Mother, Baby & Kids

6 Tips on Eating Out with A Toddler


When your child is still an infant, you may have not understood why some parents make a big deal about eating out with their toddlers. But when your child is finally a toddler, you will totally sympathise and understand why parents of toddlers would rather eat at home than at a restaurant.

You’ve seen how toddler throws tantrums, tossing food, spilling drinks and having horrible stare-downs from everyone at the restaurant. And this is why you should implement table manners at home, which is beneficial for both eating at home and out.


Practice Table Manners at Home

Table manners start from your very own dinner table. You can’t avoid restaurants forever, so why not practice some table manners at home. But while you are at it, do bear in mind that they are still toddlers and your expectations have to be realistic.

Before you start implementing these table rules, your child might throw a huge fit and only able to sit the high chair less than 10 minutes. This is when you don’t have to attend to her immediately and let her compose herself.

You can then reward them with their favourite thing such as a sticker. But what every parent need to know is that every child is different and you can’t expect them to act like grown adults, but you should always reward and recognize them for their improvements!

Parents Should Eat First

There are some parents who prefer to eat before their child and to be honest, there really is no right or wrong to this. But if you start on your meal before them, it will buy you more time at the end with your child.

Furthermore, when parents eat before their child, you will see your little ones will want what you are having and even do what you’re doing. This will make them want to join the fun and start eating with you together and the fact that parents can enjoy their meal than being rushed.

Get the Corner Table

When you are dining out with your little ones, corner table is always the best solution. They will have more breathing room and room to roam around if needed without bothering your neighbours.

Research the Restaurant

Parents should stick to restaurants that have more of a casual and kid-friendly environment. Also, it’s a good idea to look into the menu beforehand to see what dishes are available for your child.

Bust Out Those Favourite Toys

Parents can have a box of toys that their child has never seen or rarely gets to play in the back of their car. While you bust it out, you will be able to see the excitement on their face. And most importantly, it keeps them entertained while waiting for your meal and after they are done with their meal.

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