Mother, Baby & Kids

Stay Healthy & Hydrated this Ramadan With These 6 Tips

You often hear how every human being requires at least 2 litres of water a day. According to a Clinical Dietitian, Tanay van Aswegen as cited in Gulf News, the amount of water intake needed a day depends on a person’s age, gender, and activity level.

As a fasting Muslim, how can you stay hydrated throughout the day? It is important to eat a balanced diet and getting enough water even though you are fasting. Doing so will help you to stay energised, hydrated and also prevent health complications. Here are some tips on how to stay hydrated during Ramadan.

  1. Eat dates during Iftar

It is always good to break fast with dates. Breaking fast with dates is in accordance to the ways of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Date also helps with hydration since it is a natural source of glucose. It encourages our cells to store fluid and fuel for energy after a day of fasting.  

  1. Say ‘No’ to caffeine

Since we only have a few hours to eat or drink during Ramadan, it is best to avoid any drink that contains caffeine. As much as you love your coffee or tea, the caffeine in your drink has a diuretic effect which increases urine production.

Too much caffeine can result in increased thirst during the day. I drank tea during Sahoor and you can’t imagine how thirsty I was later that day!

  1. Avoid sugary fluid

I understand how much we crave for sugary drinks during fasting. However, we should bear in mind that it is always good to reduce sugar intake. High sugar intake can lead to weight gain. Plus, foods or drinks that contain a lot of sugar can dehydrate us easily. Instead, opt for fruits and vegetables to add extra water after breaking fast.

  1. Slowly, don’t chug it all!

Drinking your water in one go will cause our body to flush it out soon after. It is best to sip on warm water after break fast until Sahoor slowly. My suggestion is, keep a water bottle near you all the time so you can have some sips whenever you are feeling thirsty.

  1. Fruits and Vegetables

Eating fruits especially during iftar is perfect to provide extra water to your body. Certain fruits and vegetables have high water content, nutritious and refreshing enough to replenish our body after a long day of fasting. You can still munch in all types of kuih muih from the bazaar, but don’t forget to eat a couple of slices of fruits and vegetables. Watermelon, oranges and green salad are perfect to include in our Ramadan diet!

Plain Water Beats Them All 

Having said that, plain water is the ultimate drink to help you stay hydrated every single day. Below are my tips on how to drink enough water (at least 8 glasses per day) from breaking fast until Sahoor.

  • 1 glass of lukewarm water during break fast (after eating a date).
  • 1 glass after you finish your meal.
  • 1 glass before Maghrib prayer.
  • 1 glass before Isyak prayer.
  • 1 glass after Taraweeh.
  • 1 glass before going to bed.
  • 1 glass once you woke up for Sahoor.
  • 1 glass before Sahoor ends.

Jantzen Water Purifier to the Rescue!

Thanks to Jantzen Water Purifier, I can keep myself hydrated all day long. With over 20 years of experienced and excellent services, Jantzen Water Purifier provides good quality water at a very affordable price! Besides being a local provider, Jantzen knows how important it is to maintain a clean water filter in order to provide clear and healthy water to my entire family.

Having said that, unlike other brands who only wash their 6-inch filters, Jantzen straight away replaces their 10-inch filter to a brand new every three (3) months! Plus, their 4-steps purification systems ensure the cleanliness of their water for daily consumption.

At Jantzen Water Purifier, there are a few water dispensers to choose from – The Orca, Le’ Gray, Gray and many more. Ideal for families with young children, their water dispensers are equipped with child-lock and the perfect temperature of hot, warm and cold water to suit every occasion. Having a sip of water has never been so easy!

See, even though you are fasting, there are ways for you to stay hydrated. Always opt for warm, plain water especially this Ramadan. Transformed the way you drink with Jantzen Water Purifier. For more information, visit their website or Facebook page.

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