Mother, Baby & Kids

4 Mathematics Enrichment Programmes For Your Children’s Logical Brain Development

Have you ever considered about alternatives for your children’s after school classes? If so, we must first think about the reasons why we send our children to attend these after school classes.

This is necessary to ensure that we do not blindly follow any other parents’ recommendations. Every child possesses different potential and capabilities.

So, we need to observe our children’s preferences in their daily lives and discuss with them beforehand about any after school classes.

In today’s article, we are going to explore about 4 mathematics enrichment programmes that are available in Malaysia. These enrichment programmes will give your children the opportunity to explore the mathematical world outside of the classroom setting.


Not only that, but your children will also be able to develop an interest in mathematics and problem-solving.

If you are uncertain whether your children have the dominant potential in mathematical skills, read on and identify whether your children portray these characteristics.

About Your Children’s Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

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According to Howard Gardner, the well-known psychologist, we have a dominant way of using our intelligence. We might also have dominance in more than one areas of intelligence.

Children with strong logical-mathematical intelligence have the great ability to recognize patterns, and logically analyze their problems.

They are very comfortable seeing the connection between different numbers and solving mathematical operations.

Having excellent problem-solving skills, children with logical-mathematical intelligence will enjoy thinking about abstract ideas and solving complicated computations.

If you see your children showing these traits, it is your responsibility to expand their potential by attending the appropriate enrichment programmes.

With your consistent support, your children are capable of being the next Issac Newton or Albert Einstein.

Don’t miss out these interesting printables to develop your children’s multiple intelligences at the comfort of your home.

4 Mathematics Enrichment Programmes Available in Malaysia

# 1 : The Kumon Programme

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The Kumon programme is a product out of the parents’ love towards their children. Toru Kumon and Teiko Kumon found out that their son did not perform well in his mathematics test. Thus, they were determined to assist their children to excel in the subject.

For the Kumon Math Programme, it consists of 20 levels and 5 elective courses. Your children will acquire strong calculation skills for other mathematical concepts through this programme.

They will first start with simple counting, number sequencing and basic mathematical operations. Eventually, your children will master the concepts of advanced differentiation and integration and differential equations.

How is this possible? Here’s the wonder of the Kumon Math worksheets. Along with their philosophy of achieving the best with minimal effort, your children will explore and complete daily Kumon Math worksheets for only 30 minutes per day.

Your children will attend 2 sessions per week at the Kumon Center while completing another five Math assignments at home.

By progressing daily in small steps, your children will not feel extremely stressed about their learning. They will be more confident to advance from easy to difficult problems at their own pace.

In the long run, they will develop critical skills of self-learning besides gaining speed and accuracy in solving mathematical problems.

One Interesting Fact Of Kumon As A Mathematics Enrichment Programme

This is what I love particularly about the programme. Upon any mistakes made by your children, they will still get 100 marks for every worksheet completed.

By having your children to correct their mistakes and getting full marks after completing the worksheet, your children will certainly feel appreciated for their effort.

They would also understand that making and correcting mistakes will move a step closer to their success.

Your children can enrol into the Kumon Math programme as young as 4 years old. RM30 will be collected upon registration.

The monthly fee for children aged 4 to 12 years old is RM 160 and the monthly fee for children aged 13-17 years old is RM 170.

# 2: Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Programme

Photo credit to Pixabay

We can never escape from calculation in our daily lives and yet we are still struggling to calculate quickly. So, how can we help our children then?

The abacus and mental arithmetic programme is a training for quick calculation of plus, minus, multiplication and division by using an abacus and eventually mental arithmetic.

When your children start joining the programme, they will first learn to operate the abacus. As their fingers are operating the abacus, their brains are equally developing too. This is because when our hands and brains work at the same time, our brain functions improve dramatically.

When your children are familiar with the abacus, they will then proceed to the learning of mental arithmetic where they are able to calculate in their mind without any pencil or paper or any calculator.

While having both their brains and hands working, they also use their eyes during the process of answering the questions. In the long run, this will improve their observation, attentiveness, memory and analysing skills.

As the process of answering the questions requires quick and accurate calculation, your children will foster some other non-intellectual skills such as time-controlling and persistence.

Here’s my personal encounter with this programme. When I was in my primary school years, I had the opportunity to enrol in the abacus and mental arithmetic programme.

I really mastered the ability of quick calculation and till now, I am still capable of performing a moderate level of mental calculation in my daily lives.

So, consider enrolling your children in this programme if you need a human calculator. Your children can start as young as 4 to 12 years old.

# 3: Vedic Math Programme

Photo credit to Unsplash

Both you and your children will be mind-blown by how easy mathematics can be with Vedic Math.

With this simple Vedic Math demonstration shown in the TEDed website, Vedic Math allows your children to carry out multiplication of any number by 11 and squaring of any numbers up to three-digit figure effortlessly.

Simply mastering the practice of one-line calculations, your children can handle calculations of any big figures within seconds.

The Vedic Math comes with 16 sutras or word formulas for calculation. One example would be the “vertically and crosswise” method where you can multiply any number by any number in a single line.

With this, your children will be fearless and confident to answer any mathematical calculations besides improving their speed and numerical skills.

It also allows children to explore different method to solve any mathematical problems without any limitation to the one ‘correct’ method.

Say goodbye to tedious calculations and rough work when your children start their journey with the Vedic Math programme.

#4: International Malaysia Mathematical Olympiad Programme

Photo credit to Permato Facebook Page

If your children are interested in solving mathematical questions as above, you can consider the Mathematical Olympiad Programme to develop your children’s logical-mathematical intelligence.

Besides calculating, this programme offers intriguing puzzles and challenging math questions.  Your children will learn to explore deep conceptual understanding and logical thinking skills beyond their usual learning.

Your children will also be able to expand their potential and higher-level logical and analytical skills to solve the challenging Math Olympiad problems.

Besides receiving training outside of the school setting, some schools consist of the Mathematical Olympiad Club to discover the pupils’ talents in mathematics.

Get your children to join the club and see whether they enjoy solving these mind-squeezing math questions.

Start With Any Mathematics Enrichment Programmes Now

By enrolling your children into any mathematics enrichment programmes, it is essential to have the right mindset.

Always keep in mind the reason you send your children to the programme and get your children to progress at their own pace.

Support them with constructive encouragement and you will see your children thriving and enjoying themselves in the world of numbers.