Mother, Baby & Kids

Top 10 Tips You Need To Conquer Motherhood


Being a mom is hard. Having to wait hand and food on a screaming, unappreciative little bugger after carrying it in you for 9 months prior to that is definitely not fun. Well, here are some of the things that you definitely will need to make you feel like a pro at motherhood in no time at all.

1.Baby wipes – The key to the removal of poop and other nasties.


With babies come lots and lots of poop! So how do you keep them clean? You can’t keep showering them when they do their business, so just use wet wipes! Getting the best wet wipes like the Fiffy Fragrance Free Baby Wipes is a very important thing as your baby’s skin is sensitive. Do your research and you’ll be able to clean the mess up no matter where you are!

2. Maternity Bras – Breastfeeding? Psshh no problem.

Always worried about the milk leaking and showing on your clothes? Annoyed about having to remove your bra every time your baby cries for food? Well then, it’s time for a maternity bra! Like the Kimi Mommy Maternity Nursing Bra shown above, the maternity bra will not only prevent milk stains, but is also designed to make it easy and quick to breastfeed, thus reducing both you and your baby’s frustrations, making motherhood a breeze.

3. Baby Bottles – Not breastfeeding? That’s fine too!

If you’re unable to breastfeed. Don’t worry! You’re definitely not a failure as a mom. It happens. Just bottle feed instead. Not only will they be fuller for longer, thus giving you more time to rest. *wink wink* However, finding the right baby bottle like Dr Brown Wide Neck PP Bottle for your little monster is definitely a must. What works for someone else’s baby might not necessarily work for yours. It is also important to ensure the quality of your product is good, so that you can use it for longer, and is safer for your little one.


4. Bottle Brush – With bottles comes great bottle washing responsibilities

To ensure that your baby doesn’t fall ill, hygiene is definitely paramount. So, to ensure that every nook and cranny is cleaned out and ready for the next feeding, it’s time to bring out that trusty bottle brush! After all, that’s what it’s invented for. Many bottle brushes like the Fiffy Multi Purpose Spongy Tip Brush comes with a small brush so that you will be able to clean out the teats easily as well.

5. Diapers! Diapers everywhere!

Diapers. Can’t live without it. Be it reusable ones like cloth diapers or disposable diapers like the one above, it is a must to ensure the cleanliness of your house and baby. As every mom can attest to, there can never be too many diapers! However, make sure that the diapers you invest in are of good quality like the MamyPoko Pants Standard 3 Pack. Not only will they be able to last longer, but will also have a higher chance of keeping it all in and preventing leakage.

6. Bib – Is it a disaster zone or just baby’s feeding time?

For those playful little ones who can’t stay still during mealtimes and always end up covered in their own food, it’s time to get a bib! Besides the usual cloth bib, you can also get one like the Little B House Silicone Waterproof Soft Baby Bibs shown above. These are not only waterproof to ensure that the clothes underneath stay bone dry, but also have a compartment to catch all the fallen food. It is also easy to clean, as all you need to do is wipe it down and you’re good to go.

7. Post-partum Cream – Time to get that hot bod back!

One of the main things that happen when you get pregnant is that as the foetus grows, your body stretches out very quickly in a short period of time, leading to plenty of stretch marks and other unsightly scars, as well as loose excess skin once it leaves you and joins the outside world. To aid the healing and to hasten the process of getting your body back the way it was before all this, restructuring gels or post-partum creams like the Mustela Post-partum Body Restructuring Gel shown above will definitely help.

8. Nasal Aspirator – Stuffy nose? How bout no?

Unlike us, babies can’t just blow out their snot when their noses get stuffy. So to help them breathe easy, an aspirator like the Keaide Biddy Nasal Bulb Syringe is needed. Not only is it safe for your baby, it is also extremely convenient. Just insert and suck! Just like that, your baby will be happy and comfortable in no time.

9. Baby mattress – Bed time is the most precious time after all

It’s important for your baby to be able to get good quality sleep in order to ensure proper development. Of course, when the crying stops, you can finally take a break as well. Therefore, it’s all the more imperative that your baby gets as much sleep as humanly possible. With a mattress like the Comfy Baby Memory Foam Travel Mattress Set that can not only ensure complete comfort, while also ensuring that they are well supported is the way to go in order to ensure that your baby develops well.

10. Teether – Soothe the pain of those budding chompers

Teething is definitely no laughing matter. If anything, it’s more of a crying matter. For both the baby and you. With an uncomfortable and cranky baby, you’re definitely not going to be getting any rest. So why not help soothe a bit of the discomfort and pain with a teether like the Sunny Lion Teether above. In fact, as an added relief, just pop it into the freezer for a bit and the cold will make it so much better.

With these tools, not only will you more well prepared to take on motherhood and all its challenges, both you and your baby will be a lot happier as well. For everything you could ever need to make motherhood a breeze, visit now and enjoy amazing deals! A little secret between you and I, a lot of the items I’ve listed above are actually on sale! Some even up to 50% and above! Go click here and have a look now!