Mother, Baby & Kids

23 Must-Try Mindfulness Games for Kids: Boost Calmness Now

Mindfulness Games for Kids

Transitioning from being parents-to-be to first-time parents in Malaysia is no easy feat.

Amid this journey, mindfulness games for kids surprisingly emerge as a healthy snack for the soul, bridging the gap between expectation and reality.

The Importance of Mindfulness Games for Kids


In today’s rapidly changing world, the significance of mindfulness, especially for our young ones, has become even more pronounced.

Let’s dive deep into why incorporating these mindfulness games into your child’s routine is beneficial and essential.

1. Enhanced Emotional Regulation

Interestingly, children, much like adults, are bombarded with a myriad of emotions daily.

Consequently, there are times they feel overwhelmed.

This is where mindfulness games come to the rescue.

They teach children to recognise and handle these feelings, fostering emotional intelligence.

2. Improved Concentration and Focus

Taking into account the likes of breathing exercises and fun games that require undivided attention, it’s evident that they can significantly enhance a child’s ability to concentrate.

Moreover, this not only aids in their academic pursuits but also shines through in everyday tasks.

3. Physical Benefits

When we talk about activities that seamlessly merge physical activity with mindfulness, like the Nature Walk or Dance It Out, we’re looking at dual benefits.

These activities not only invigorate the body but also imbue the mind with serenity, instilling the essence of muscle relaxation.

4. Promotes Positive Thinking

Mindfulness games, and especially those centred around positive affirmations, play a pivotal role in encouraging a positive outlook.

As a result, this fortifies children to face challenges with unyielding optimism and resilience.

5. Boosted Self-awareness

By consistently focusing on the present, kids become more attuned to their thoughts, feelings, and immediate surroundings.

Hence, games that draw on stuffed animals or revolve around deep breath techniques are instrumental in grounding them further.

6. Nurtures Gratitude and Empathy

On one hand, mindfulness enriches self-awareness. On the other, it fosters an understanding of others too.

onsequently, activities that encourage sharing or reflecting on one’s blessings lead the way in cultivating gratitude and empathy, traits indispensable in today’s interconnected world.

7. Better Stress Management

Often, we inadvertently overlook that children, too, grapple with stress.

Mindfulness games, in this regard, function as a healthy snack for the mind, offering a much-needed oasis and tools to manage and alleviate anxiety.

An Interesting List of 23 Mindfulness Games for Kids

1. Breathing Buddy Exercise

Firstly, stuffed animal is needed!

Have your child lie down, placing the stuffed animal on their belly.

As they take a deep breath, they should notice the stuffed animal rising and falling.

As a result, this simple breathing technique helps kids focus on their breath, a foundational element of mindfulness.

2. Muscle Tension & Release

Secondly, teaching muscle awareness is crucial. Ask your child to tense a muscle group, hold, and release.

Therefore, this muscle relaxation technique ensures they’re not holding onto physical stress.

3. Bubble Breaths

Also, here’s a fun game that involves breathing techniques. Hand your child a bottle of bubbles.

Ask them to take a deep breath and blow bubbles slowly.

Hence, it’s a visual way to show deep, controlled breathing.

4. Mindful Snacking

Turn a healthy snack into an exercise. Ask them to focus on the snack’s texture, taste, and smell.

Besides that, it transforms the act of eating into a moment of present awareness.

5. Positive Affirmation Cards

Draft cards with positive affirmations.

Every morning, have your child pick one and repeat it.

Hence, it sets a positive tone for their day.

6. Nature Walk

Physical activity meets mindfulness.

Take a walk with your child, asking them to focus on sounds, sights, and smells.

Therefore, it’s a fresh way to make them more aware of their surroundings.

7. Mindful Pictionary

A fun game where children draw their feelings.

Thus, it’s an expressive method for when they feel overwhelmed, helping them process emotions.

8. The Spiderman Meditation

Tune into their spidey senses!

This game aids in focusing on sounds and sensations around, sharpening their awareness.

9. Weather Report

Besides the games above, this game is about identifying and expressing feelings.

Ask your child how they feel and link it to weather conditions. It’s a creative way to talk about emotions.

10. Balloon Breaths

Image credit: Canva

Additionally, this is a fantastic game that requires innovative breathing exercises!

Ask them to take a deep breath in, imagining a balloon inflating, and then exhale slowly, envisioning the balloon deflating.

11. Emotion Wheel

Create a wheel with various emotions.

Spin it and have your child act out or discuss that emotion.

So, it’s perfect for them to identify what they’re feeling.

12. Dance It Out

Nothing like some physical activity to bring out mindfulness.

Play some music and let them dance freely.

Additionally, ask them to focus on how their body feels with each move.

13. Heartbeat Exercise

Let them jump around for a minute. Post-jumping, have them sit and place their hands on their hearts, focusing on the beats.

Besides, this game creates a connection of physical activity and self-awareness.

14. Guided Imagery

Additionally, this game uses story-telling.

Get your children to describe a scene and have them visualise it.

Therefore, this game improves concentration and focus.

15. Gratitude Jar

A daily exercise where they write something they’re thankful for and put it in a jar.

Hence, over time, it’s a tangible representation of positive thoughts.

16. Blindfolded Taste Test

Using a healthy snack, blindfold them and ask them to identify the snack by taste.

So, it hones their senses and brings them to the present.

17. Stretching Yoga

Simple yoga postures which focus on breathing techniques can be incredibly calming.

Also, yoga is known to promote mindfulness and relaxation.

18. Mirror, Mirror

A game of mimicry. One acts out an emotion, and the other imitates.

Besides that, it boosts awareness of facial expressions and feelings.

19. Mindful Listening

Play various sounds and ask them to identify each.

Besides, this game sharpens their listening skills and helps them stay in the moment.

20. Floating on a Cloud

Have them lie down and imagine floating on a cloud.

Therefore, this imagery calms the mind, especially when they feel overwhelmed.

21. Follow the Leader

A fun game involving physical activity where you perform actions and they mimic.

Also, it can involve deep breathing, stretches, or even fun dance moves.

22. Affirmation Art

Crafting with a purpose.

So, let them draw or craft their positive affirmation of the day, bringing creativity into mindfulness.

23. Mindful Storytime

End the day with a story, asking questions that make them think and reflect.

Last but not least, it’s an engaging way to instil mindfulness habits.

Summary: Finding the Best Mindfulness Games for Kids

To all the incredible Malaysian mothers, fathers, and soon-to-be parents, remember the journey might sometimes feel overwhelming.

But, with these mindfulness games, you’re equipping your child with tools to navigate the complexities of life with grace and calmness.

Here’s to creating mindful memories together.

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