Mother, Baby & Kids

Emotional Intelligence: The ‘Missing Half’ of Your Child’s Cognitive Development

Supermums are everywhere—we see them on Instagram posts, television programs, billboard ads, and even in real life among family and friends. They seem to have the perfect career, perfect home life, perfect spouse and, of course, perfect kids.

But beneath the glittering achievements and glamour photos, they may actually be having a harder time than we may think. There may actually be hard work, time, energy and research that goes into raising such a well-rounded child more than another parent.

We know how kids can be sometimes, showing tantrums or being mischievous from time to time, even when you’re implementing all the latest parenting techniques.

This is due to children’s brain is still at an early stage of development including emotional intelligence (EQ), and EQ skills such as social skills, adaptation and emotions. They are still young, after all, and our brains apparently don’t fully mature emotionally until we’re well into our mid-twenties.

In fact, research shows EQ matters twice as much as IQ (intelligence quotient)¹. Higher EQ has been linked to professional and academic success, happier relationships and marriage, stronger resilience in stressful situations, and a positive outlook on life.

Some parents may be aware of the importance of EQ but haven’t got the BEST solution to help their child EQ development yet.

We see and hear you, supermums! So, what if there was a way to make your job a little easier to optimise your child’s EQ?

Read on to find out more about how you can improve your child’s emotional intelligence beyond simple parenting.

How to Boost Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Both parental stimulation and nutrition are important. Your child’s brain is greatly influenced by what they put into their bodies.

The food you let your child consume does more than just help them grow physically, but it also affects their cognitive development.

Some ingredients play a more important role in supporting the development of emotional receptors and regulators in the brain, improving an individual’s emotional intelligence.

A trait that will greatly improve a child’s ability to regulate their own emotions.

Sounds miraculous, doesn’t it?

Now, you might be wondering, what’s the secret ingredient that will help my child be more adaptable, sociable and able to regulate his or her emotion?

Follow us to uncover the secrets.

The Magic of MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane)

Research shows that that MFGM can greatly boost your child’s EQ, improving their confidence, attention, temperament and social skills2. This ingredient also aids in behavioural regulation, possibly even helping reduce the frequency of meltdowns and tantrums2.

Experts have told us for decades now that nurturing a child’s emotional intelligence requires patience, understanding and a parent’s unwavering commitment and attention. Some have even recommended specific and complex parenting techniques that are guaranteed to raise well-behaved children with hearts of gold.

But many may neglect or miss out on the role food and nutrition plays in your child’s emotional development. So, if all your effort has proven futile, it’s time to actually look at the bigger picture.

Nourish our children’s IQ development with Expert Recommended DHA^ level that can help support your child’s brain development as well.

Nourish Your Child’s IQ and EQ with Enfagrow A+ MindPro

EnfaGrow A+ MindPro is the first and only brand+ that contains nutrients to support both IQ and EQ development*. It is definitely the nutritional supplement every child needs.

Enfagrow A+ MindPro is formulated with nourishing, breakthrough ingredients backed by science to help support children’s mental and emotional development.

It is the ONLY BRAND+ that contains expert recommended daily DHA^ intake to support to boost your child’s IQ. Along with a clinical level of MFGM (500mg of dairy-derived phosolipids from 3 servings) to enhance their EQ as well. Ensuring well-rounded development of both mind and heart.

It comes in a variety of volumes, two flavours (original and vanilla) and is perfect for children from 1 year old onwards and up to 6 years old and above.

So, swap out your child’s current growing up milk for EnfaGrow A+ MindPro today, mums; it may just be the secret ingredient missing in your child’s nutrition!

In addition to parental stimulation, with these ingredients to fortify their mind and heart, your child will not only grow up to be intelligent and wise and but also confident, calm, and compassionate. All the qualities that will set them up for a successful, happy life full of endless possibilities.

Find out more on Enfagrow A+ Facebook or Instagram page or Official Website.

*Coupled with proper nutrition and parental stimulation. Nutrition supports growth and brain development, which is the foundation of mental (IQ) and emotional (EQ) development. Enfagrow A+ MindPro provides key nutrients: Protein, Calcium, Folic acid, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Zinc, Beta Glucan from Yeast, DHA and MFGM. MFGM Pro is a whey protein concentrate which contains Milk Fat Globule Membrane. MFGM is a natural source of phospholipids and sphingomyelin which are found abundantly in the brain. MFGM also contains source of proteins to support growth and development. Clinical research shows that regular consumption of formula enriched with MFGM by preschool children is associated with emotional and behavioral regulation in children (Veereman-Wauters et al. Nutrition; 2012 Jul; 28(7-8):749-752). Research also shows improved DHA status support learning and behavioural outcomes (Kuratko CN, et al. Nutrients. 2013;5(7):2777-2810).​

^FAO/WHO recommends daily dietary DHA intake of 10-12mg/kg body weight for children 12-24 months or 100-150mg DHA+EPA for children 2-4 years old. Enfagrow A+ MindPro Step 3 provides 120mg of DHA with 3 servings/day. Reference: FAO 2010. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no.91. FAO: Rome

+Compared with all key growing-up milk brands in Malaysia as of September 2022.​

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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