Mother, Baby & Kids

Daddy Talks: Unveiling the TTC Secrets to Men’s Emotional Wellbeing

The Purpose Of Family Planning

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As a father-to-be or someone who has been close to another dad going through the trying to conceive (TTC) journey, I can personally attest to the emotional rollercoaster accompanying this phase in life.

TTC, which stands for ‘trying to conceive’, is marked by hopes, dreams, and sometimes anxiety for both partners.

While the experience is different for everyone, what remains constant is the importance of understanding and acknowledging the emotions of both parties involved.

One thing I’ve learned is that the pressure to succeed in conception can sometimes lead to anxiety. This is a natural response, but it’s important not to let it consume you or strain your relationship.

Instead, focus on providing positive encouragement, sharing your genuine emotions, and being there for each other throughout this journey.

Understanding Men’s Emotions During TTC

I remember feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by the constant routines and expectations that came with TTC.

I wanted to be there for my partner, but I also recognised that my emotions and needs were valid and deserving of attention. At times, I felt isolated and struggled to cope.

But during those moments, I also learned the importance of communication and seeking support.

Having open and honest conversations with my partner made a huge difference in my experience.

We shared our fears, our hopes, and our disappointments with each other, which helped us feel more connected and supported.

We found comfort in knowing that we were not alone and could rely on each other during this difficult time.

Common Stressors and Their Impact on Male Reproductive Health

As a father who has experienced trying to conceive (TTC) with my partner, I can attest to the emotional rollercoaster it can be.

I understand the challenges and stressors impacting male reproductive health, as well as the importance of managing them.

If you’re a dad who’s been through this process or knows someone who has, you can probably relate to these feelings.

Performance anxiety was one of the biggest hurdles I had to overcome. The pressure to perform can feel overwhelming, especially when trying to conceive.

I remember lying awake at night, worrying about whether or not we’d be successful, and it took a toll on my mental and physical health.

Social and family pressures only added to this weight on my shoulders, with constant questions about when we would have children.

Another aspect that contributed to my stress was the strain on our relationship.

We faced our share of TTC challenges, and it wasn’t always easy to navigate our emotions while staying connected.

But it’s crucial to recognise that these issues can compound stress, which can affect reproductive health.

Studies have shown that high-stress levels can lead to decreased sperm quality and quantity, which I never wanted to risk.

Looking back, I realised that being mindful of these stressors and actively working to manage them was crucial for increasing our chances of successful conception.

Open communication with my partner, seeking support from friends and family, and finding healthy ways to cope with stress (like exercise or meditation) helped us through this journey.

Effective Techniques to Manage Stress for Men TTC

One technique I found particularly helpful was practising mindfulness and relaxation.

If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or professionals. They can provide valuable advice and encouragement to keep you going.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and staying physically active are great for your overall wellbeing and can positively impact your reproductive health.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet helped me feel more in control of my body and emotions. Encourage each other to stay on track and celebrate the small victories together.

Remember, TTC is a journey, not just an end goal.

My partner and I cherished the little milestones and moments along the way, which brought us closer and strengthened our bond.

It’s important to remind yourselves that you’re in this together, supporting each other through thick and thin.

With these strategies, you and your partner can better manage the emotional rollercoaster of TTC and come out stronger on the other side.

Like many other couples, my partner and I wanted the best possible chance of success.

That’s why we used the Clearblue Ultra Early Pregnancy Test and the Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test during our TTC process. 

Introducing the Ultra Early Pregnancy Test by Clearblue

The Clearblue Ultra Early Pregnancy Test was a game-changer for us.

Here’s what you need to know about it:

  • Ultra-sensitive: The Ultra Early Pregnancy Test is Clearblue’s most sensitive pregnancy test yet. It allows your partner to test up to 6 days before your missed period. If she doesn’t know when her period is, no worries. Use this guide or get tested 7 to 9 days after ovulation. 
  • Accurate: Most pregnancy tests in the market urge users to wait for a missed period or pregnancy symptoms. But not this one. 
  • Easy to use: Clearblue features an ergonomic design, including a longer, curved stick, and wide colour-changing tip. Their unique Floodguard™ Technology, which helps reduce the No.1 reported cause of user error and makes testing easier. 
  • Easy to read results: Clear and simple result layout; 2 lines if pregnant, 1 line if not pregnant. 

No More Waiting, Fatherhood Is Right Around the Corner

There is no other reproductive health brand more committed to the parenthood journey than Clearblue. 

With over 30 years of research, innovation, and experience, they are the leading manufacturer and provider of at-home pregnancy and ovulation test kits for women worldwide. Truly a trusted name for all prospective parents. 

Get your hands on Clearblue’s Ultra Early Pregnancy Kit by visiting Clearblue Store on

Don’t miss out on the Clearblue Ultra Early Pregnancy Test Launch Promo by visiting Clearblue Store on Receive RM10 OFF @ RM29.90 only*. Promotion valid until 30th June 2023.

*Limited to the first 20 purchases only

Dads, no more waiting. Parenthood is right around the corner.

So, let Clearblue guide you and your partner all the way!

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