Mother, Baby & Kids

Remember These 8 Kitchen Hacks To Save Your Best Recipe

You can enjoy cooking if you know these handy kitchen hacks

Let’s face it! We don’t know what we do not know. As parents, we always prepare the best for our children, needless to say about their daily meals.

However, do you know this fact? If you handle or cook the ingredients in the wrong manner, your children will not be able to enjoy the nutrient of the food that you have put in your effort in preparing.

Thus, in today’s article, we are going to look into some common mistakes that even the experienced home cooks make. Worry not; we also provide some effective kitchen hacks to solve these common mistakes.

Get your notebook and pen ready as you might want to jot down these 8 kitchen hacks to remind yourselves for your daily meal preparation.

What Are The 8 Meal-Saving Kitchen Hacks?

#1: Make perfect eggs with “rings”


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Have you ever dreamt of making a prefect sunny side-up for your breakfast?

We are here to tell you that you do not need to be a professional chef to make a perfect sunny side-up. Neither would you need to spend a cent to buy a frying ring for the sunny side-up.

What you need is just an onion! Simply cut an onion ring and place the ring in a frying pan. Then, just break the egg inside the ring and you will see how the onion ring does the magic. The onion ring simply will not let the egg spread out of it!

Try it out for your breakfast tomorrow and share your prefect sunny side-up with us! You can always tag us at Facebook and Instagram and share your joy with us.

#2: Make perfectly grilled fish with lemon slices

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All of us had the negative experience of cleaning up the griller. However, there has to be a better way to grill fish without having the meat stuck on the grill! It is as simple as getting yourself a lemon whenever you want to grill fish.

Simply slice your lemon and place them on the griller. Make sure you place the lemon slices close enough and place your fish on top of them. You will then get perfectly cooked fish with additional flavour of the lemon.

Make sure you do not miss out these handy tips to prepare fast home-cooked meals for your loved ones too!

#3: Slice meat efficiently with your freezer

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Here’s a secret among the professional chefs when it comes to slicing meat in perfect and even portions. While you think that you should defrost your meat completely before you slice it, you will be shocked with this secret from the top chefs. In reality, partially frozen meat is easier to slice.

This is because partially frozen meat is firm to hold and thus it allows easy slicing. So, you should take a cut of meat from the freezer and wait until it partially defrosts to the proper state before slicing it. This method also works well with steak, chicken and other types of meat.

#4: Use yogurt and milk to make your meat more tender

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During the movement control order, I really craved for some tender fried chicken. Therefore, I did some research and experiments for making the tender fired chicken.

Here’s what works out!

Yogurt and milk are truly the best ingredients you can find at home to tenderise any types of meat, particularly chicken.

Simply marinate the chicken in yogurt or milk for around 1 to 2 hours and you are halfway done for your tantalizing fried chicken!

#5: Never have tomatoes and cucumbers in the same dish

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Even a home cook with 20 years of experience (that’s my mum!) does not know about this kitchen hack: We should never ever have tomatoes and cucumbers in the same dish.

You might be asking, ” Are you sure about this? We see tomatoes and cucumbers in salad dishes and western cuisine everywhere.”

This is why we are here to clarify: having both at the same time does not bring you any health benefit at all. This is because cucumber contains a ferment that destructs the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) contained in tomatoes.

So, next time when you are making your salad bowl, make sure you have either one at a time to enjoy the nutrients provided by both the cucumbers or tomatoes.

#6: Never have honey in hot drinks

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Whenever we get into a café, we would always get ourselves a drink. Now, when you look into the drinks/beverages section in the menu, here’s what you see – Honey Lemon (Hot/Cold). So, in hope of getting warm and healthy, you order a cup of hot honey lemon.

This is me, when I did not know that honey was not meant for hot drinks.

According to the ancient Indian medical system, Ayurveda, honey should never be heated or cooked. This is because the properties of honey might change and turn into toxic when it is heated. Instead of healing your body, the hot honey lemon is actually bringing harm to your body.

So, how can we retain the medicinal value of the honey at its best? If possible, try to consume honey in its raw form.

If you really wish to drink your milk with honey, you can mix a spoonful of honey at the room temperature after you have cooled down your milk or water reasonably.

#7: Never use high heat with non-stick cookware

This is one of the most common mistakes that beginner cooks make – using high heat with non-stick cookware.

This does not only destroy the non-stick coating of the cookware, it will also cause the release of unhealthy, potentially toxic fumes. So, you should always cook with low and medium heat whenever you use the nonstick cookware.

Another must-know tip when dealing with non-stick cookware is that you should use wooden or silicone utensils to protect the surface of the non-stick cookware.

Avoid any metal utensils as they have sharp edges which can scratch the surface of the non-stick cookware.

Besides non-stick cookware, you should also spend some time looking into different cookware materials so that you can prepare healthy and satisfying meals for your loved ones using the correct cookware.

#8: Use different cutting board and knives for meat and vegetables

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This kitchen hack is going to save your children from potential bacteria!

If you are using the same cutting board for both raw meat and vegetables, you are exposing your children to the threat of foodborne diseases such as food poisoning.

Here’s why.

Raw meat, seafood and poultry are able to spread bacteria to other food even after washing. So, using the same cutting boards in which you cut the raw meat will help to transfer the bacteria onto other ingredients such as vegetables or fruits.

Thus, the best solution is that you should always use separate cutting boards for meat and vegetables. Disinfect the cutting boards with sanitizing products regularly.

For better prevention, you should use different knives too for chopping these ingredients.

Share These Kitchen Hacks With Your Friends

As having nutritious meals is essential for everyone, especially our children, we hope that these kitchen hacks will help you to serve safe and healthy dishes on the dining table.

Share this article with your friends on the social media too so that they can equally spread the joy of healthy cooking with their loved ones.