Mother, Baby & Kids

6+ Amazing Olive Oil Hacks That Will Change Your Life!

Photo Credit: Food Navigator

Olive oil has established itself as a staple in many households for its unsurpassed health benefits, be it in cooking, drizzled over salads, or freshly made bread.

But, there are more uses to olive oil than just cooking, or eating. This superfood is an amazing household hack with many uses both indoors and out.


Photo Credit: Colavita

Here’s what you can also use it for aside from cooking. 

1. Luscious Locks Hair

If you have dry, frizzy, brittle or coloured hair, olive oil makes a great natural moisturiser to keep your tresses bouncing, and beautiful.

Opt for Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) since it is the least processed, and has the greatest nutritional benefits.

If you have an oily scalp,  ahead of fine hair, or suffer from dandruff, EVOO is best avoided since the oil will only weigh it down, making it look lank and lacklustre.

Photo Credit: Healthshots

To pamper your tresses, heat 2-4 tablespoons of EVOO before working it gently into your hair and scalp.

Leave it under a shower cap for at least an hour before shampooing off. A weekly pamper should do the trick.

In principle, when eaten or used on your body, EVOO is the best way forward. Otherwise, blended olive oils are just as good a substitute.

2. For Your Face 

As a Mask

While EVOO can be used daily as a natural moisturiser, it also makes the perfect mask for your weekly routine.

Whisk 1 egg with a tablespoon each of EVOO, and warm honey. Slather the mixture over your face and let sit for at least 30 minutes before washing it off.

Try it every week and say hello to a supple skin! 

The very same mixture can be used as a hair mask as well. Just double the quantity, and apply.

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As a Scrub

To exfoliate your face, and body, add 2 parts of ground oatmeal to an equal part each of EVOO and honey.

Combine the mixture well, then slather over face and body. Exfoliate using gentle circular motions, before rinsing off for baby smooth skin. 

As a Makeup Remover

Photo Credit: Beautylish

Use EVOO as a nifty hack to remove makeup. It is gentle, natural, and mild. Your skin will thank you for it.

Dab oil onto a cotton pad, wipe face and neck before applying your cleanser.

For Pre & Post Shaving Care

Photo Credit: The Singapore Women’s Weekly

EVOO is the perfect lubricant for a closer, smoother shave.

Swab it over the area you intend to shave and let sit for a few minutes. Once done, wash the oil off with a gentle soap.

To keep the area silky smooth, re-apply a thin layer of oil. It is safe for use on your legs, underarms, and bikini line.

3. As a Polish

It is a natural polish for wood furniture.

Add 2 parts of olive oil to one part of lemon juice. Using a microfibre cloth, polish wood furniture vigorously until it shines.

Put extra attention to ensure that the polish does not come into contact with cushions since it can stain.

If you are using it for the first time, a patch test at an inconspicuous area would be advisable.

CAUTION: While generally safe on furniture, it should not be used on wood floors since the residue would make the surface slippery.

On the same note, it should not be used on wooden cutting boards either.

4. Removing Chewing Gum

From Your Hair

Apply EVOO onto stuck hair and gently rub the strands until the gum comes off.

Photo Credit: BabyGaga

If the gum is dried, you may need to let the oil sit for about 5 minutes before attempting to remove it. If needed, apply more oil to soften the gum. 

Once the gum is removed, follow through with a good head wash. 

From Your Pet

Photo Credit: World’s Best Cat Litter

If your cat has snagged gum on their paws or fur, apply some olive oil to the area and let sit for about 3 minutes.

Then, using either your fingers or a comb, gently remove the offending paste.

If the gum has set, you may need to leave the oil on for longer. However, make sure they do not eat or lick off the gum or oil.

Once removed, follow through with a bath.

From Your Shoe

Photo Credit: Offizieller Sioux Online Shop

As long as your shoes are not made from leather or suede,  you can use olive oil to remove stuck gum.

Just apply olive oil to the gum, let sit a little before removing it with either a spatula or a disposable wooden chopstick.

Once done, wash the base of the shoe with dish soap to rid it of the oil.

5. Snagged Zipper

Photo Credit: Pinterest

If your zipper has become stuck, dab the teeth and slider with an olive oil saturated earbud.

If fabric is delicate or expensive, you should get the zipper professionally unstuck as oil stains can be notoriously difficult to remove.

Once the oil sets in, gently pull at the zipper until it slides free.

6. For Garden Greens

To get rid of garden pests here is a simple, yet effective way to keep them at bay.

Pour 1 cup of olive oil and 1/4 cup of dishwashing soap into a plastic bottle. Please make sure that your dishwashing soap should not contain bleach.

Give it a good shake and you have your very own white oil concentrate. 

To apply, mix 1 tablespoon of your concentrate to 1 litre of water, and spray all over plants, especially under the leaves.

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Do not spray plants under direct sunlight as the oil can cause leaf burns, which could prove fatal. You can do it in the evening when it is cooler. 

If you are trying this for the first time, I would advise you to do a leaf test first. 

This effective repellant can be applied weekly as a preventive measure to maintain the good health of your garden greens. 

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is truly a nifty hack to have on hand, in season, out of season, all the time. With a permanent bottle stocked in your pantry, you are pretty much set for any, and all eventualities. 

Although pricey, it is worth every cent!