Are you a breastfeeding mother?
If that is a big ‘Yes’, this might be what your checklist looks like now:
- Breast pumps
- Nursing pads
- Storage bags
- Nursing pillows
- Nipple cream
- …and possibly more…
These are just the physical needs of a breastfeeding mother; those who need more supply consume lactation cookies to help with milk production.
But have you thought about the nutrition content of breast milk?
The level of nutrition in the breast milk depends on your diet. Specific fatty acids (building blocks of fat present in our bodies) will boost its nutrition. Thus, a diet consisting of healthy oils from fish, groundnuts, and cow’s milk is key.
But the most talked-about fatty acids are omega-3 fatty acids.
Understanding Marine Omega 3 Phospholipids
Let’s do a quick quiz.
What comes to your mind when one mentions omega-3?
Maybe fish oil, golden-coloured supplements, or simply good fat?
Omega-3 is a family of essential fatty acids that our bodies cannot make and only can be derived from our diet. It consists of three main types of fatty acids—alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends pregnant and nursing women to consume 300 mg or more of DHA per day, either through natural means or supplements.
The best type of Omega-3 available via supplements is the Marine Omega-3 Phospholipids, which is better known for its acronym: MOPL.
What is it?
M for marine means that omega-3 and phospholipids are sourced from aquatic animals, and MOPL is sourced specifically from herring caviar.
O for omega-3, which has been explained above.
PL for phospholipids, a bio-structure that has two ends. One is fat-soluble, and the other end is water-soluble; making it soluble in both states. It is also similar to the phospholipids that actually make up of our cell membranes! These features make it very resistant towards oxidation (and therefore will not lose its ‘efficacy’ easily) and highly absorbable by the cells in our body!
So, my dear mamas, the ordinary omega-3 is not going to cut it for you. If you want an omega-3 that can do its job, choose MOPL.
“Um, why do I need omega-3?”
“What does it do?”
Now that we have gone through the technicalities, let’s look at whom it is beneficial for.
For Pregnant Women
If you are expecting, consuming phospholipids omega-3 should also be a part of your journey. It is highly recommended as it is good for the growing foetus and the expectant mothers.
Studies using phospholipids omega-3 have shown that pregnant mothers who consume phospholipids omega-3 birth children with better social skills, better eyesight, higher intelligence, and fewer behavioural problems.
Because omega-3 makes up the building blocks of the brain and retina, and phospholipids boost the absorption!
Initial studies have also proved that omega-3 helps prevent perinatal depression.
For Nursing Mothers
Do not stop your omega-3 intake even after giving birth because your baby’s brains, vision, and nervous system continue developing even after you pop.
A study by Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, discovered that children whose mothers took omega-3 while breastfeeding performed better on sustained attention tasks at five years old compared to children of mothers who did not.
They also found that children whose mothers took omega-3 while breastfeeding performed better on psychomotor tests at four months old compared to children of mothers who did not.
When you eat foods high in omega-3, it will naturally be found in breast milk. If you find it difficult to have a diet that provides your body with enough omega-3, or you aren’t sure if your body able to absorb omega-3 well, do supplement it with MOPL supplements.
For Growing Children
If you are interested in reading scholarly articles, there are many on the Internet that talk about how omega-3 can help reduce asthma and other allergies, improve ADHD symptoms, improve literacy, and boost general health.
In short, omega-3 is a super nutrient. Not just for adults, but for children, too. However, parents rarely extend the invitation to consume supplements to children other than vitamin C.
Maybe because it has always been promoted as an ‘adult thing’. But now that you have been enlightened, we suggest MOPL for your child as it offers the same omega-3 ratio as mother’s milk with a DHA-to-EPA ratio of 3:1.
Is Food Sufficient?
We are glad you asked!
Fish oils are the best source of DHA and EPA, whereas flaxseed and chia seed-based products provide mostly ALA forms of omega-3s—not the EPA and DHA you and your child need. ALA is poorly absorbed and the conversion of ALA to DHA and EPA in your body is very low. Unless you are actively tracking the nutrients of the food you and your child consume, consistency is pretty tedious to achieve.
A high-quality supplement can help to ensure you and your child get the daily needed omega-3 without worry. When selecting your supplement, choose carefully. EPA and DHA make up only a part of the total product like fish oil, so be sure to read the Supplement Facts label closely.
Besides focusing on the label, make sure to learn the source of the phospholipid’s omega-3 and make sure the fish oil you take comes with toxin-free guarantee!
But now with PRISTIN® MOPL™, it also can be taken together with regular fish oil or just taking it on its own help increase your omega-3 absorption, with toxin-free guarantee and omega-3 phospholipids source only from country of Norway, therefore with a lower serving amount daily yet has a higher absorption. Much more cost-effective and safer to be consumed by you and your children!
Now that you understand what MOPL is (if not, please scroll up a little and check out the acronym breakdown), we believe you should totally check out PRISTIN® MOPL™!
It is a fish oil supplement that is rich in phospholipids form of omega-3 fatty acids; particularly DHA-rich phospholipids. PRISTIN® MOPL™ also comes with natural source of choline, which is known to be very beneficial for neurodevelopment. It provides more than two times better DHA and EPA absorption for a boost for your baby’s cognitive growth and development.
Instead of existing as a singular omega-3 molecule, it is attached to phospholipids; the very building block that makes up our cell membrane.
When omega-3 phospholipids meet your cell membrane, it is like the meeting of old friends due to their similarities in structure.
They click!
This enables higher absorption of omega-3 by our cells—up to SIX TIMES! Instead of purchasing ordinary omega-3 that is not being taken up by your cells, get yourself one that your body will use and not flush out quickly.
PRISTIN® MOPL™ is a third-generation omega-3 that also contains easily digestible choline, beneficial for brain development, and brain transmission.
It is the preferred brand of health supplement for pregnant and nursing mothers as a source of omega-3 fish oil to help ensure their babies have good cognitive growth and development.
Find out more today at and get updates on their Facebook and Instagram pages. Do not forget to check out their official website, too. By the way, PRISTIN® MOPL™ is available at all independent pharmacies. You may also purchase it online via Alterni and Caring e-store!
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