Mother, Baby & Kids

Life-Changing Habit To A Clean Home (That You Should Try Now!)


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Be it first-time nesters or seasoned home keepers, no matter who you ask, you will rarely find someone who takes pleasure in cleaning the home.

You must admit, after all, that it can get stressful or pretty boring. It is something you have to do (at least once or twice a week) regardless of your reasons for postponing the job.

Sometimes, we all get tired and lazy to do our chores and routine. Well, it is okay to take a break from cleaning your home once in a while, but having a routine and habit will change your life tremendously!

A habit is an act of self-discipline and by doing these habits consistently will change your cleaning game. It is time to step up, Mummies! 

5 Habits That Can Help Transform Your Home!

  • Make Your Bed


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Back to basic. The first thing you need to do is make your bed once you wake up. What else can you do that will totally transform your entire room in just a minute or two?

It doesn’t really matter how messy the rest of the room appears to be; your bedroom looks clean when the bed is made. Simplify the task by selecting easy-to-straighten fuss-free bedding and removing decorative pillows or throws.

  • Clear Your Table

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Not only does a messy, cluttered table add disorder and chaos to an entire room; it interferes with mealtimes and prevents families from sitting down and eating together.

Make your table a clutter-free zone, and spend a few minutes keeping it clean and clear every day, if possible. You can have more space and a clear mind!

  • Don’t Delay Your Laundry

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For even the most disciplined of homemakers, the never-ending pile of laundry may be a challenge. However, it can help to tame the beast and keep the laundry clutter under control by making it a daily routine to tackle only one load.

Start your load full day at the same time, and you won’t even have to worry about it before you know it!

  • Empty Your Sink

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A shiny, sparkling sink can be a huge difference between a cluttered and messy kitchen, in the same way that a neatly made bed can transform the bedroom.

Make it a habit of keeping your sink clear by putting dishes straight into the dishwasher or washing your hands as you go.

You should never leave your dishes piling up because you will end up procrastinating until a foul-smelling scent appears! 

  • Set a Cleaning Schedule

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Even if it is a flexible one, take advantage of making a cleaning calendar or at least plans for when you expect to take on those activities during the week or days.

This is the perfect time to create a cleaning schedule for yourself. This way, by making things scheduled, you will know when to get productive. So, you have a schedule to stick to a clean home!

Last Note On Stepping Up Your Habit!

Cleaning the house can be a tiring job but these habits will transform your home to a whole new level. It is better to have a lot of helping hands in the process.

Mummies, you can distribute the task among your family members to get things done and trust me, cleaning together can unite the bond and the strength of a family.