Mother, Baby & Kids

Have Your Family Go Green – 4 Ways To Be More Eco-Friendly

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Are you getting increasingly aware of the dangers of the environment? Are you concerned about the damage we are doing through thoughtless actions? You are not alone.

In fact, some days you may feel that you are Mother Earth, and the weight of the world is on your shoulders because no one else seems to care as much. It is not wrong at all to feel that way, in fact, you are on the right track. 

Do not think about what other people are saying. Some people out there just do not care for the world we live in. But with a little effort, you can encourage your family to be more eco-friendly!


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As you know, we only have one earth with limited natural resources. It is not fair for future generations to suffer because of what we, as human beings, have done today. So, what are we waiting for? 

Here Are Some Tips On How To Be More Environmentally Friendly With Your Family:

Being a good role model is the perfect way to educate and influence the rest of the clan. Lead by example by showing your kids that you care and value the world you are leaving behind for them.

Do Not Support Fast Fashion

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When it comes to children’s clothes, remember that they will outgrow most items in their wardrobe before you know it. While you may enjoy shopping and clicking that “buy” button, realise that you are not doing Mother Earth any favours.

The constant accumulation of cheap clothing is only possible due to a continuous decline in production costs. This, in turn, has significant consequences on our health, our environment, and the lives of garment workers.

For the sake of our environment, let us be more eco-friendly and cost-conscious, suck up that pride and embrace hand-me-downs from friends and family.

Alternatively, you can buy second-hand clothes at thrift stores. There are so many options to choose from, and if you dive deep enough into these thrift stores, you are going to find yourself rare gems!

Conserve Energy

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First of all, stop leaving the lights or the television on when not in use! Do not just wait for Earth Day to switch off all the electrical equipment for a whole day. Practice it in everyday life, make it a monthly affair. 

Remind your children to switch off the lights when they are not in use, turn off the computers, electronic devices or the television when no one is watching.

Yes, I know we all have done this but let’s stop lingering in front of the refrigerator with the door open.

By conserving energy, you and your future generation will get to enjoy these benefits:

  • Reduce living expenses
  • Better health
  • Reduce dependence
  • Make a positive impact on society
  • Protect the air and reduce climate change
  • Conserve limited natural resources

Simple right? You get to save money while conserving energy too!

Reuse And Recharge

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Most people have a lot of old batteries, that are non-rechargeable, everywhere in their house. What a waste of material right? 

Therefore, start buying rechargeable batteries to use in gadgets and toys for your children. By doing this, it will eliminate waste and keep hazardous metals out of landfills, including mercury.

Although rechargeable batteries have a higher initial cost, do know that rechargeable batteries can be recharged and reused up to 500 times, considerable savings can be achieved. Not just that, rechargeable batteries are also much more powerful and have a higher performance capacity than typical alkaline batteries.

Lessen Car Usage

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There are times when the need to use the car is unavoidable. Then there are times when we can do without. But to really reduce our carbon footprint, we can try cycling, walking or even carpooling. This alternative will surely get us from A to B while caring for the environment. It may seem like an inconvenience at first, but you will get the hang of it. 

Do consider introducing more eco-friendly forms of transportation to your family. If you are struggling to integrate family exercise, increase outdoor recreation or just get your kids off the couch and away from screens by walking to where they need to go – safely, of course. 

If your house is near the train station, then consider using that mode of travel to save on petrol and maintenance. There are tons of cars on the road releasing carbon dioxide  every day, so if you and your family start to use public transportation, it will help to minimise the effects. 

Of course, it may take some time and might require more strategic planning, but it’s going to give you so many extra health benefits and save money in the long run!

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Remember, over time, simple changes will add up. Every effort you take towards becoming more environmentally friendly will make a huge difference on the planet and future generations will thank you for that.