Mother, Baby & Kids

Words That You Say That May Hurt Your ADHD Children

kid make a mess

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Have you ever encountered children or adults with ADHD? ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a condition where the person involved has troubles with focusing, hyperactivity and also impulsivity.

ADHD children can be quite a handful to look after if you are not familiar with them but they are still children that have feelings. There are some things that you say may affect how they feel. 

Therefore, you must always remember NOT to say these things in front of them:

1. Calm down

ADHD is already a condition where they obviously have problems calming down, and now you are telling them to calm down? It is like telling a fish to stop swimming. Stop telling them to calm down.

Children, in general, should be allowed to express their feelings; even more so for children with ADHD where they already have a difficulty in staying put in one place. 

2. Why can’t you be normal?


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They already know that they are different from others. By hearing you say such things, they will obviously feel more self-conscious.

You also should not tell other things that are similar to this such as “Why aren’t you like other kids?” and “You’re not normal”.

Instead, start telling them that everyone else is different in their own ways and teach them social skills so that they could make friends with who will appreciate them. 

3. Did you take your medicine today?

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People who are diagnosed with ADHD are prescribed with medicines and this statement is usually said by their close families and friends. It really hurts their feelings because they already know that they have trouble focusing and you do not have to point it out. 

If you really have to, make sure the atmosphere is calm and peaceful before you ask them whether they have taken their medicine or not.

4. You are stupid! 

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In a moment of frustration where they are unable to do the things that you have taught them multiple times, you may end up saying this to them.

Even a normal child would feel heartbroken if they hear this. Even more so for ADHD children who cannot control their feelings. 

Also, if you ever think that they can’t be successful in life, you are definitely wrong because they can accomplish great things if they work hard for it. It is just how the people around them support and encourages them to pursue that. 

5. “I love you but…”

You should always beware of saying “but” after telling them you love them. If you want to teach them, just say “I love you and ….”. 

If you say with ‘but’, the ADHD child will tend to take in all the negativity instead of embracing the love.

ADHD children might be a hassle if you are still new to it but all children are a gift from God. Never ever question their existence in your life as it can be a test from God for you.

Another tip for parents is that whenever you are angry with them try to take a 3-second long breath before you start to yell at them. This applies to other parents too.