Mother, Baby & Kids

Growing Apart From Your Partner? Try These 5 Methods To Maintain A Healthy Long Distance Relationship

long distance relationship

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With the CMCO and MCO on and off again, do you have problems keeping the spark between you and your partner alive?

Couples often feel uneasy being apart from each other for long periods of time. Apart from missing each other, negative thoughts and possibilities might cloud their mind.

What if he stops loving me? What if she cheated on me?

For some, it is hard to ignore these unpleasant feelings. It keeps lingering and messing around with your thoughts.

What can you do to overcome this?

5 Must-Try Methods For A Healthy Long Distance Relationship

It is not easy but you can try your best to make it work. By handling it in the right way, a long-distance relationship can even create more spark in your romance.

#1. Always keep in touch


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As they say, communication is the key. Although there are many ways to communicate, couples in a long-distance relationship are limited to only a few.

So you have to work extra hard to communicate well. Video calling, texting and talking over the phone can be good ways to achieve that.

When you are busy, you cannot assume your partner understands your situation. Instead, let them know you have a jam-packed schedule. Explain to them why you might not be available all the time, especially on super busy days.

It does not necessarily need to be detailed, but a brief heads-up will do. For example, if you think you will be busy the whole day, just send your loved one a short text in the morning.

A short message can prevent any false assumptions and negative thoughts.

#2. Be present

When you are in a long-distance relationship, the inability to be physically present is depressing. But try to be present in other creative ways.

What you can do is order their favourite food online and have it sent to their hotel room.

Although they are apart from you by distance, eating their favourite food will surely remind them of you and your moments together. It is as if you are there with them.

That is an example of how you can be present with your partner although you are miles apart.

Basically, you have to understand your partner and their current needs. Give your best so that it will be like you are not apart in the first place.

#3. Be transparent

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How many couples have regretted their past actions of not being truthful and expressive to their partners?

You might think, “I should have told her that”, “I am such a coward” or “She will never know the truth now”.

When being apart, you are probably most concerned with uncertainty. You might be missing your partner so much but are hesitant to tell them, afraid they might not feel the same.

In a relationship, it is never shameful to be transparent about your true feelings. Instead, love your partner like there is no tomorrow.

Bottling your feelings or brushing them aside will do no good but rather, you might regret it later.

When you miss them when you wish they were by your side, just tell them.

Naturally, it feels nice when you know your partner is missing you, right? So do the same. Be transparent, be expressive.

#4. Be excited for the reunion

One way to help with the unpleasant feeling of being apart from your partner is by imagining how great it will be when you have reunited again.

Try to remember the feeling of being together, of enjoying each other’s company and of how they make you feel.

Calm your heart and mind with the memories.

#5. Trust your partner

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To love someone, you must learn how to trust them in their presence and absence. Couples are continuously tested for their trust towards each other and that is especially so when they are apart.

In a long-distance relationship, you cannot know your partner’s whereabouts and who they are with all the time. Sometimes, doubt sinks in and you will be asking a lot of “what ifs” in your mind.

This will surely disturb your peace of mind and it is such a waste of time when you find out that your doubts are totally ridiculous and senseless.

Instead, learn to trust your partner. Maybe not 100 per cent but at least, respect them by not having negative baseless thoughts in your mind.

If you are suspicious about something, just ask them. Give them a chance to explain themselves and convince you. Do not let it get the best out of you.

Always be true to yourself and your partner. Trust, love and cherish them always. You will get the same in return.

A relationship is not supposed to be bound by anything. So choose to love unconditionally without measure and you will be happy with no regrets in the future.