Mother, Baby & Kids

How To Prepare For Online School Session 2021: Useful Tips For Parents

Kids are not going to school when school is open this year. It might be a difficult but wise choice made by the MOE.

Yup, the pandemic is getting harsher and the numbers of cases keep on increasing. I am sure everyone has their own views on this matter. However, we can’t please everyone and things must go on. 

Things will be different. Unlike their elder siblings, our pre-schoolers and Year 1 student will go through a different first-day experience ‘at’ school. Read this article to know some important updates about the schooling year for 2021. 



So, expect no tears from the kids, and no toilet incidents on that day. But, don’t be surprised to see kids eating during class or even taking a nice nap while listening to the teachers.  


On the other hand, let’s make it a great experience for our children on the first day of their virtual school.

Prepare the breakfast, dress them up, and ask them to get ready for school. Setting the right mindset is necessary so that kids do take schooltime seriously.

No matter where the school is, whether, at physical school or online, when it’s time for school, it’s for real!

So mummies here are some tips that you might want to consider in ensuring things are all right and go smoothly while the kids are going through their virtual classes. 

#1 Set their Workstation


Get a fixed proper place in the house that is perfect for them to attend online classes. Look out for good wi-fi signals so that it won’t get disrupted during classes.

Avoid the area near the television or even on the bed. Get them a table and a chair for a good posture and the eyes while going through the classes.

The best is to have a place that you could easily monitor them while they are having the classes. Let the kids decorate their workstation as their likings so that they would inspire to keep it clean and tidy throughout.   

#2 Prepare their Stationeries

The best thing about going to school on the first day is to have the new complete set of stationeries. Let the kids still rejoice in this experience.

Buy them a set of stationeries to encourage them to look forward to school time. Find cute cheap containers to put the stationery on. Organise it nicely. If there is any old stationery, they could still reuse it while it lasts. 

#3 Arrange their Books

Here is an alert. You might think that the kids could handle the books if you put every in one place. Yup, usually it only took place on the first day, and things do get ugly as time passes. Been there, done that!

Things will get mixed up on which activities book are needed, which textbook that teachers are referring to, and which exercise books are to be used for that homework.

Yes, even working on gadgets, they still need books and it will still get messy if we fail to train the kids to organise them properly.

What can you do? Help and guide them. Alternatively, you can download the e-textbook prepared by MOE here

Credit: The Columbia

#4 Print and Paste the Class Schedule

Time management is important and this is why we must train our kids to manage their time accordingly.

The subjects during online classes might be not as much as the physical school. However, there’s a possibility that we and the kids will overlook and miss their classes.

Imagine if you have more than one kid going to school online! By printing out or writing down the schedule and paste it on the wall, kids could see and be reminded instantly.  

#5 Inform and Guide The Children


Take time to explain to the children what is to expect, and what could go wrong when going through online classes.

Tell them about the settings, the stationery, the books and everything. Set the boundaries on what to do and what not to do during the classes.

Inform them of the importance of managing their time and schoolwork, strictly! Suggest the schedule they might want to consider like time for a nap, break, lunch, and all.

Credit: Pragmatic Mom

#6 Parents’ Preparation

You and your partner might be working from home as well, and the kids are having their classes online. Discuss and communicate with your partners.

Both parents are responsible for being alert on the kids’ schooling. Besides getting them ready for their online classes, parents also need to monitor their online activities. Here is a good read on keeping your children safe in online preschool classes.

Get involved, when necessary, and ask for help, if required.

So mummies, good luck to us. I must not lie, things will be different, but as the saying goes “just go with the flow”. Trust the wait, embrace the uncertainty, and pray for the best.