Mother, Baby & Kids

Mummy Shares: My Most Surprising Aspects of Becoming a First-Time Mum

A new mum holding her baby

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After my husband and I agreed that we were ready for a baby, all I could think about was becoming a mum.

I remember thinking to myself, I can’t wait to carry my growing baby in my belly, to hold the adorable little human in my arms, and to smell my baby all day.

And while I got to experience all of that, there were some unexpected surprises.

I never anticipated my morning sickness to be so bad that it didn’t get better until the third trimester.

I couldn’t eat all of my favourite foods because I would just vomit them all up.

If you’ve ever had severe morning sickness, you know how bad it is to get stomach cramps from vomiting and to get tired easily because you’re practically not eating!

That was only about 10% of what happened during the pregnancy stage.

Despite a few hiccups along the way, there were many wonderful memories that I will never forget.

And, especially since becoming a mum to my 3 beautiful children, there have been so many surprising elements that I’d like to share with you all.

Here are 16 of them that caught me off guard as a new parent after my first born.

The First Month as a New Mum Is Hard to Get Used To

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I don’t think it was easy for me to adjust to being a new mum.

It was especially difficult during the first month.

Not only was I attempting to normalise my relationship with my baby, but also trying to be as comfortable with the confinement period as possible at the same time.

Oh, and the pain of childbirth didn’t go away as quickly as I had hoped.

At the same time, I had to deal with my baby’s breastfeeding.

Let’s just say there’s so much to learn, discover, and adapt in that the first month alone.

There Are Numerous Expenses Involved

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There are so many new things to purchase!

Thank God, I went to the baby fair early. It had everything I could ever need for my newborn and myself.

Before I went, I did some research on what I was required to buy so I didn’t end up buying things I wouldn’t use. But, of course, I did it anyway because, when you go to a baby fair, everything seems to be worth buying!

Don’t make the same mistake as me, future mummies. Please stick to your to-buy list!

My Baby Poos and Sleeps a Lot

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Wow, my little bundle of joy can really fill her diaper quickly and requires changing every 2-3 hours or less. Even when she’s sleeping.

By the way, how do I know my baby sleeps a lot? Because I have to wait for the longest for her to wake up so I can play with her. 🙁

Sometimes I wanted to wake her up just to see those beautiful eyes. But don’t do it because babies require that sleep for development.

According to, your baby’s mood and wellbeing are often good indicators of whether or not he or she is getting enough sleep.

Breastfeeding Is Not Easy as a New Mum

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I recall watching breastfeeding videos and reading about it to see how it’s done. The instructions appear to be simple, but they are not!

It was a nightmare trying to get my baby to latch on, and let me reiterate that it hurts!

That first round of sucking does not go well for me. My nipples were bleeding and I had to moisturise frequently due to the cracks *sorry for the TMI*

But once my baby and I got used to the routine, it was as simple as 1,2,3. Just not in the beginning though.

Nope, I Don’t Get to Sleep When My Baby Sleeps

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Almost everyone has been telling me to go to bed when my baby is sleeping. They say that if I don’t, I won’t be able to sleep when they wake up.

However, have you ever been so exhausted that you couldn’t sleep? That’s exactly what happened to me.

I’m just worn down from having to care for the baby and nursing every few hours that I can’t sleep. Plus, when the baby is sleeping, I do my breast-pumping routine and try to catch up with friends.

Being a new mum can be a lonely experience, so I make time to call or text close friends to enjoy their company for a little while.

I Could Stare at My Baby All Day Long

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Who wouldn’t? Looking at my baby gives me such a warm feeling that I can’t take my gaze away from her.

Whether she’s sound asleep or simply lying in bed. My maternal instinct has taken over, and all I want to do is pamper my baby.

Nothing beats the feeling of being able to cuddle my child and always have her in front of me. I couldn’t get enough of her adorableness!

I’m Scared, But I’m a Confident New Mum

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I promised myself I would take care of my little sweetheart with all my heart the moment I held her.

I’m terrified just thinking about all of my responsibilities to my child. Most of the time, I have no idea if what I’m doing is right.

But when I’m around her, I feel more confident. I owe it to her to be a better person.

Because of her, I’ve changed a lot. It’s as if my entire world revolves around my child.

Constant Concern for the Baby’s Wellbeing

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As someone who enjoys reading, I came across a variety of news, stories, and articles about babies.

This makes me concerned about whether my baby is getting enough food, being cleaned well, sleeping well, and other issues.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the most terrifying thing to me. There have been numerous reports of babies falling asleep and not waking up. Every time I think about something like this, my stomach churns.

I’m Glad for Maternity Leave

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Given that I work full-time, I am extremely grateful for the 60-day maternity leave.

It may seem short in comparison to 90 days, but that break is extremely beneficial. This is especially useful because I have to go back and forth to the hospital due to baby jaundice.

After about ten days, my baby had to be placed under blue light for three days.

Even though it’s difficult to sleep, not having to worry about work and being able to fully care for my baby during that time is a blessing.

Having Mum Friends Is a Blessing

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It is sometimes extremely beneficial to receive input, recommendations, and comments from my other mummy friends.

As a new mum, a lot of things happen that I never expected or even considered. So, I have some close mummy friends who are always available to take my call and be there for me whenever I need them.

They would assist me with any questions I had or with whatever was going on with my baby. They also stop by now and then to check on me and my family. 🙂

Being Unintentionally Late

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Seriously, when we have to go out to meet someone or attend an event, I try to get ready early.

But, with a little one around, my preparation can get a little sloppy.

Sometimes we’re ready to leave the house, but the baby poops and requires a diaper change.

Sometimes I get dressed up and go pick up my baby before she pukes all over me and I have to change.

Or my baby can get really cranky! Therefore, I always notify the other party that we will be late or may not show up at all.

I’m Not Easily Embarrassed Anymore

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To be honest, I’m not afraid to make silly faces and sounds to my baby when we’re out and about, even in public.

When my baby wants to nurse, I simply put on the nursing cover and feed him without worrying about what other people think.

I don’t mind doing anything concerning my baby.

I used to despise talking to strangers or asking them questions about anything.

But now that I have a baby, talking to new mothers is actually enjoyable.

It’s Possible to Go out With a Baby

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Going out with a baby can be exhausting at times, and you may find yourself wanting to stay at home all the time.

You can, however, take your baby out with better preparation. Make sure you’re mentally prepared and don’t set unrealistic expectations.

I always set in my mind that going out with a baby is not the same as going out alone. It’s more fun to go out and take my baby to meet people and explore the outside world.

Meeting a Lot of ‘Advisors’

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I’m not referring to paediatricians or other medical professionals here.

From the time I had my baby until now, many people have tried to give me advice on a variety of topics.

For example, if my baby is crying, some might say I’m not giving her enough breast milk and that she needs formula milk.

Comments like this can get under my skin, but instead of getting worked up about it, I just brush it off.

There’s So Much Laundry to Do

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I would do laundry for my baby at least once a week, and the amount of pile-up is unbelievable for such a small person.

What can I expect when I have to change her outfit at least three to four times a day, if not more?

Nevertheless, I don’t mind because I enjoy hanging cute clothes and folding them to keep. It reminds me that I have a little sweetheart and that I am now a mum!

A New Mum Is a Life-Changing Experience Indeed

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Every day, a wide range of emotions emerge. Like, I’m happy but lonely at the same time, or I want to spend all day cuddling with the baby but can’t wait to get back to work.

Most of the time, it appears that I am unable to adequately express how I am feeling. What I do know is that many things have changed and continue to change.

As a first-time mum, I’m also learning a lot. Life has changed, but I am relishing every moment of it.

Final Note: Being a new mum has many unexpected aspects, but it is a journey that will never be forgotten. The period of being a new mum will not last forever, so enjoy it while you can, my fellow mummies!

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