Mother, Baby & Kids

10 Videos That Prove Children Are The Best | Universal Children’s Day

Universal Children's Day

It’s that time of the year to celebrate all those little bundles of joy that you have brought to life – Universal Children’s Day! However, this day is to also to bring awareness to the rights of children and to shed light on how this vulnerable group needs to be protected from exploitation and abuse daily. It also brings to light that children are the future of our world and thus have to be cultivated in order become the next generation of world citizens.


To celebrate Universal Children’s Day, has come up with 10 reasons and videos on why children are a gift to our world.

1. They teach us to multitask

Having triplets has really taught this dad to learn to multitask and handle his little bundles of joy with skill!

2. They are just so full of sass

I mean, just look at this girl! You can bet she brings a whole lot of entertainment for her family and friends!

3. They are fantastic actors and manipulators

If there’s one thing parents know the best, it’s how well their little ones can pull tears out of nowhere to tug at your heartstrings.

4. Their limitless empathy and compassion

Look at this precious sweetheart trying to hold back her tears while watching ‘The Good Dinosaur’. Children really are so precious and it makes you want to protect them from the horrors of society that much longer.

5. They prove the food really is life

Do you remember the first time you yourself discovered the wonders of a good burger? Well this child certainly has seen the light. We understand all too well how one bite can turn into 10 or maybe even 20.

6. When all you need is a good hug to make it all better

Nothing makes the world’s troubles fade away except for a hug from your favourite person. Look at this sweet angel who misses her mother ask for a hug from her father. So sweet!

7. They are just plain funny and adorable

I mean, if this didn’t make you laugh or crack a smile, you really must have a heart of steel. It’s ducklings and kids together in one video!

8. They help bring out their dad’s soft and hidden side

This video is really so heartwarming. Watching how their dads interact with them is just everything.

9. It’s just fascinating to find out how your child reacts to different things

I mean, just look at how this simple trick can put your baby right to sleep. How cool is that?

10. The unconditional love they have for you is really everything

Honestly that’s just the most rewarding part of being a parent. Being able to see how this life is growing and how much they love you is everything. Just look at how much this sweetheart loves their mom! It really is priceless.

Besides all these fantastic reasons to celebrate Universal Children’s Day to the fullest, is also giving you a reason to celebrate with a free toy with a minimum purchase of RM 150! This promotion lasts till the 30th of November so get shopping!

To help you make up your mind, here’s a list of organic products that are perfect for your baby.