Mother, Baby & Kids

Fun Family Activities to Do This World Health Day

World Health Day is an important annual event that brings attention to global health issues and the importance of public health.

As parents, it’s crucial to teach our children about the significance of taking care of their health, and what better way to do so than by celebrating World Health Day with them?

Here are some engaging activities that you can do with your kids on World Health Day 2023 to promote physical activity, healthy eating, mental wellness, and quality time with family.

Let’s make this World Health Day a memorable one for our kids!

Healthy, Fun-Family Activities to Do This World Health Day

Get Moving

One of the things that can improve your quality of life and reduce visits to the doctor is exercise.

Physical activity is essential for maintaining good health, and going for a walk or a run is a great way to get your heart rate up and get some fresh air.

You can take your kids to a nearby park or nature trail and make it a fun activity by pointing out different plants and animals along the way.

Kids love games so a game of tag is always a fun change from just jogging or running.

Prepare a Healthy Meal Together

Food is medicine and there have been plenty of evidence where people have successfully aided their healing and recovery just by changing what they eat.

A healthy diet is crucial for maintaining good health, and involving your kids in meal preparation can make it more fun and exciting for them.

You can pick a recipe that includes lots of vegetables and whole grains, and let your kids help with tasks like chopping vegetables and measuring ingredients.

Not only will this teach them important kitchen skills but also help them recognise important healthy ingredients to include in their menu when they eventually become adults.

Practice Mindfulness

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and practicing mindfulness is a great way to improve your overall wellbeing.

You can lead your kids through a guided meditation or yoga session, or you can simply encourage them to take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment.

A calm room or quiet corner is so important for these kinds of activities.

Some parents wait for things to get chaotic and stressful before teaching their kids coping methods.

But cultivating a calm mindset during tranquil moments are just as important if not more when teaching kids how to self-soothe.

Invent Healthy Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to pack in lots of nutrients and vitamins, and they can be a fun and tasty treat for kids.

You can let your kids choose their favourite fruits and vegetables and help with blending them together.

While you’re at it, you can look up and learn along with your kids the health benefits of each ingredient.

Including the vitamins and minerals they have and what benefits they have for the body and mind.

Some good smoothie ingredients include bananas, frozen berries, nut milks, yogurt, spirulina, dragon fruit, flax seeds, papaya and mango.

Have a Family Game Night

Spending quality time with your family is essential for maintaining good mental health, and a family game night is a great way to do that.

You can choose games that encourage physical activity, like charades or Twister, or games that focus on mental wellness, like puzzles or trivia.

A good idea for trivia is to find any simple online quizzes about health-related issues.

These can be types of healthy habits, how to avoid getting sick or healthy vs unhealthy food. Edutainment is all the rage these days and this can be a good opportunity for your kids to learn some valuable health tips.

Go On a Nature Scavenger Hunt

Spending time in nature has been shown to improve mental health, and a scavenger hunt is a great way to make it more engaging for kids.

You can create a list of items to find, like different types of leaves or rocks, and have your kids search for them while enjoying the outdoors.

Moreover, there’s some scientific evidence to show that outdoor play can help boost your child’s immunity.

Letting them roll around in the grass and dirt exposes them to natural friendly microbes that can support their gut health.

Celebrate World Health Day with Your Kids

Celebrating World Health Day 2023 with your kids is an excellent opportunity to teach them about the importance of maintaining good health and instil healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

By participating in the activities outlined in this article, you can make this year’s World Health Day a fun and engaging experience for your family.

Remember, small changes in lifestyle can make a significant impact on overall health, so let’s use this day to encourage healthy habits that will benefit our kids for years to come.

Let’s celebrate this World Health Day with our kids and inspire them to take charge of their health and wellbeing, parents!

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