Mother, Baby & Kids

5 Flowers to Gift Your Mum to Show You Care Besides Roses


Mother’s Month is not complete without chocolates, cards and, of course, flowers. Flowers are an inherently feminine aspect of Mother Earth. There is nothing else quite like it in nature that embodies the gentle, nurturing, beautiful essence of motherhood. Which is why they are a staple for Mother’s Month gifts. But you may be tired of sending your mum red roses on her special day every time. Perhaps you want to shake things up a bit. Give her something truly meaningful instead of what just might look ‘pretty’.

Well, look no further. Throughout history, humanity has ascribed certain qualities and significance to certain flowers. And these qualities reflect the message that a person wishes to send to their loved ones. The following list highlights some of our locally grown blossoms so you can find them readily available in most florists. Here are 10 flowers you can send to your mum and what they mean.

5 Flowers and Their Meanings


Traditionally one of the more popular Mother’s Month flowers, carnations have become the universal symbol of motherhood. Depending on the culture, carnations may symbolise different things, but by and large they tend to have positive connotations. White carnations represent pure love, which is a good way to represent the purity of a mother’s unconditional love. Pink carnations also represent mother’s love. Carnations have also been traditionally used to honour the dead. In France, carnation flowers are left on the graves of fallen soldiers who fought and died during World War 2. It is for this reason that carnations are also a great gift for grieving mothers who have lost children, especially to war.


Just like their appearance and name suggests, sunflowers represent exactly what you would think they do. Happiness, hope, power, strength. In China, sunflowers represent vitality, longevity and good fortune. In Greece, they symbolise adoration and loyalty due to the legend of Clytie and Apollo. These are all exactly the kind of attributes that a mother has. Sunflowers are the easiest to associate with motherhood because of just how literal they are. Just like how the sun gives life to everything, your mother is the reason you were born, your literal life-giver. So gifting your mother sunflowers this Mother’s Month is a good reminder of their sacrifice and dedication in helping bring you into the world.


Often confused for daisies, gerbera flowers are the fifth most popular flower in the world. Native to South Africa, gerberas are distinguished by their large, daisy-like petals and long stalks. In Egyptian culture, gerbera represents joy and happiness and just like sunflowers, their heads follow the transition of the sun as it passes through the horizon. A bouquet of gerbera flowers was thought to bring relief from sorrow and grief which make them a great gift for those suffering from depression. Gerberas come in a wide variety of hues so you’ll be spoiled for choice. You can choose from a variety of traditional colour symbolisms too: orange (enthusiasm), yellow (joy), purple (elegance), pink (affection), red (passion), white (innocence). Although most people just go with pink or even a combination of colours for a rainbow surprise.


Elegant, exotic and available in many variations, orchids have enthralled humankind for decades. In many cultures around the world orchids represent fertility, wisdom and beauty; qualities which are befitting of a mother. In Japan, orchids are objects of luxury, and represent great wealth and prosperity. The same is true in Victorian culture, where you were thought to be very sophisticated if you owned an orchid plant because of how expensive they are. In Feng Shui, orchids are the luckiest houseplants you can grow. Having then in your home was believed to help bring in peace, opportunities, and success. Because of how priceless orchids are, a bouquet of orchids as a Mother’s Month gift is a testament how irreplaceable your mother is to you.


An ancient flower cultivated for more than two thousand years in East Asia, chrysanthemums represent happiness, vitality, life and rebirth. To the Japanese, who have made it the emblem of their emperor, the flower is a symbol of perfection due to the orderly unfolding of its petals. This can also represent how perfect you think your mother is when given as Mother’s Month gift. Chrysanthemums also represent truth and honesty as stated in the Victorian Language of Flowers, due to how the flower blooms. Hidden at first with its petals tucked in, then fully open. You can use this symbolism to tell your mother how you can always be honest with her and that there will never been any secrets between the two of you.

A Rose by Any Other Name

Finding the right flower for Mother’s Month isn’t serious business. I’m sure your mum will appreciate whatever gift you give her. And any flower you happen to choose will still be pretty regardless of what kind it is or what it symbolises. However, it does add something special when you accompany the flower with a heartfelt message corresponding to the flower’s symbolism. For example, you can gift a white rose to your mum with a message saying, “There is nothing purer than a mother’s love“. It is definitely a fun way to be creative too. The flowers will definitely end up becoming a treasured memory, even long after they have withered. Flowers may be ephemeral, but a mother’s love is eternal.

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