Mother, Baby & Kids

Why Drink More Water? See 11 Ways Dehydration Could Impact Your Health

When I was waking up feeling fatigued over the last few weeks, I began upping my water intake and discovered I felt better in no time. My mood lifted, I wasn’t feeling so crabby and listless anymore and this was the “shot in the arm” needed in helping me play my dual role as a working mum juggling demanding office and household schedules. It may sound overly simplistic but I realised that all I had to do to make myself feel better was simply to drink more water.

It is true what they say about water being the most essential nutrient in the human body. Water is needed in all our cells, organs and tissues to maintain healthy bodily functions. It forms the basis of our blood and circulation, digestive juices, saliva, urine, and perspiration and it is vital in transporting nutrients, aiding absorption, cushioning joints, lubricating mucous membranes, maintaining our body temperature and flushing out waste and toxins. In addition to that, the fluid is contained in the brain, lean muscle, fat and bones, which means if we want to remain alert and supple and functioning at optimum level ─ we need water.

We are after all 60% water. No wonder we will not survive longer than three or four days without replenishing this life-giving fluid daily.

Water Strengthens Our Immune System

Drinking sufficient water helps our bodies fight off infections.

In this time of the ongoing pandemic where resistance against disease is crucial to our wellbeing, it is pertinent to mention that keeping sufficiently hydrated helps boost our immune system.

How does water strengthen our immune system?

  • By helping to carry oxygen through the blood to all of our body’s organs and cells. Our brain, for example, consists of 100,000 cells. It also contains fat.  The brain is 60% fat in fact and is the fattiest organ in the body. Brain cells require oxygen delivered through the blood supply and a delicate balance of water and other elements within the neurons in order to operate. But when this water content becomes imbalanced through dehydrated, you lose cognitive function, become brain-fogged, or even develop depression which lowers immunity.
  • By flushing out toxins, free radicals, waste and bacteria from the body. Water washes out cellular waste products through our body’s lymphatic system and gets rid of toxic foreign invaders through the kidneys. By effectively preventing toxin build up, it boosts immune function, and helps the body fight infections.
  • By maintaining optimum blood volume. When not enough fluids are consumed, blood volume falls causing low blood pressure ─ the leading cause dizziness or fainting. The heart has to pump harder to elevate the blood pressure and this may contribute to heart attacks, stroke and kidney failure, not to mention other kinds of inflammation that could afflict us.

See if You Have These Seemingly Unusual Symptoms

Are you suddenly craving for sugar? Hunger for carbs and sweet foods may be an indication that your body is thirsty, not hungry.
  • Dry Eyes ─ Because less tears are produced to lubricate eyes
  • Eye Strain ─ Not enough water to flush out salt in body to hydrate eyes and reduce eye strain
  • Halitosis ─ A dry mouth causes bad breath. Decreased saliva production inhibits rinsing away bacteria in the mouth
  • Cramps ─ Losing electrolytes through dehydration makes muscles in the body prone to spasming
  • Constipation ─ Not drinking enough causes the body to pull water from stool to compensate for fluid loss, making the stool hard, firm and difficult to pass
  • Dry, Flakey Skin ─ When the body dries out, it leads to dry, sagging, wrinkly skin, chapped lips and brittle, dry hair. Conversely, water moisturizes and plumps up skin cells giving them tone and elasticity
  • Cold & Flu ─ Dehydration weakens immunity and opens the door to all sorts of common infections
  • Fatique and Foggy Headedness ─ Not enough water lowers blood volume which hampers oxygen and nutrient delivery to organs and muscles
  • Sugar Craving ─ Sudden craving for sweet foods is often a signal that your body is thirsty, not hungry. Dehydration interferes with the body’s ability to reach into glucose stores for energy, thus it is triggering you to eat sweet foods and carbohydrates.
  • Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) ─ Lack of water poses a higher risk of UTI because the body cannot flush out toxins and bacteria. Moreover, the concentrated acidic urine can irritate the bladder and urethra
  • Kidney Stones ─ Not enough fluids to flush out the salts and minerals in the kidneys can lead to crystal formation in the kidneys. The leading cause of kidney stones is lack of water in the body

More Facts on Water

Here are more factoids on how much we need water. According to the Australian state government website Betterhealth,

Did You Know?

Men, women, pregnancy, lactation, children and babies require different volumes of fluids in their bodies every day to stay healthy? For babies, their fluid intake can consist of milk, purees, porridge, plain water and other beverages.
  1. The body cannot store water and needs fresh supplies everyday
  2. A child will need different amounts of fluid, depending on age and gender
  3. Women should have about 2 litres (8 cups) of fluids a day
  4. Men should have about 2.6 litres (10 cups) of fluids a day
  5. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should have more fluid each day than other women
  6. Dehydration can be life-threatening especially to babies, children and the elderly

See How Much You Really Need to Drink

  • Infants aged 0–6 months (from breastmilk or formula): 0.7 litres
  • Infants aged 7–12 months (breastmilk, formula, food, plain water and other beverages): 0.8 litres total (with 0.6 litres as fluids)
  • Girls and boys aged 1–3 years: 1 litre (about 4 cups)
  • Girls and boys aged 4–8 years: 1.2 litres (about 5 cups)
  • Boys aged 9–13 years: 1.6 litres (about 6 cups)
  • Boys aged 14–18 years: 1.9 litres (about 7–8 cups)
  • Girls aged 9–13 years: 1.4 litres (about 5–6 cups)
  • Girls aged 14–18 years: 1.6 litres (about 6 cups)
  • Men aged 19 years and over: 2.6 litres (about 10 cups)
  • Women aged 19 years and over: 2.1 litres (about 8 cups)
  • Pregnant women aged 19 years and over: 2.3 litres (about 9 cups)
  • Lactating women: 2.6 litres (about 10 cups)

Tap Water is Not Safe to Drink

However, seeing how important it is to hydrate our bodies, we need to ensure that the water we drink or give our children to consume, is safe, clean and clear of all toxins.

Although we Malaysians are lucky in that we have treated, running water piped into all our taps at home, we cannot drink straight from the tap as the water coming through may be contaminated in many ways. This is because in Malaysia, water is typically stored in water tanks in the house or apartment blocks where bacteria or micro-organisms thrive well. Sometimes the water coming through may be smelly, muddy or cloudy and it may be flowing through pipes that are old, dirty and rusted.

That is why our tap water must always be boiled and filtered before it can be consumed. When preparing drinks for our children, especially when they are very young and vulnerable, we mothers must ensure that the water we use to make their milk, beverage and food is of the highest quality.

Solution at Hand ─ LG PuriCare Tankless Water Purifier

The LG PuriCare Tankless Water Purifier is ergonomically designed to look sleek in any work space, kitchen or utility room. It takes up very little space and is convenient to use as its dispensing nozzle can be swiveled 180° around to fill cups, glasses or odd-shaped containers.

[dropcap letter=”F”]ortunately, there is LG PuriCare Tankless Water Purifier to solve the problem. What’s different about this water purifier is that it is tankless. This means there is no internal water storage allowing stored water to become stagnant. Stagnant water is an incubator for bacteria. Tankless also means water will not be reboiled and the absence of a water tank itself ensures there will be no secondary contamination.

Instead, filtered water coming through the tap in the house is heated on demand at the push of a button to reduce energy consumption associated with continuously heating a hot water tank.

Direct 3-Stage Filtration

Three types of filters are used to remove heavy metals, as well as odors and germs.

The LG PuriCare Tankless Water Purifier features a unique 3-Stage Filtration System to ensure that only clean drinking water, free from seven types of heavy metals, is dispensed. The heavy metals removed are: mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, iron, copper and aluminum.

3 Water Temperature Selections & 3 Measured Volumes

Water dispensing is easy as you always get the right temperature and the right volume just by touching a button. The touch controls are visibly and conveniently located at the top of the LG PuriCare Tankless Water Purifier. All you need to do is to select what you want.

The LG PuriCare Tankless Water Purifier gives three water temperature selections: ambient water, cold water, and hot water.

The hot water is further divided into three water temperatures so you get the optimum heat for making your commonest temperatures.

  • 40° ─ baby milk
  • 75° ─ Tea
  • 85° ─ Coffee

Not only that, the water purifier can deliver preset volumes of hot or cold water for making milk, tea or coffee or filling a water tumbler at the touch of a button.

The preset volumes are: 120ml / 500ml / 1000ml.

There is one more innovative component to ensure the highest hygiene levels and that is the button called Self Care where UV light is used to sterilize the nozzle. The Self Care runs automatically for 5 minutes every hour or can be activated at anytime.

This means you get purity, precision and perfection every time you want to drink. The water that comes out is clean, clear, hygienic and health-giving each and every time.

And Now Here Comes the Best News

This Hari Raya, enjoy a further RM20 off monthly rental for one full year for the LG PuriCare Tankless Water Purifier and all other LG PuriCare products.

There is a promotion on for the Hari Raya Season. If you purchase the LG PuriCare Tankless Water Purifier during the festive season, you get to enjoy 20% off this water purifier as well as ALL LG PuriCare products.

You may also rent the LG PuriCare Tankless Water Purifier with RM20 off the monthly rental, which is only RM90 per month from the 1st to the 12th month for this and all LG PuriCare products.

With this fantastic offer, why not celebrate Raya by confidently giving you and your family the health benefits of drinking clean, pure, healthy water from the LG PuriCare Tankless Water Purifier today?

To see the various models of the LG PuriCare Tankless Water Purifier and to find out more about other LG PuriCare products, please visit the LG PuriCare website.