Mother, Baby & Kids

Indoor Plants: How It Impacts Your Family’s Well-being

Recently, having indoor plants at home is a “hot” trend among housewives. Since MCO started last March, indoor plants have received huge popularity.

Well, these plants deserved the fame as they actually can bring good impacts to the whole family’s well-being. 

There are many kinds of plants that can be grown indoors at home. For example, plants that can survive indoors include monstera, fiddle leaf fig, money plant, calathea and mother in-law’s tongue.

Normally they do not need as much sunlight and do not require frequent watering as the outdoor plants. Hence, making them easier to take care of even if you are not much of a green thumb. 


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Not Just a Mere Decoration

Staying at home and with the current modern lifestyle can lead to stress and depression that can impact our psychological behaviour and health.

This situation not only affects adults but children too. For example, frequent stress can affect the immune system, thus lead to illnesses such as headaches and high blood pressure. 

Indoor plants not only will add colour to your home but surprisingly having indoor plants can potentially bring benefits to mental health and overall well-being to the whole family members. Various studies have verified their health benefits including:

Some of the indoor plants that I have in my house.

Health Benefits of Having Indoor Plants

1. Plants reduce stress and anxiety

Studies suggest that being around plants help to reduce anxiety and stress. For example, a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology suggests that constant interaction with plants and soil can help reduce the stress level by releasing hormone serotonin.   

2. Improves the mood

Being around plants is proven can help to alleviate the mood. Humans naturally connected to nature. By being close to nature will help to soothe the feeling and bring more positivity.

Taking care of plants can promote calmness and relaxation that are surely useful in a home. 

3. The natural air purifier

Are you aware that indoor plants can act as a natural air purifier? Air pollution does not necessarily happen outside your doorstep, but the air you breathe at home can be more polluted too.

Some of the common pollutants are asbestos, moulds, benzene and carbon monoxide. Adding indoor plants can help to purify the air by filtering the fumes and absorbing it via the roots and leaves.

A healthier air may save your family from common headaches, dry eyes, and asthma.

4. Help to improve the children’s learning skill

Being around plants and gardening help to promote the learning and attention skills in children. For example, a study conducted in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) children found that their attention span was significantly improved when put in the green settings.

Not only that, studies also proved that gardening can help with cognition. This means it could also be helpful in children’s IQ and memory functions. 

5. Great family activity!

In addition, instead of binge-watching on Netflix or stuck with a smartphone, taking care of plants can be a great family activity.

Parents can teach their children how to do gardening and instil a loving value to nature and in return, the family will become closer to each other. 

Positive environment, Better individuals

Imagine a family with positive ambience would definitely create positive behaviour. I believe if not much, it at least can help to reduce the problems among our society such as domestic violence and suicidal.

I mean if you are not yet in the trend, you may want to think twice. 

Plants can be a good therapy for mental health which is perfect for our modern lifestyles where everyone is stressed.

A healthy mind can lead to a healthy body. Should we say a house with plants is a happy home, while a happy home makes a better generation. 

Use this opportunity to stay at home, decorate your house with the indoor plants, and stay tuned with more parenting and family tips at Motherhood Story.