foster that interest in science in their kids.


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1. Take them very seriously.

When the kids first discover or create something, they are always eager to share. Parents are always the first people whom they want to share their joy with. However, it is easy for us as adult to shrug their achievement off as something trivial. This could be disheartening to your kids. Slowly, they will stop sharing with you and eventually they will stop exploring. Remember, when your kids talk to you about their discoveries, take them very seriously no matter how small or common you think the matter is. We all had that phase.

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2. Always give them positive response.

It could be very annoying when your kids keep asking questions, especially when you are busy and you do not have the answers. Nonetheless, please try not to shut your kids off by asking them to stop disturbing you. Give them words of encouragement. For example, you could tell them to keep searching for the answer. Set a goal for them. Direct them to possible resources. This will train them to be independent and resourceful at them same time. Of course, if you have time, it is best for you to join in the search.

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3. Expose them to scientific environment.

There are many books and magazines on science targeting children. You can easily find them in any bookstores. There are also tonnes of videos about science for young children. YouTube is one of your best friends in this matter. There are videos that cater to different age group of children. You just need to find the right one for your kids. These videos will show a phenomenon and explain it in a very simple way. Perhaps you could learn something from them too.

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4. Carry out science-related activities with them.

A quick search on Google will show you millions of fun science experiments to do with your kids. These activities are very easy and could be carried out using just household items. Tell us if you would like us to share more of these activities. These activities will teach them valuable research skills and train their motor skills. Both of these are important, not only for science but for their future in general. The best part? You just spent quality time with your kids and built strong bond between you and them by doing these activities together. Talking about one stone two birds huh? We killed three or four or more.

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5. Believe in them.

As adults, we love it when people trust us, when people believe in what we are doing. Kids are not any different. Do not laugh at your children scientific attempts. Show them you are amazed by what they have done. When they feel frustrated because they couldn’t do or find out certain things, motivate them. When they tell you that their dreams are to be an outstanding scientist, a successful engineer, a respected doctor, the first astronaut to Mars, tell them you believe in them and they can definitely do it.

Don’t let your kids’ curiosity die off. Help them to make their talents shine. Finger-crossed one day they will become more famous than Newton and Einstein.

There are many useful toys here such as this cute DIY music box that your little Einstein would definitely loves!

Language is an even more important aspect to your kids’ education. Read here to find out how to uncover your kids’ multilingual talent.