Mother, Baby & Kids

Breastfeeding Myths Exposed: Mums’ Verdict on Fact or Fiction


Mothers have nourished their young with their bodies since the beginning of humanity.

It’s always been instinctual and natural.

But as time goes by, a lot of questions and assumptions begin to crop up around the practice of breastfeeding.

Myths and superstitions that can be strange, funny and even dangerous at times.

We asked Malaysian mums over on Instagram to vote ‘true’ or ‘false’ on some popular breastfeeding myths.

We’ll be debunking the votes afterwards to see if the answers were right.

Here are the results.

Breastfeeding Myth #1

A+, mums, this is definitely a myth!

There is always milk in the breast; some women have more, others less.

But the opposite is true; waiting too long between feedings can actually signal your body to stop producing.

Which we don’t want.

According to this study, milk yield depends on demand, not time.

So, the more you breastfeed, the more milk you make.

Breastfeeding Myth #2

Nice work, mums! This myth is debunked!

All babies have an inborn tendency to suck.

This goes beyond their need to feed, as sucking has a soothing or calming effect.

Hence, some mums employ pacifiers to help their babies sleep.

According to this study, pacifiers shouldn’t affect breastfeeding as long as the mother waits until the baby gets comfortable with breastfeeding first.

Breastfeeding Myth #3

This one’s indeed a fact! Good work!

According to this study, some foods such as garlic, alcohol, anise, and carrot, can infuse breast milk with their flavour.

This doesn’t harm the baby and may actually help them tolerate these flavours when they are older.

A brief note on alcohol: it is generally safest if nursing mothers abstain during breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Myth #4

Oops, it’s a myth!

There are some medicines that are safe to consume during breastfeeding with zero to minimal side effects for the baby.

And others that you should not touch at all.

Some common ones include antihistamines and decongestants, which can affect breast milk supply.

Antidepressants, antiepileptics and anti-cancer medications are examples of drugs that could affect the baby.

So, if you’re taking these drugs, ensure to forego breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Myth #5

Another gold star! This one’s a fact, too!

Not only is it okay to breastfeed with a blocked duct, but it may actually do you some good.

Blocked ducts are a result of infrequent or inconsistent nursing.

So, continuing to nurse, even with antibiotic prescriptions and painkillers, will help drain the breast and resolve the issue quicker.

Breastfeeding Myth #6

This one’s a fact, mums. You got it right again!

Breast milk composition changes throughout the day, particularly fat content and certain minerals and hormones like cortisol and melatonin.

These hormones help babies adjust to their mummy’s circadian rhythm.

Small changes in taste, if any, could only be detected by the baby; which we will have no way of knowing.

Breastfeeding Myth #7

Well done! This final one is also a fact.

It depends on the type of illness.

If you are suffering from a cold, then not only is it safe to breastfeed, but doctors actually recommend it.

According to this research, some of the antibodies that your body is producing to fight off the infection will actually transfer to your baby, giving them added immunity to those illnesses later in life.

Breastfeeding Myths, Debunked

And there you go, mums! We hope this demystifies some common curiosities you have about breastfeeding.

Hopefully, we’ll have more transparency on this topic so that mums everywhere can be more well-informed when they reach this important milestone in their motherhood journey.

Remember to share and spread the message to your family, friends and loved ones too!

Let’s continue busting breastfeeding myths together!

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