Mother, Baby & Kids

Amazing Household Hacks: The Multipurpose of Baking Soda

While baking soda is commonly used in cookies, cakes, and bread, do not be fooled by its simple appearance. This humble, white powder is a versatile superpower when it comes for uses in homes. 

Mum’s Superpower


Photo Credit: Intelligent Living

The Science of Why

Baking, or bicarbonate of soda’s efficiency boils down to plain chemistry, and texture.

At a pH of 8.3, its alkalinity easily counteracts the acidic composition of bad smells. Plus, with a mildly abrasive texture, it is perfect as a scrub.

Photo Credit: New Castle Beach

The Art of How

For The Fridge

If your fridge smells funky, this will help.

Mix 4 heaped tablespoons of baking soda to 1 litre of water. Stir well. Dampen a sponge, and wipe down the inside, and outside of your fridge. Once dry, restock your fridge.

To keep odours at bay, place a fresh cup of baking soda inside your fridge weekly. Used baking soda can be recycled to line garbage bins, or sprinkled around the house to repel insects.

Photo Credit: Time Magazine

To Deodorise Sponges

To clean a grimy sponge, combine 1 litre of hot water, with 1 cup of white vinegar, and 1/2 cup of baking soda. For a lemony scent, squeeze half a lemon inside the mix. Soak the sponge until the water cools. Rinse, and let dry.

To deodorise your sponge, generously dust it with baking soda at the end of each day. Leave it overnight. The next day, rinse the sponge. It will be as good as new.


Photo Credit: Healthy Moms Discount Card

For The Laundry

Baking soda works like magic to make whites, whiter. And, colours brighter. Mix 1/2 a cup of baking soda with your detergent during the wash cycle. Add another 1/2 cup during the rinse cycle.

If you are concerned about your clothes, do a patch test first by mixing a little detergent and soda with water to form a paste. Smear it onto an inconspicuous part of the fabric. If it washes off well, use it without worry.

Baking soda is highly absorbent, so funky smells, begone!

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For The Carpet

For Spills

Mop up the spill as best as you can with a damp sponge, dabbing the area gently. Do not rub at the stain, as it will only spread, and adhere to the carpet.

Mix a cup of baking soda with an equal part of vinegar to form a thick paste. Spread it over the stain. Leave it to completely dry (the longer the better). Then, vacuum it up.

For Odours

To keep odours at bay, routinely powder your carpet with baking soda. Leave it to set for about an hour, then vacuum it up. For a more thorough clean, spritz the powder with water, and leave to dry (overnight works best).  Vacuum the carpet the following day.

Photo Credit: Popsugar

For Your Pets

Nothing is as off-putting as a stinky pet. Thankfully, baking soda can be used a cheap, safe, and remarkably efficient deodoriser for cats and dogs. 

For Her Litterbox

Keep odours at back by layering her litter box with a powdering of baking soda before you pour over her litter pellets. With the soda and pellets doing double duty to keep odours at bay, her box will stay fresher, for longer.

Photo Credit: Cyber Breeze

As A Dry Shampoo

If you are looking for a cheap, safe, and effective dry shampoo for your pets, baking soda is the perfect ingredient.

For Dogs

Mix 1 cup of cornstarch with an equivalent of baking soda. Powder your pet’s coat generously. Using your fingertips, knead it through the fur to her skin. Vigorously brush, or blow off the powder with a hairdryer, and you are done!

For Cats

Combine in equal parts, baking soda, oats, and cornmeal. If you do not have cornmeal, substitute it with bran. Blend it to a fine powder. Sprinkle it generously over her fur, working it down to her skin. Brush, or blow off for a grease-free, sweet-smelling kitty.

Photo Credit: Countryside

A Natural Toothpaste

To make your very own toothpaste, combine an equal part of water to baking soda to form a paste. For a minty taste, add in 1-2 drops of peppermint oil.

Baking soda freshens breath and whitens teeth. However, it does not contain fluoride, which prevents cavities. To be in the pink of dental health, use it together with regular toothpaste.

Photo Credit: Salads With Anastasia

 A Pesticide Buster

Worried about ingesting pesticides with your favourite fruits and veggies? 

Soaking them for 5 minutes in a solution of 1 tablespoon of soda to 4 cups of water will clean those pesticides right off. After that, rinse, and enjoy!

Photo Credit: Cook It

Velveting Meat

Baking soda can also be used as meat tenderiser. It works well on tough cuts, like lamb or beef. Chicken breasts can also benefit from a coating since they tend to dry out while cooking.

Powder meat liberally with baking soda, and let stand for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water, and pat dry. Then, prepare it as you like it.

Photo Credit: Robb Report

For Grubby & Gunky Kitchens

As a cleaning powerhouse, it can be used everywhere –  from scrubbing grubby, gunky items, to simple wipe downs.

Crusty Cookware

Sprinkle cookware with 2 parts of baking soda, an equal part of water, and dishwashing liquid. Let stand for 15 minutes before scrubbing.

For stubborn stains, bring a cup of vinegar to a boil. Remove from heat and put in 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Mix well. When the water has cooled, scrub out the gunk.

Grubby Oven

Make a thick paste with 3/4 cup of baking soda to 1/4 cup of warm water. For bigger ovens, double the portion. Slather it on the interior of the oven with a paintbrush, avoiding the openings, and the glass door. Leave it to set overnight. 

The following day, scrape off the paste, using a plastic scraper. To finish, wipe down the oven with a damp cloth.

Photo Credit: Worktop Warehouse

Spic & Span Homes

To make cleaning a breeze, concoct your own all-purpose cleaner with a combination of baking soda, vinegar, and lemon.

Dilute 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 1/4 cup white vinegar in a clean bucket. Leave it to foam, then add in 4 cups of hot water. Stir to mix well. Squeeze the juice of 1/2 a lemon into the mix. When cooled, pour into a spray bottle, and spritz away.

If you are trying it on furniture for the first time, spray the solution on an inconspicuous area. If it does not cause damage, it’s safe for use.

Photo Credit: MasterClass

From toothpaste to a powerful cleaner, baking soda has its place in each, and every home. Grab one, two, or more boxes the next time you go grocery shopping.

Mix it up, or powder it down to have your home spic and span in no time.