Mother, Baby & Kids

Mess-Free Meal Times with Your Little One Is Possible, Here’s the Secret


Your child is already outgrowing their bottle, and now they’re ready to join the adults at the dinner table and eat proper solid food. But as many new parents find out, this isn’t exactly a smooth transition. Instead, one may even call it akin to a warzone of spilled drinks, food stains and endless clean-up.

But fret not, parents! Mess-free mealtimes are indeed possible. Here’s the secret:

Prepare for the Worst

If you know your child is a messy eater, it’s best to suit up before the chaos ensues. This means putting down protective floor coverings, investing in unmovable silicon suction bowls, and protecting the baby with a bib.

You might want to get a washable tray that you can easily remove from their feeding chair too. And some wet wipes are also a good idea.

Now, this won’t exactly translate to an entirely mess-free meal time, but it does make clean up much less of a hassle afterwards. When it comes to mess-free mealtimes, plastic is your best friend.

Bite-Sized Pieces

This goes without saying but avoid putting an entire plate of food in front of them and opt for small fruit or vegetables pieces.

This means nothing with sauces, purees or soups, or anything liquid that can leave a huge stain on the floor or on your clothes. Not unless you know they are able to adequately feed themselves without messing up the entire house.

Many parents tend to make the mistake of feeding their kids grown-up food which may not be kid-friendly, at least not when it comes to clean-up. That said, only top-up their plate when they ask you for more food. Otherwise, you will have a lot of wastage on your hands.

Dry, bite-sized food is also a good opportunity to train your toddler how to use utensils properly (without making too much of a mess).

Change Your Mindset

We’re accustomed to the idea that you need three meals a day, 7 times a week. But just like with sleep (particularly, baby sleep), your child’s eating schedule is not going to align perfectly with yours.

Yes, experts have drummed into our brains the importance of family meals, but force-feeding your child isn’t exactly five-star parenting either. There will be days when your child will scoff an entire plate of food and then not eat an entire day. Trust that your child will know when they’re hungry and when to ask for food when they are.

Until they acclimate to adult mealtimes, let them decide when they want to eat sometimes, even if it’s not with the entire family. Meal time tantrums happens when your child isn’t in the mood to eat but your force them to, which leads to aggressive mess-making that no one wants.

When your child really wants to eat, they will not leave a single crumb untouched.

Distract Them

There will be times when your toddler will think they are ready to feed themselves even when they’re not. This usually means them trying to grab the spoon from your hands while you’re feeding them.

In these cases, give them their own spoon to play with. Of course, this does not mean doing so completely prevents them from using it to scoop up their own helping, so be sure to keep their bowl or plate at arm’s length.

Pull the Plug

Let’s face it, if your child is not in the mood for more food, it’s not going to happen. So as soon as they’re throwing tantrums at the dinner table, pull the plug on their mealtime. Your child just isn’t that interested at the moment.

If they still bother you for food afterwards, then maybe it is not the eating that’s the problem, but the place. Most children don’t like to eat on the high feeding chairs. So perhaps you can minimise tantrums (and mess) by having a change of scenery.

Curb the Chaos

Mess-free mealtimes can seem like a farfetched fantasy for some. Many veteran parents will simply tell new ones that it’s a rite of passage or trial by fire. But if you take these tips in stride, you may just be able to avoid many of the pitfalls that may come with letting your kids eat solid food for the first time.

Taking it slow and at your child’s pace is the key factor to ensuring your success. Remember, breaking norms is part of what makes modern parenting so effective. Even if it’s just getting your child to eat without leaving a giant pile of mess in their wake. You’ve got this, parents!

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