Mother, Baby & Kids

Discover 25 Fun Indoor Games for Kids: Keep Them Entertained & Engaged

Looking for ways to keep your children entertained at home with indoor games?

Fear not; we present 25 fabulous indoor games for kids that guarantee fun and learning.

Consequently, transitioning from one activity to another will keep them engaged for hours.

1. Masking Tape Maze


Firstly, a masking tape maze is a simple yet fun game that only requires masking tape.

To play, you arrange the tape on the floor in the form of a maze and have your kids find their way through it by walking, hopping, or crawling along the taped lines.

This improves their motor skills and balance.

Parents can encourage their children to play this by introducing it as an exciting puzzle to solve.

Also, it can further involve them by allowing them to design their own mazes.

2. Soft Ball Toss

Secondly, this game involves arranging several buckets or containers as targets and having your child toss a softball into them.

The soft ball toss promotes hand-eye coordination and can instigate a sense of healthy competition among your kids.

Parents can introduce the game in a fun, competitive manner, with treats for every successful toss.

3. Classic Board Game Marathon

Indeed, board games can foster family bonding, strategic thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Parents can introduce a variety of board games to their children and spend quality family time playing them.

Rotate through different games to keep the interest high and to expose your children to different types of thinking and skill development.

4. Video Game Tournament

This involves organizing a video game competition among family members.

It can develop hand-eye coordination and social skills among the participating kids.

Also, parents can ensure that the games selected are age-appropriate and can join in, making it a family event that also promotes bonding.

In addition, this activity enhances hand-eye coordination and social skills.

5. Energetic Card Game Session

Next, card games, when adapted to the age group, can help in sharpening memory, concentration, and mathematical skills.

Parents can take the lead in teaching different card games to their children and stimulate intellectual growth whilst making the learning process fun.

6. Household Game: Sock Skating

This unique and fun game involves letting your kids wear socks and skate on tile or wooden floors.

It is a fun way to encourage physical activity and improve balance within a safe household setting.

You can ensure the area’s safety by removing any sharp or dangerous items and then join the kids to encourage participation.

7. Hide and Seek: The Classic Favourite

This game involves one person hiding while the others seek them out.

Playing this game helps develop problem-solving skills while making your children more aware of their surroundings.

To start, you can introduce the game by explaining the rules and participating in the early rounds to guide play.

8. Scavenger Hunt Adventure

This game involves hiding items around the house and providing clues for their children to find them.

Furthermore, a scavenger hunt enhances critical thinking and observation skills.

Parents can make the game more intriguing by providing creative clues that challenge their children.

9. Popsicle Stick Puzzle Challenge

To play this game, parents can create puzzles by drawing pictures on popsicle sticks and then shuffling them.

Solving this puzzle challenge can develop problem-solving and concentration skills among kids.

Parents can prepare different levels of puzzles for their kids to keep the game challenging and engaging.

10. Paper Plane Race

Besides that, parents can guide their children on how to make various types of paper planes.

They can then conduct races to see whose plane can fly the farthest.

This game helps teach aerodynamics and fine motor skills.

Parents can make this activity exciting by participating in building and racing the planes.

11. Kids’ Yoga Session

Next, initiate a yoga session by explaining and demonstrating simple poses.

Kids’ yoga promotes flexibility, strength, and mindfulness, along with teaching discipline and patience.

Introduce yoga as a calming, relaxing, yet enjoyable exercise to the children.

To extend its appeal, integrate storytelling, where kids can practice poses that reflect different elements of the tale.

12. Balloon Volleyball Match

Following this, the next one is to use a lightweight, inflated balloon to set up an impromptu volleyball match inside the home.

This game isn’t just entertaining; it also enhances coordination, reflexes, and the ability to work together.

As a parent, introduce the rules, set up teams, and engage with the kids, immersing them in the game and developing a spirit of friendly competition.

13. Upgrade Hide and Seek: Sardines

A fun twist to traditional hide and seek, in Sardines, only one person hides and everyone else searches.

When a seeker finds the hider, they also hide with them until a cramped group is formed.

Therefore, this game enhances children’s problem-solving skills, encouraging them to think tactically while having fun.

Parents can show them how to play by leading the first round.

14. Dance Party Extravaganza

An indoor dance party is a brilliant way for children to exert some energy.

Dancing to their favourite tunes will not only keep them active but also develop their rhythmic skills and lift their spirits.

Introduce this as a joyful, recreational activity that everyone in the family can actively participate in, making it a great bonding experience.

15. Indoor Bowling Alley

Using makeshift pins and a soft ball, an indoor bowling alley provides a fun opportunity to practice coordination and focus skills.

Aside from being an enjoyable activity, it can also help improve children’s strategic thinking as they aim for a strike.

You can enhance the experience by setting up different challenges or levels of difficulty (and it’s really easy to create one at home!).

16. DIY Race Track

Besides that, parents can work with their children to construct a race track from readily available household items.

Racing their favourite toy cars on it adds more fun and encourages cognitive development through imaginative play.

You can turn this activity into an exciting and educational game by participating in the track’s construction and initiating playful races.

17. Musical Chairs with a Twist

Do you want something different? You got it!

This version of musical chairs includes a mini-task that kids must perform before rushing back to claim a chair.

This twist not only instils listening skills but also improves children’s reaction time and decision-making skills.

Parents can introduce this game during family events to make it more enticing and entertaining.

18. Creative Art Session

Hosting a family art session using various art supplies encourages children to express their creativity and helps develop their artistic talents.

This unstructured playtime also fosters their imagination.

Parents can further stimulate their children’s creativity by joining in on the session, thereby promoting the importance of self-expression.

19. Origami Crafting

Origami, the art of paper folding, is an excellent indoor activity.

Creating origami figures enhances fine motor skills and concentration while encouraging creativity.

Also, you can introduce it by guiding the children through the steps of crafting simple designs before gradually advancing to more complex models.

20. Family Charades Night

This game centred around guessing words or phrases acted out by family members, promotes nonverbal communication and teamwork.

Parents can facilitate the guessing process and ensure the chosen topics are age-appropriate and engaging for all family members, fostering a whole family involvement.

21. Sudoku for Kids

Sudoku puzzles offer an entertaining yet educational game that combines mathematical and logical thinking.

Also, its escalating difficulty levels help improve the problem-solving skills of older kids.

Besides, parents can introduce easy sudoku grids, explain the rules, and progressively challenge their children with more complex puzzles.

22. Home-made Playdough Activity

Further, parents and children can jointly prepare non-toxic playdough and create various figures from it.

This crafts activity enhances tactile perception, creativity, and fine motor skills.

It also provides an excellent opportunity for parents and children to work together on crafting interesting shapes and figures, adding a blend of learning and fun.

23. Storytelling Hour

My kids love storytelling, and I bet yours too!

Storytelling, whether reading from a book or reciting from the imagination, benefits language development, listening skills, and creativity among children.

This shared activity is also a wonderful way to nurture parent-child bonding.

By weaving engaging narratives or choosing riveting tales to read aloud, parents can motivate their children to cultivate a love for stories.

24. Memory Game with Household Objects

Set up a fun memory game using everyday household items.

This game not only enhances kids’ memory and observational skills but also familiarizes them with their surroundings.

Besides that, you can make the game more engaging by using colourful and interesting items for display, and changing the objects regularly to keep the game novel and challenging.

25. Indoor Treasure Hunt

Last but not least, an indoor treasure hunt adventure can be a source of hours of fun.

Children can explore their own surroundings in a new way, employing reasoning and problem-solving skills to decipher clues.

Parents can customize the game, create a compelling story around the treasure, and provide appropriately challenging riddles to make the hunt fascinating and educational.


Bring excitement and learning to indoor games and family time, instilling skills development and imagination through fun games perfect for Malaysian parents and children.

Therefore, let these indoor games and activities create unforgettable memories!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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