Mother, Baby & Kids

The Baby Is Coming! – Signs Of Approaching Labour

Do you feel anxious waiting for your precious one? Learn to identify the first signs of approaching labour, which suggest that your little one will soon make an appearance! 

The experience of giving birth can vary from one woman to another, and from one pregnancy to the next, even for the same person.


Although there is no way of knowing how the labour of a woman will proceed or how long it will last, it is not uncommon to be terrified of the process and concerned about the pain associated with it.

This is because many of the early labour symptoms are ambiguous and frequently misinterpreted. Check out these first signs of labour to help you figure out when you are (really) approaching your delivery date.

5 Signs You Are Going Into The Labour Room Soon!

  • Water Breaks

The fetus has been growing in a mother’s uterus and surrounded by amniotic fluid. This protective sac of fluid will break when the time is near and some women experience a gush of liquid while for others it’s a slow trickle.

Usually, the labour will soon follow once the water breaks at term. However, there can be instances where the labour doesn’t start soon after. If this happens, the doctor or midwife will take charge of this. 

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  • The “Bloody Show”!

Bloody show is a term for blood-tinged mucus that is released through the vagina. This can occur in one ‘episode,’ or continue during your labour and the weeks before it, on and off.

When your cervix is thinning, the mucus plug closes it and prevents infection in the uterus. It is common for the mucus to tinge with some blood. Doctors said that this may be the signs of approaching labour. 

  • Backache

Do you feel any pain in your lower back that comes and goes? It might be the sign that your baby is coming!

Many women experience increasing pressure or cramping in their pelvic and rectal areas. Backache or ‘back labour’ may be caused by the position of the baby in the cervix which can trigger pain!

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  • Increase of Vaginal Discharge

Next, vaginal discharge can increase especially when your baby is approaching!

The discharge may be in brownish or pinkish colour. Usually, this happens a few days before your delivery because a thick mucus plug has gathered at the cervix during pregnancy.

When the cervix starts to dilate, the plug is pushed into the vagina. 

  • Strong and frequent contractions

During pregnancy, women’s uterus always contracts. However, when it is almost time, the contractions become more intense and frequent!

At the end of the pregnancy, the baby will move down into a lower position in the birth canal and it will result in having contractions which can help with the pushing of the baby.

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It is hard to tell when labour begins because it differs for every woman and pregnancy. We can only predict when the baby is approaching according to the signs. 

However, I would suggest for you to always seek the help and advice from your doctors and midwife for any concerns and questions.

Hopefully, these will help you to be aware of the signs of approaching labour before your little one enters this world.