Mother, Baby & Kids

How to Get Pregnant Fast: 4 Crucial Things You Must Know Apart From Just Having Sex

And you thought getting pregnant was just about jumping in the sack and having sex as and when you like. Actually, making a baby is not as easy as that. While it can be argued that winging it with fingers crossed could work for some lucky couples, you and hubby will need to be aware that you’d be relying on pure chance to conceive. After many unsuccessful attempts, the failure to get pregnant could take an emotional toll on both of you, particularly if you’re keen on starting a family and you’re worried about your biological clock.

As the Biological Clock Ticks

Did you know that a woman’s fertility already starts to decline when they are in their early 30s? A study has demonstrated that only 75% of women aged 30 trying to conceive will become pregnant within the year. The number drops to 66% by the time she is 35, and to 44% when she reaches age 40?

Did you also know that in another study conducted on 463 UK women aged 18 to 45, less than 50% of them were aware of the best days in their monthly menstrual cycle to try for a baby? Furthermore, as many as one in two couples could be trying to conceive at the wrong time?

When Timing is Everything

Fertility declines with age. The best age to get pregnant is in your early 20s. By the age of 30, healthy, fertile women have a 20% chance of conceiving during any given cycle. Those chances decline rapidly as age rises.

Women therefore need to understand their menstrual and ovulation cycle because you don’t get a baby by simply having sex at any old time. What science has proven is that there is a very narrow margin of only a few specific days in each month when it is possible for a woman to get pregnant. These days boil down to the day of ovulation and the days leading up to ovulation. At ovulation, you release your ripened egg or ova and it typically survives for only 12-24 hours. Your window of fertility or opportunity closes after this time.

The timing of fertile periods is further complicated by the fact that every woman’s peak fertility days vary from woman to woman and cycle to cycle. Generally speaking, each woman’s menstrual cycle ranges from 23 to 35 days (with variations in between) and each ovulation occurs somewhere in the midpoint before your period comes. This makes pinpointing the exact time of ovulation and the days when you are most likely to conceive a baby, rather difficult.

So first, in order to maximize your chance of getting pregnant, you need to understand your menstrual cycle and how it works:

1. How to Count your Menstrual Cycle

All your eggs are contained in your ovaries. Every month, at the first part of your menstrual cycle, one of the eggs in the ovary is being ripened. At ovulation time, the follicle containing the egg will burst and the matured egg is propelled very quickly into the Fallopian tube to travel to the uterus so that it can be fertilized by the sperm. (Image Credit:

The first day of your period is counted as the first day of your menstrual cycle.  The first day of your period is therefore, Day 1. Keep counting every day until the day before your next period arrives. The total number of days you have counted is your menstrual cycle.

Now here is where things get complicated. A woman’s menstrual cycle length is unique to her only although generally speaking, the most common cycle length is somewhere between 23 and 35 days. There can be other variations of course. Some women don’t get regular menstrual cycles at all and will probably need to see a doctor to regulate this if they are hoping to get a baby.

For the most part, the length of time between ovulation (when an egg is released from the ovary) and the first day of the menstrual cycle is between 12 to 16 days.

2. What is Ovulation?

The graph above illustrates that the highest chance to conceive is in the days prior to ovulation. (Image Credit:

Ovulation is the name of the process that happens when your ovary releases an egg 12 to 16 days before your next period starts.  This egg has to be fertilized by a sperm in order for you to get pregnant. Ovulation usually only happens once in every menstrual cycle, although there are exceptions to the rule. Sometimes (but very rarely), two eggs are released at about the same time due to a quirk of nature. This is how you get fraternal twins.

The egg (or eggs, if you have released two) can only be fertilised for up to 24 hours after ovulation. If the egg isn’t fertilized in this time, the lining of your uterus is shed (and the egg is lost with it) and your period will begin, marking the start of the next menstrual cycle.

3. What is the Meaning of a Fertile Window?

Make love during your fertile window to maximise your chances of getting pregnant.

Your fertile window during each cycle are the day of ovulation and the day before. These are your two days of peak fertility.

Because sperm remains alive and active for up to five days in the sperm-friendly mucus of the uterus, a couple can conceive through sexual intercourse four to five days before the egg is released. The total “fertility window”, taking into account the lifetime of both the sperm (five days) and the egg (24 hours), is about six days.

However, identifying these six days is where it gets tricky.
Outside of your fertile window, the chances of getting pregnant are low.

4. How to Identify Your Fertile Window?

There are many ways to identify your fertile days. You can try the calendar method, basal body temperature recording, feeling for ovulation pain or Mittelschmerz, observing saliva and cervical mucus secretions and of course, conducting ovulation tests yourself.

Aside from using ovulation tests that measure the surge of hormones, in particular the luteinising hormone (LH) triggered by rising estrogen levels preceding ovulation, all the other methods mentioned above are not reliable.

Even the common method of measuring of basal body temperature as a predictor of ovulation is not accurate as your temperature will rise only after ovulation. By this time, it would be too late to have sex as the egg is already waning.  Remember, the egg only survives for 12 to 24 hours.

Catch it On Time

But if you want over 99% accuracy in pinpointing when to place sperm in the uterus to “catch” or fertilize your egg, you need Clearblue to digitally detect your LH surge and determine your fertile window.

  • Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test
Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test

Clearblue Digital Ovulation test uses only your urine to accurately detect your LH surge which happens 24 to 36 hours before ovulation. It thus gives you the best days and your best chances of getting pregnant.

Because it is digital, the results are as accurate as a doctor’s test. Light and handy, providing a good grip when you take readings as you are urinating, the device is smart enough to adapt to your personal cycle.

Using the device is simple. It comes in two detachable parts: The test reader piece which has an eject button and a digital display, and 10 foil-wrapped test sticks to insert into the test reader.

Once the two parts are inserted correctly, the digital display will show the Test Ready symbol.

Test directly in your urine stream, preferably first thing in the morning. After that, wait a few seconds. The digital display will flash after 3 minutes to tell you that it is working to give you results from your urine sample.

Within three minutes, you will know the answer. If you see a smiley face, it is time to make love. Have sex anytime during the next 48 hours to maximize your chance of becoming pregnant.

The reusable reader works for more than one LH surge. Therefore, apart from being smart, it is also economical to use.

  • Clearblue Pregnancy Test Kits

Four days before your period is due, or on the day itself, use any Clearblue Pregnancy Test Kits most suited to you, to see if you have conceived. Yes, you can test as early as four days before your period is due. This is why Clearblue is the clear leader in the market and the world’s No: 1 selling brand in home pregnancy and fertility tests.

Use with confidence. All results are over 99% accurate.

Clearblue Easy Pregnancy Test.
Clearblue Plus Pregnancy Test.
Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator.

The Clearblue range includes the Clearblue Easy Pregnancy Test, Clearblue Plus Pregnancy Test and the Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Conception Indicator.

The last one even tells you how many weeks pregnant you are. All results will be digitally displayed for your easy reading so that you get clear answers and a clear mind. Try it today to see for yourself.

Happy Getting Pregnant.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

And Happy Mother and Father’s Day in advance!

For more information on Clearblue products, please visit the website or Facebook page.