Mother, Baby & Kids

Work Travel and Mum Guilt: Finding the Balance


As a working mother, juggling the demands of a career and family can often lead to feelings of guilt and stress.

This can be especially true when it comes to work travel, as the need to be away from home and children can amplify those feelings.

However, there are ways to find balance and alleviate some of the guilt associated with work travel.

Here are some hot tips to help working mums find the balance when it comes to work travel and mum guilt.

How to Balance Work Travel and Motherhood

Plan Ahead

One of the best ways to ease the guilt associated with work travel is to plan ahead. This means making arrangements for childcare, meals, and activities before you leave.

By having a solid plan in place, you can feel confident that your children will be taken care of and that everything will run smoothly in your absence.

This also goes for things like school holidays where your child will most definitely want to spend their vacation with you present. And not just as a talking face on a screen.

Communicate with Your Children

It’s important to communicate with your children about your work travel plans. Let them know why you’re going away and when you’ll be back.

Make sure they understand that you will miss them and that you’ll be thinking about them while you’re gone.

This can help to alleviate some of their anxiety and yours.

Arrange for Remote Work

With the rise of tele-commuting, there really is no reason to travel hundreds of miles away just to sit in an office with your laptop. When you can do it comfortably at home.

It’s important to communicate your needs to your boss. Unless it’s an important conference, having virtual meetings can be just as productive, if not more, than physical meetings.

For one, you’re not tired from driving through congested traffic for hours.

Stay Connected

Businesses aren’t the only ones to benefit from technology. Digital devices has also made it easier than ever to stay connected with loved ones while you’re away.

Make sure to schedule regular video chats or phone calls with your children and partner.

This can help to bridge the distance and maintain a sense of connection, even when you’re far away.

But still, virtual hugs and kisses pale in comparison to actual physical affection.

So don’t mistake talking on an iPad as a good example of a healthy mother-child relationship.

Prioritise Quality Time

When you’re home, make sure to prioritise quality time with your family.

This can mean setting aside dedicated time to spend with your children, such as taking them to their favourite activities or simply having a family movie night.

By making the most of your time together, you can help to ease the guilt you may feel when you have to be away.

Practice Self-Care

It’s important to take care of yourself, especially when you’re dealing with the stress of work travel and mum guilt.

Make sure to carve out time for self-care activities, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with friends.

By taking care of yourself, you’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of work travel and parenthood.

Seek Support

Don’t be afraid to seek support when you need it. This can mean reaching out to family members, friends, or even a therapist.

Having a support system in place can help to alleviate some of the stress and guilt associated with work travel and parenting.

There are even a lot of online forums that you can find online to vent or simply share tips and advice with fellow mums.

Embrace the Benefits of Work Travel

While work travel can be challenging, it can also come with some benefits. For example, it can provide opportunities for professional development, networking, and exploring new places.

By focusing on the positive aspects of work travel, you can help to shift your mind-set and reduce feelings of guilt.

As your kids grow they will understand the sacrifices you made for them. As long as you explain why exactly you have to travel for work all the time and how that allows them to enjoy all the luxuries they have.

Work Travel Vs Motherhood: Striking the Right Balance

Finding balance when it comes to work travel and mum guilt can be challenging, but it’s not impossible.

By planning ahead, staying connected with your family, prioritising quality time, practicing self-care, seeking support, and embracing the benefits of work travel, you can find a sense of balance that works for you and your family.

Remember, it’s okay to feel guilty or stressed, but it’s important to take steps to manage those feelings and prioritise your own wellbeing.

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