Mother, Baby & Kids

Deciphering Baby’s Discomfort: Constipation Causes and Signs

constipation in babies

constipation in babies

As a parent, our utmost priority is the health and welfare of our children. However, our little ones may sometimes experience common health concerns like constipation.

Understanding the causes and recognising the signs early can alleviate the issue promptly and ensure our baby’s well-being.

Exploring Constipation: Causes in Babies

When it comes to constipation, it refers to infrequent or hard bowel movements, often accompanied by discomfort.

Let’s take an in-depth look at what causes constipation in babies.

Transition to Solid Food

Generally, babies are introduced to solid food around six months of age.

This significant diet change from breast milk or formula to more complex baby food can impact their delicate digestive system, leading to constipation.

The new addition of carbohydrates, proteins, and fibres can be challenging for the little tummies to process initially and directly impact bowel frequency and consistency.

Lack of Fruits and Vegetables

A diet should ideally be abundant in fruits and vegetables. These ingredients are rich in fibre, which aids digestion and facilitates regular bowel movements.

When babies have a diet low in fibre, the result can often be irregular bowel movement patterns, leading to constipation.

It’s crucial, therefore, to incorporate an appropriate serving of mashed or pureed fruits and vegetables in their diet.

Not Enough Fluids

Staying hydrated shouldn’t be a priority for only us adults; it’s equally important for babies as well.

Babies who don’t absorb adequate amounts of fluids such as water or healthy beverages like fruit juices, their stool can become hard, leading to constipation.

Remember to offer your baby fluids regularly to keep their hydration levels up and facilitate easier bowel movements.

Spotting Signs of Constipation in Babies

Understanding the signs of constipation can make a world of difference in helping your baby. Early detection is key in managing this condition; here’s what to look out for.

Infrequent Bowel Movements

Bowel movement patterns can vary greatly amongst babies, particularly those who are breastfed.

However, a noticeable decrease in the number of dirty diapers could point towards constipation.

If your baby, who generally poops every day, has suddenly stopped for two or more days, it might indicate constipation.

Hardened Stool

Examining your baby’s diapers can offer great insights into their health.

Hardened, dry stools resembling pebbles can signal constipation, indicating your baby may not get enough fluid or fibre.

Always check the consistency of your little one’s poop during diaper changes to signpost any potential issues.

Strained Abdominal Muscles

If your baby shows signs of discomfort or excessive straining during bowel movements, it might signal constipation.

Their little abdominal muscles might be under strain due to the effort needed to pass hard stools, causing noticeable discomfort.

Rectal Thermometer Indication

Parents often use a rectal thermometer to check their baby’s temperature.

This can offer additional insights; your baby might be constipated if you notice hardened stools during temperature checks.

The Path to Prevention

Understanding constipation causes and signs is important, but prevention is the most valuable healthcare approach.

Prioritise Fruits, Vegetables, and Juices

Ensure your baby’s daily diet includes mashed/pureed fruits and vegetables.

When your child is old enough, consider introducing diluted fruit juices.

These diet components are fibre-rich, promoting regular bowel movements.

Monitor Bowel Movements

Regularly tracking your baby’s bowel habits – frequency and stool form – can help detect changes.

Early detection of constipation allows for timely intervention and relief for your little one.

7 Tips To Relieve Constipation In Babies

Here are seven comprehensive tips you can try to help alleviate constipation in your baby and promote regular bowel movements:

Gentle Massage

Tenderly massaging your baby’s belly in a clockwise direction can prove beneficial in promoting bowel movement and helping relieve constipation.

Using your fingertips, apply gentle pressure in a circular motion around the navel, ensuring not to exert too much force on the abdominal area.

Moreover, this comforting massage can relax your baby and ease the tension associated with constipation.


Encourage your baby to stretch and move their legs in a bicycle-like motion to stimulate their digestive system and induce bowel movements.

Gently rotating your baby’s legs can help release trapped gas and facilitate bowel movement while also bonding between you and your little one.

Warm Bath

Providing your baby with a warm bath helps relax their muscles, releases tension in the abdominal area, and promotes bowel movements.

The soothing water temperature will also serve as a calming experience for your child, ultimately making it easier for them to pass stools.


Ensuring that your baby’s water or fluid intake is sufficient for maintaining healthy digestion is vital.

Based on your healthcare professional’s recommendation, offering diluted fruit juices for babies older than one or increasing the amount of breast milk/formula can help hydrate your baby and ease constipation.

High-Fibre Foods

Carefully introducing high-fibre foods like mashed or pureed fruits and vegetables into your baby’s diet can significantly improve stool texture, making it softer and easier to pass.

Adequate fibre intake is essential for promoting healthy digestion, and a gradual introduction will ensure your baby’s system can adjust to the change.

Adjust Formula

If your baby is formula-fed, you might need to discuss with your paediatrician if any adjustments can be made which could improve your baby’s constipation.

Sometimes, a simple change in the formula or how it is prepared can make a substantial difference in alleviating constipation.

Consult Your Doctor

While employing the above methods can be quite effective, always turn to your healthcare professional for guidance if you have concerns or notice that these tips aren’t resolving your baby’s constipation.

They can provide personalized solutions tailored to suit your baby’s specific needs and ensure their overall digestive health is looked after.

By implementing these comprehensive and time-tested tips, you can help alleviate constipation in your baby, ensuring their digestive health remains on track and allowing your little one to feel comfortable and content.

Remember, regular consultation with your paediatrician will keep you well-informed and prepared to tackle any health challenges that may come your way.

As parents, we hold the reins of our baby’s health. Recognising issues such as constipation aids in preventative measures and seeking timely health information.

Always closely monitor your baby’s bowel movements, which directly reflects their digestive health.

Healthy habits for ample hydration and an abundant diet in fibres will go a long way in preventing constipation in babies. Still, upon noticing concerning signs, consulting a healthcare professional is advised. You and your baby can create memorable moments without discomfort by focusing on health-centric and proactive parenting.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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