Mother, Baby & Kids

First Year Baby: Seven-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

A seven-month-old baby is sitting on a play mat happily.

Image credit: Canva

As we march into the seven-month-old developmental milestones, we hope that you have baby-proofed your house.

Here’s why.

Your seven-month-old baby is finally prepping himself for crawling! Thus, it is necessary to ensure that any potential danger is out of your baby’s reach.

Thus, your life might start to be a lot busier again. Here’s what you can expect from your seven-month-old.

Seven-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

7-Month-Old Sleep

For a seven-month-old baby, he should sleep around 14 to 15 hours per day. He would sleep around 3 to 4 hours with two naps in between during the day time.

Whereas for night time, he would sleep around 10 to 11 hours. He might sleep through the night or he might wake up too in the wee hours.

To reduce your baby from waking up too often in the midnight, try to sleep train your baby so that he could go back to sleep on his own.


Image credit: Motherhood Story

7-Month-Old Feeding

While you might have tried solid food with your baby, you should still prioritise breast milk or formula. Milk is still his main source of nutrition. So, here’s how much a seven-month-old baby should eat.

  • If you are feeding your baby with formula, he should have six to eight ounces for four to six times a day.
  • If you are breastfeeding your baby, he should be breastfed for every three to four hours.
  • If you are trying to feed your baby with solid food, you can start with four to six ounces for three times a day.

If you wonder what other food options you can have for your baby’s solid food, here’s some good news for you. You can try out any solid food as long as it is pureed enough for your baby.

However, there are some food options that you need to avoid for baby food to prevent potential allergic reactions. These include:

Image credit: Motherhood Story

Key Milestones In Growth

In his seventh month, your baby is still growing to develop physically besides having better senses and skills. Here’s the average weight and height that you can expect from your seven-month-old baby.

Weight: Around 7.62 kg for a 7-month-old baby girl and 8.3 kg for a 7-month-old baby boy
Length: Around 67.31 cm for a 7-month-old baby girl and 69 cm for a 7-month-old baby boy

As covered in the six-month-old developmental milestones, your seven-month-old baby might start teething, too. You would be able to see two bottom middle teeth pop up first.

If you are still breastfeeding your teething baby, you might notice that he is fussier and more irritable or he might be less interested in feeding.

Besides that, you may also find your baby drooling more and the drool might irritate your skin, too. Sometimes, he might accidentally bite your nipple.

With this, here are some suggestions on how you can help your teething baby:

Image credit: Motherhood Story

Key Milestones In Skill Development and Senses

Key Milestones in Movement

  • can sit up without any help
  • can roll from front to back and back to front
  • can pick things up with his whole hands
  • bounces when in a standing position
  • might begin to crawl

Your baby’s ability to coordinate his movements enables him to reach for and pick up more toys. In other words, he is more independent during his play time, too.

Not to miss that your seven-month-old baby might also start to crawl. While your baby might start off with belly crawl or crawl on all four, you should encourage your baby to crawl.

Practice these five tips to help your baby crawl in no time:

Image credit: Motherhood Story

Other than this, your baby is able to hold himself up on his legs with some support. Continue to support him and you will see your baby start walking smoother in the near future.

Key Milestones in Five Senses

  • babbles and imitates sounds
  • makes sounds to respond to talking
  • begins to respond to ‘no’
  • uses voice to express joy and displeasure
  • develops full colour vision
  • enjoys social play

In his seventh month, your baby can entertain you with his wide variety of expressions. Ranging from a big grin to a sad frown, he is now getting better in communicating with you.

On top of this, he would be able to differentiate and understand how you feel through the tones you use and your facial expressions.

Activity Time With Your Seven-Month-Old Baby

Similarly in the previous months, you should talk, sing and read more to your baby. You should also listen and respond to his babbles.

While taking him on walks to help him learn about his surroundings, you can equally try out these activity ideas with your seven-month-old.

Image credit: Motherhood Story

Watch Your Baby Rising as a Crawler in His Seven-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

Your daily life with your seven-month-old baby is going to be full of surprises and challenges along with big accomplishments and small wins.

Just be more flexible so that your baby would enjoy more opportunities to develop his mobility, creativity, and curiosity in a safe way.

More importantly, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Whenever you think you need some rest, get some help from the others to look after your baby to have some me-time.

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