Mother, Baby & Kids

4 Most Common Trigger Issues We Have Seen In A Family Argue Over

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It is normal for families to fight or disagree over various issues, but what is it that they normally fight about? What might have triggered them to fight and give each other the cold shoulder for months?

Conflict can happen when members of the family have distinct opinions or views that contradict. Conflict can also arise when people misunderstand one another and jump to the wrong conclusions.

Disagreements that are not resolved peacefully can lead to arguments and resentment.

It is normal for people to disagree with one another from time to time. Tension is a normal part of family life. Ongoing dispute or wars, on the other hand, may be traumatic and damaging to relationships.

Some people struggle to control their feelings and become purposefully hurtful, angry, or even aggressive.

Hence, the focus of this article is on the most common family disputes between family members. This includes tension between siblings, parents and children, and extended family members. So, what causes family feuds?

Here Are 4 of The Most Common Issues We Have Seen Families Argue About:

#1. Money


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Of course, money is a huge issue. When it comes to the reasons why families fight, financial disputes are at the top of the list. From fighting over inheritance, to disagreeing over who will pay for elderly parents or family events.

If members of a family conclude that their fair share has been treated unfairly or not been given, they will harbour resentment for years, if not forever.

This is because money is inseparably related to meanings and emotions that have a profound effect on people.

They may claim that they have been cheated, disrespected, or that their whole way of life has been drastically altered as a result of these financial disputes.

That is why a family feud over money can be so destructive, and why this form of issue must be addressed and resolved as soon as possible.

#2. Children’s Fight

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Despite the fact that many children are lucky enough to become best friends with their siblings, it is normal for brothers and sisters to compete. It is also typical for them to switch between adoring and despising one another.

Siblings can be triggered to fight for a variety of reasons. Most brothers and sisters experience some level of jealousy or competition, which can lead to bickering and quarrelling.

Remember, if at all possible, avoid getting involved. Only enter if physical harm is a possibility. If you constantly intervene, you face the risk of causing other problems.

Instead of attempting to solve problems on their own, the children will begin to depend on your assistance and wait for you to come to the rescue. After all, if you are always the one who solves the problem as a parent, the war will not end.

#3. Family Events

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Events are stressful although no interpersonal issues are present. Planning requires effort, money, and time, and it can cause a great deal of anxiety when things not go as planned.

The uncertainty associated with an occurrence could be one factor of interpersonal issues from time to time, and it certainly adds to the stress.

On issues such as who is invited (and who is not), who pays for what, what dates work for everybody, the location of the event, and who to use as vendors.

Everyone involved prioritises their own interests, making it impossible to resolve family conflicts over events.

#4. Discipline of Children

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For example, one parent might be more strict, while the other is more lenient. Each parent claims that much of their effort has been wasted. This can be frustrating and even enraging at times.

It is a joy to see parents who get along well with one another. Of course, each parent is different. They have different methods of disciplining their children.

Come on, parents, you both created the child together! Instead of competing, try to work together. You and your partner will raise stable, well-behaved children together.

Family Belongs Together

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Finding a peaceful solution can be challenging as both sides are adamant in their positions. It will help if everyone in the family agrees to try listening to each other and negotiating instead.

All in all, love your family, even if you may not always agree with them, and try to make amends.

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