Mother, Baby & Kids

Mummy Shares: How I Encourage My Kid Who Dislikes Drinking Milk to Do So

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Parenthood is a remarkable journey, filled with love, joy, and unexpected challenges.

One of the hurdles I faced as a parent was encouraging my child to drink milk.

Understanding the vital role milk plays in kids’ development, I couldn’t help but worry when my eldest started refusing this essential beverage.

According to Children’s Health, dairy milk has essential nutrients that support a child’s growing body, including:

  • High-Quality Protein: Milk is a fantastic source of high-quality protein, essential for supporting the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues. This crucial nutrient contributes to the development of muscles, organs, enzymes, and hormones, providing a solid foundation for their overall well-being.
  • Calcium: Renowned for its calcium content, dairy milk is crucial for building strong bones and teeth. During childhood and adolescence, when bone development is at its peak, ensuring an adequate intake of calcium is paramount. Milk serves as a natural and easily accessible source of this essential mineral.
  • Potassium: Milk contains potassium, which plays a vital role in maintaining healthy blood pressure. This electrolyte helps balance fluids in the body and supports proper nerve and muscle function. By including milk in their diet, children can contribute to maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.
  • Vitamin D: Milk is often fortified with vitamin D, a key nutrient that works hand-in-hand with calcium to promote strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D assists in the absorption and utilisation of calcium, ensuring that children’s growing bones receive the necessary support for optimal strength and development.
  • Vitamin B12: Dairy milk provides vitamin B12, which is essential for building red blood cells. This vitamin is crucial for healthy neurological function and contributes to overall energy production and well-being.
  • Vitamin A: Milk contains vitamin A, which helps to maintain good vision and the immune system. This essential vitamin supports the body’s natural defence mechanisms and aids in general growth and development.
  • Phosphorus: Another mineral found in milk, phosphorus, is essential for bone health. It works synergistically with calcium to promote strong teeth and bones, contributing to a sturdy skeletal structure.
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): This vitamin plays a crucial role in converting food into energy, supporting proper metabolism, and promoting healthy skin and vision.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Niacin present in milk aids in converting nutrients into energy. It supports the proper functioning of the nervous system, digestive system, and skin health.

Despite its numerous health benefits, my eldest had developed an unexpected aversion to milk, making it a daily struggle.

It puzzled me how my kid, who used to adore milk, began expressing her dislike after starting kindergarten.

Nonetheless, with determination and creativity, I discovered seven effective ways to foster a positive relationship between my child and this vital source of nourishment.

Seven Ways I Encourage My Kid to Drink Milk

Understanding the Why


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The first step in addressing any issue is to understand its root cause.

I took the opportunity to talk openly and honestly with my child about her hatred of milk. It turned out she didn’t enjoy the flavour or texture.

I was able to discover a way to work together and progressively shift their perception by empathising with their feelings.

Explore Alternatives

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To overcome her distaste for milk, I introduced various dairy alternatives. We tried almond milk, soy milk, and oat milk. This exploration allowed my child to discover flavours they enjoyed and helped them develop an open mind toward different options. It was a great way to ensure she still received the necessary nutrients.

Add Flavour to Milk

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Incorporating flavours to make milk more appealing was a game-changer.

By adding a dash of vanilla or a scoop of chocolate powder, I transformed the blandness of milk into a delightful treat.

This small change made a tremendous difference in my daughter’s willingness to drink milk without hesitation.

Make It Fun

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Children respond positively to a sense of fun and adventure. To make milk consumption more joyful, I involved my kid in the process.

Together, we created unique milkshakes, smoothies, and even milk-based desserts.

By letting her choose the ingredients, she felt a sense of ownership and excitement, which helped overcome her initial resistance.


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Children are keen observers, and they learn by mimicking their parents’ actions.

I made sure to demonstrate the significance of milk in my own diet by drinking it regularly.

By becoming a positive role model, I encouraged my daughter to see milk as an important part of her daily routine.

Storytime About Milk

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Storytime became an opportunity to promote the importance of milk while spending quality time with my little one.

I discovered some books explaining how milk is produced, why it is important, and how much to drink.

Through these stories, my child has learned more about milk and is more willing to try for better health.

Drink Milk Reward System

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I set up a reward system to further motivate my daughter.

Every time she finished her glass of milk without hesitation, she received a small treat like stickers or new markers because she loves artsy stuff.

This positive reinforcement helped create a sense of achievement and transformed the act of drinking milk into an exciting challenge.

Persuade Kids to Drink Milk the Right Way

Image credit: Canva

In conclusion, my journey to persuade my milk-resistant child to enjoy milk has been a rewarding and changing one.

It took time, understanding, and a willingness to try new things.

Throughout this process, I realised that forcing my child to drink milk was not the solution.

Instead, I focused on creating a positive and supportive environment that allowed my child to develop a genuine interest in milk.

By respecting her preferences and understanding her concerns, I found ways to make milk more appealing and enjoyable for my daughter.

It’s important to remember that every child is unique, and finding what works best for them is key.

Embrace the journey and celebrate the small victories along the way, knowing that you are nurturing your child’s wellbeing and setting them up for a healthier future.

You’ve got this, my fellow mums!

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