Mother, Baby & Kids

Top 10 Organic Baby Products

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When it comes to your baby, every day is an opportunity to go green. Luckily, it’s never been easier or more affordable to find organic baby products that not only remove harmful chemicals and toxins, but also respect your baby’s health and skin.

What better gift can you give to your child than ensuring that they have a safe and clean world to grow up in?

Check out our Top 10 selection of organic baby products to help give your little one a healthy and natural start:

1 Organic Diapers


Organic diapers are the must-have organic baby products. They are the best way to protect your baby sensitive skin. They do not contain chemical ingredients like preservatives, coloring agents or other hazardous substances. These additives may be the source of rashes, irritations or allergies. Despite a composition of natural materials, organic diapers are not less efficient than other classic diapers. They are still very absorbent. Organic diapers are eco-friendly product, then easier to recycle. They are not necessarily more expensive than other classic diapers.

2 Organic Wipes

What is better for your baby’s skin than organic wipes containing natural moisturizing and soothing agents? Some Organic wipes are even 100 % biodegradable cloth. It means that they are eco-friendly wipes and respectful of the nature. Studies report that a baby has to be changed on average 6 times a day. Then what could be better than use organic wipes for your baby’s little bottom. Organic wipes are also as efficient as classic wipes. They can also be super strong and soft so feel nice against on your baby’s delicate skin. They are obviously free from alcohol, petrochemicals, soaps, sulphates and paraben. It means you can use it on your little one’s face, hands and nappy area.

3 Organic Bath Products


All your little one’s body and hair needs is a gentle wash. More and more parents make the choice to use organic bath products or other organic baby products for their little one. A lot of bath products are made with chemical ingredients which could be potentially irritating, allergenic or contain toxic preservatives. Organic bath products are made of plants or other natural ingredients. Those make the products ideal for all skin type, even sensitive skin and can be used for all ages.

4 Organic Skin Care Products

The skin is the body’s largest organ and absorbs the products put on it. So, you should spend as much time considering the type of toiletries you use with your baby as you do the way you feed them.

Why is organic good for baby? Organic skin care products are free-from nasties. They don’t contain genetically modified ingredients, parabens or other chemical ingredients we can find in many products. This is particularly important as babies’ skin are more sensitive. They are made with plant-based ingredients rich in nutrients. Everything good for your baby’s skin. Don’t need to worry about potential allergy or skin reactions. It’s no coincidence that Mother Nature put these natural ingredients on the planet… they are there because they are good for us. They are also eco-friendly as they have been made in such a way that they support the eco-system.

5 Organic Oils

Massage is a great reason to spend time with your newborn and it improves circulation. This is particularly beneficial for preterm babies. An organic oil made from 100 % ingredients from natural origin will benefit to your baby.

Baby’s skin is 20-30% thinner and less resilient than an adults skin. Most of skin issues can be prevented by using natural products.  Chemical absorption can irritate, sensitize and destroy skin tissue. Baby organic oils help nourishing, hydrating the skin and relieving discomfort caused from dry and itchy symptoms caused from psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and cradle cap. Organic oils can eventually be used to help alleviate stretch marks during pregnancy.

6 Organic Mosquito Repellent

Babies and toddlers are contraindicated to come in contact with the chemicals. That is why parents choice goes to 100% safe products for repelling mosquitoes. Most of organic mosquito repellent are free of parabens, artificial fragrance, artificial coloring, synthetic chemical or other nasty ingredients. They are made with natural essential oils which not only serve as bio repellents, but they also enrich the skin with nutritious elements without being too greasy. Some of these natural ingredients are also well-known for their soothing, antiseptic or bactericidal properties.

7 Organic Snacks

All parents want to give their baby the best possible start in life, and this involves lots of important decisions. What you put in your baby’s tummy might be the most important one of all. Your baby’s first meal with solid foods is an exciting day, but parents can have difficulty choosing the right foods to start out with.

In organic baby snacks, ingredients were occurred naturally or taken from veggies, fruits, grains or plants which are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers or genetic modification. They are made from Non-GMO ingredients and only organic ingredients. They don’t have added sugar, preservatives, gluten, flavor or artificial coloring. Natural food allows your baby to discover natural tastes during the food education.

8 Organic Clothes

Dressing your little one can be one of the most fun jobs as a new parent. Those tiny onesies, sweet pajamas, and tiny socks are irresistible. You may not consider what’s in the clothing you are purchasing or how fabric choices may contribute to living a more natural lifestyle… Clothing is in constant contact with a baby’s delicate and sensitive skin, why not try to choose organic clothes made of organic cotton and non-toxic dyes… Most organic clothes on the market are made with organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, soy, cashmere or wool.

9 Organic Cotton Pillows

Rest easier knowing your little darling is snoozing or resting on something safe. Is your toddler sensitive to microbes, dust, dust miters, mould and more?

Organic pillows are the type of organic baby products we don’t necessarily think about. Hypoallergenic pillows are made from materials that will help reduce allergic reactions. Many organic toddler pillows are naturally hypoallergenic. A great thing, isn’t it? A hypoallergenic fill can be washed extremely well and can be encased in a 100% organic cotton (or other material) cover.

10 Organic Homecare Products

You love to keep your baby nursery clean, fresh and free of germs and toxic. To avoid chemicals in the air at home, organic homecare products are a great alternative. As effective as other home care products, organic products are made from 100 % plant-based ingredients. They are free from artificial fragrances, petrochemicals or other chemical ingredients harmful to human health.

Many of us forget the connection between our activities at home, like doing laundry and cleaning the kitchen, and the impact of home care products on our health, our families’ health, and the health of our planet. Choosing products made with organic ingredients is an easy way to ensure that this impact is a positive one. After all, these ingredients have been approved for use in organic food production and processing. If they are good enough to eat, they good enough for use in our homes too!


Find all our Organic Baby Products here.

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