Mother, Baby & Kids

Healthy Alternatives to Everyday Snacks


Our childhood was incomplete without snacks.

From Haw Flakes and Smarties to Mi-Mi Snek Ku and Sugus, there were never any scarcity in variety when it comes to our favourite ‘jajan’.

But kids these days go for Mars Bars and Mr Potato. But because we have no equated snacks with junk food, snacking has gained an unpopular reputation among parents.

At least not in Malaysia. But what if we could rebrand snacking as a fun and healthy way for kids to get their daily nutrition and not just a way to curb their hunger pangs?

Snacking is completely natural to humans.

When the hunger pangs come but you’re not in the mood for a heavy meal, a handful of cornflakes will do the trick.

The same natural urge to snack exists in your kids. Especially while they’re younger. But there’s more to it than mere hunger pangs.

Read on to find out more.

The Science of Snacking

You may wonder why humans love snacking so much. Aside from being an easy way of getting calories without preparing a full blown meal.

But the reason may be more interesting than mere convenience (or laziness).


Scientists have found that snacking provides a much faster way of replenishing our calories during those harsh prehistoric days where you had to quickly outrun a cheetah while you’re out foraging.

But while our ancestors snacked on healthy nuts and fresh berries, we have opted for potato chips and cookies. So when we hear the word snack, we are bombarded i.e. ‘my kids are forbidden from eating snacks!’

But toddlers go through such random and intermittent growth spurts that some experts have said that snacking may actually be better for them instead of 3-times-a-day adult meals.

Their hunger pangs are more frequent so they will only eat when they’re hungry, which may or may not always align with regular meal time.

So snacks need not be a negative thing. For growing kids, it’s important to make sure they don’t just eat junk food all the time as their snacks.

Here are some tasty and nutritious snack ideas for your kids.

Healthy Snacks for Your Kids

Cracker Sandwiches

Cracker sandwiches are so versatile they can be made with either sweet or savoury options.

For sweet, you can use cream cheese and honey, or some variety of peanut butter and fruit jam. Remember to choose products with low sugar or no added sugars.

For savoury, you can choose any deli meat filling, with tomato chutney, tuna and mayo or cheese slices.

Vegetable Chips

Unfortunately a lot of brands tend to have a lot of salt in them which makes them no different from regular salty potato chips.

But you can easily make them yourself if you have an oven or an air fryer. Just cut vegetables into strips and broil them until crispy.

Flavour according to your preference and enjoy with a serving of healthy guacamole, salsa or low-fat mayonnaise.

Fruit Kebabs

Colourful, crunchy and packed with nutrition, fruit kebabs are exactly the eye-catching snack that your kids will enjoy.

Be sure use plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits like blueberries, strawberries and grapes. Or even spice it up with local delicacies like mango, mangosteen, papaya, jambu and banana.


Don’t be fooled at the fancy, French name. Parfaits are ridiculously easy to prepare. Simply use plain Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey or a handful of granola.

Mix in fresh fruit or frozen berries for added flavour and nutrition. A handful of unsalted almonds, walnuts, or pistachios.

Pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds for a crunchy and nutritious snack.

Cheese Platter

Cheese can be a nutritious and filling snack, assuming you choose the right kind of course. These of course is more expensive than processed cheese but also healthier.

Examples include mozzarella, feta, cottage cheese, ricotta, and cream cheese. For proteins you can choose roasted chicken pieces instead of deli meats.

Frozen Treats

Nothing is simpler than frozen snacks. You can use frozen grapes or frozen banana slices for a refreshing and natural sweet treat.

Make your own popsicles using pureed fruit and yogurt or coconut milk.

Simply stick fruit slices in the freezer and let them freeze for a refreshing frozen snack that your kids can enjoy on a hot day.

Homemade Trail Mix

Trail mix are easy to make on your own. Create a mix of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and a few low-sugar, dark chocolate chips for a sweet touch.

They can be eaten on the go or when you’re relaxing in front of the television. Your kids will enjoy munching on them at all times of the day.

Snacking Doesn’t Have to Be Unhealthy

it’s clear that snacking doesn’t have to be unhealthy. By making mindful choices and prioritising nutritious options, you can transform your child’s snacking habits into a positive thing.

With a little planning and creativity, your child can enjoy delicious and satisfying snacks that not only tantalise their taste buds but also support their physical and mental vitality.

So, let’s embrace the notion that snacking can be a healthy and enjoyable part of our daily routine, one delicious bite at a time.

For more insightful stories and fun recipes, stay tuned to Motherhood Story!