Mother, Baby & Kids

15 Engaging Counting Activities for Malaysian Toddlers

An Asian toddler is playing with educational toys

Counting activities for toddlers is a skill that every child should learn. We’ve written about counting activities for children before, but we wanted to write about them again because of the importance of that skill.

Counting games for toddlers especially early years help them learn math (number recognition) and is a fun game they can play anytime with their parents or teachers!

Many fun ways you can courage it including counting poms poms, free printables, real life math activities and even counting games.

Here are some great ideas for learning to count.

Finger Counting


Image credit: Shutterstock

Finger counting is a great way to introduce your toddler to numbers. It’s also a fun way for them to practice their counting skills, so they can learn how to count from 1-10. Finger counting can be used as an independent activity or as part of a game, such as “I Spy” or hide-and-seek!

  • Start by holding up one finger before your child’s face. Ask them what number it represents (for number recognition). Then hold up two fingers and ask them again what the number means. Continue this until you get up to ten- the most common number toddlers learn during this stage!
  • Make sure you teach them which numbers represent which digits and how they are formed by using both hands together before moving on further into other math skills later on down the road when needed.

Counting Fruits

Counting fruits is one of those fun counting activities for toddlers. It can be used to teach the names of different fruits, the colours of fruits, and even their shapes!

This activity is ideal for toddlers just beginning to learn how to count. You can use it as an introduction before moving on to more challenging questions later.

Traditional Snack Counting

You can also try counting traditional snacks. The best way to do this is by using pictures of the snacks and matching them with their numbers.

You can start by showing your child a picture of one or two snacks and then asking them questions such as “How many (snacks)?”. You could also ask your child to count how many they have already eaten before you show them any pictures!

For a healthy option, you can consider using healthy fruits as snacks!

Counting in Other Languages

Image credit: Canva

Counting in other languages is a great way to allow the toddler to learn new words. Consider using a mixture of Malay, English, Mandarin or Tamil to make the learning fun.

Batik Button Counting

Image Credit: MyBatik&GreenTomatoCafe

Counting is an essential skill for toddlers to learn. It helps them develop their math skills and understand how numbers work. You can help your child learn to count in many ways, but batik button counting is a fun way to do it!

Counting Steps

Counting steps is a great way to introduce your toddler to counting. They can count from one to ten and then start all over again. This fun activity helps them learn how to measure in a fun way!

You can also encourage your child by doing it with them as you take turns counting in pairs, backwards or forwards. Use different ways of counting depending on what they are comfortable with to avoid repeatedly doing the same thing!

Animal Counting

Looking for fun counting activities for toddlers? Try counting animals for a start. You can begin by showing your child pictures of different kinds of animals and asking him to count them.

Next, you can ask him to count groups of animals, such as “How many dogs are there?” or “How many cats?” You could also use this to teach him some animal sounds in Malay and English!

Some other ways you could extend this activity:

  • Counting hair colours (e.g., black, white) or fur/feathers (e.g., brown).
  • Quiz him on the name of each animal that he sees in the photos; if he gets it wrong, prompt him with hints like “This one has four legs” or “That one has spots.”

Counting Leaves

Counting leaves is a great way to get your toddler interested in numbers, but it can also be a fun way for them to learn about colours and shapes. This activity will help your child develop their fine motor skills by counting the leaves on trees or other objects like flowers.

  • First, you’ll need to find something with lots of different leaves on it (like a tree).
  • Then ask your child how many different colours they see among all those leaves!
  • If they need help counting, ask them, “How many red ones do we have here?” Then move on from there!

Malaysian Folktale Counting

As parents, we know that counting helps them learn about the world around them. Counting also allows children to follow instructions and think logically, which will be helpful when they start learning to read.

You can use this folktale counting activity with your child by asking them questions about what they see in each picture: “How many cows are there?” or “How many birds?”. Eventually, it would help to ask them questions such as “Can you find me one more cow?” or “Where is my favourite bird?”.

Counting Coins

Image credit: Canva

Counting coins is a great way to help your child learn about money (and great math activities pre scholar). It’s also a valuable skill; if you’ve ever tried to pay for something with a handful of change or coins, you’ll know how difficult it can be!

If you want to teach your toddler the value of different coins and help them understand how they relate to each other, here are some fun ways:

  • Play hide-and-seek with small amounts of money or coins. Put them in different places around the house (under cushions) and have them find them by themselves without telling them where they’re hidden–or count out loud while hiding them so that your child knows which number game we’re playing at any given time!
  • Make-up games where players have to collect specific amounts of coins before moving on to another round; winner takes all!

Popsicle Stick Counting

Counting popsicle sticks is a great way to introduce your toddler to the concept of numbers, and it’s also a fun activity for the whole family. You can count popsicle sticks with your child or have them join you in a group activity with other kids.

Here are some ideas:

  • Count with your toddler as they place each stick on their pile. This will help them learn how many should be in each pile and encourage them to continue counting when alone.
  • Have older siblings help younger ones learn their numbers by taking turns counting popsicle sticks together or playing games like “I Spy” (where one person says, “I spy something yellow”, and then everyone else tries to guess what it is).

Counting Flowers

Counting flowers is a great way to help your child learn how to count. Here are some tips on how you can do it:

  • Count the number of petals on the flower and then say the number out loud, for example: “One, two, three…six.”
  • Say something like, “I’m going to count these flowers now” before you start counting them so your child knows what you’re doing and why!
  • If different types of flowers are in front of you (for example, roses, daisies), try calling each kind by its name when counting them individually – this will help reinforce their memory and give them an idea about different types of plants around us!

Musical Counting

Looking for fun math activities for toddlers? Try musical counting!

If you’re looking for engaging counting activities, try using songs. Your child may already be familiar with nursery rhymes or children’s songs in another language–, and if not, they might become interested when they hear them!

Counting Fish

Counting fish is an excellent game for your Malaysian toddler to play. It involves picking up and counting the fish in the water, which can be done if you have a fish tank or aquarium. Here’s how:

  • Pick up one fish at a time with your hands gently (or use tongs). Count it aloud as you do so–“one.” Then place it back in its original spot in the water before picking up another one and repeating this process until all of the fish are accounted for or until you get bored with counting them all over again!

Number Hunt

  • Use a number line. A number line is a great way to help your child learn to count and recognise numbers. You can create your own using markers on the floor or buy one online.
  • Use a counting chart with pictures instead of words if your child is having trouble reading yet–it’s also a good idea if you’re teaching more than one language at once!
  • Counting books are another fun way for kids to practice their counting skills while they enjoy themselves in story form (and they’re cheap!).


We hope you enjoyed these counting activities for toddlers. They’re a great way to teach your child how to count and will also help them learn about numbers and depending in general.