Mother, Baby & Kids

What Increase The Chances of Pregnant with Twins?

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“Aww, look at that cute twins,”. I believe most of us went like this when we saw a pair of baby twins. In Malaysia alone, having twins is becoming normal in a family. But, what are the chances for expecting parents to get twins?


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Before we go deeper into the topic, here are the types of twins that you should.

Types of Twins

 1. Identical twins

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Scientifically, this type of twins usually came from the same egg and sperm. They even share the same DNA. That is why they look the same.

Identical twins usually happens when the embryo splits into two and because of this, they usually are from the same gender. 

 2. Fraternal twins

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Fraternal twins usually happen to people who have the genes of a twin, which means the reproductive organ produces two different eggs at the same time.

The eggs are also fertilised by two different sperms which result in the babies having different DNAs. Fraternal twins can be either the same gender or a set of a boy and a girl. 

What triggers twin pregnancy?

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Women older than 30 years old are more likely to get twins because the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) increases. This hormone involved in the reproductive system. 

Family history

If you already have a history of family members having fraternal twins, you are very likely to have fraternal twins too. This is more so if the mother herself has the gene.

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If the father is the one who has a family history of twins, it is not really possible to have twins but the gene could be passed down to his daughter.

Moreover, if you already had twins before this, you are definitely at a higher rate to get twins for the next pregnancy. 


Asians and Hispanics do not have a high possibility of having twins. Caucasians and African-Americans, however, are more likely to get pregnant with multiples. 

Height and weight 

Tall women and those with a BMI over 30 are more likely to get twins. This is because of the higher insulin-like growth factor (IGF) in overweight and tall women. 


Women who eat more dairy products will have higher IGF. This may happens because of the growth hormones fed to cows.

Eating more yam and tapioca might also increase your chances of having twins because of the rich source of progesterone and phytoestrogens which may lead to hyper-ovulation. 

Fertility treatment

Other than the natural triggers, science can also help couples to get twins or multiples. Science has evolved greatly and it was able to help couples with difficulty conceiving, get pregnant.

IVF, IUI and, Clomid, Femara and ovary stimulants are the processes that couples could opt for if they are planning to have twins. These solutions are usually advised to couples who have problems with infertility. 

Although these can be the factors for you to get pregnant with twins, it is still very rare for twin conception to happen naturally.

It does not mean that if you put on weight, you will be able to get twins as the unhealthy weight can lead to other pregnancy risks. This is also applicable if you are older in terms of maternal age and even if you eat more dairy products. All in all, do consult your doctor.