Mother, Baby & Kids

Motherhood Recipe: Lunch Special | Carrot-Anchovies Porridge (For 6–8 Months)

Mommies, first bites are a big milestone in a baby’s life. The transition from breast milk or formula to solid foods is an important stage of his life. Our baby’s stomach is sensitive and it is as big as his fist. Thus, we should always be very careful when choosing the first solid food for our little one.

This time we have a special lunch meal for your baby – Carrot-Anchovies Porridge. This meal is filled with carbohydrates: the primary source of fuel for the body. Not to mention, by incorporating carrots and anchovies into a porridge, it gives your little one a nutrient-dense meal. Here are the benefits of each of the main ingredients:

  • CARROT: Carrots are rich in beta-carotene: an antioxidant that converts into vitamin A. Thus, carrots help in growth and healthy vision of your baby. Carrots are also good to boost up your little one’s immune system.
  • ANCHOVIES: Anchovies or ‘ikan bilis’ are actually good sources of protein and calcium (if the bones are not removed).
    • To prepare a homemade anchovies powder, make sure to soak the anchovies in water and rinse them a few times before dry-frying (yes, without oil). Then, you can grind, sieve, and store the fine powder in an airtight container.




  • Carrot purée
  • Gerber® Organic Rice Cereal
  • Anchovies powder


  1. Mix Gerber® Organic Rice Cereal with a bit of hot water.
  2. Add in carrot purée and anchovies powder.
  3. Mix well and it is ready to be served!

Easy peasy, isn’t it? It only takes about 5–10 minutes to prepare this delicious yet healthy meal for your baby. Similar to our previous breakfast menu, this recipe is prepared by Puan Atifa for her precious baby boy, Aryan Zayden.

So, now you have your baby’s breakfast and lunch menu ready! What do you think our next menu will be? 😉

Stay tuned with us on Motherhood Recipes for more nutrient-dense baby food recipes! Meanwhile, head over to for more healthy baby foods and essential baby products.