Mother, Baby & Kids

ColourFULL Food: What Works and What Doesn’t

Colours will always spell fun and excitement to children. When it comes to food, brightly coloured meals are a visual cue of how something will taste. If you view it from the lens of a child, the more intense the hue, the yummier the food will be.

According to research by Cornell University, they found that children are most attracted to food plates with seven different items and six different colours. Adults, on the other hand, tend to prefer only three items and three colours.

Therefore, what you view as appetising may have a total opposite impact on them.

Hence, when prepping food for your children, there are some colourful foods that work, and some that don’t. For starters, let’s look into types that don’t.

Coloured Food No-no’s

Many food types in supermarkets scream ‘delicious’ in the eyes of children. But most times, it is not good for them because of the presence of artificial food colouring.

You may say artificial dyes are commonly found in candies, cereals and other types of food consumed daily, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is safe to eat.

These dyes raise significant health concerns, especially in children.

A simple Google search will show you a list of reasons to exclude artificial food colouring from your child’s diet. A few of the most compelling reasons include possible links to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), hyperactivity and neurotoxicity and the dyes’ complete lack of nutritional value.

In a study published by Clinical Pediatrics in 2016, the researchers analysed 810 products marketed to children in a grocery store in North Carolina. They found that 350 of these products (43.2%) contained artificial colours. The only category of food that didn’t have such colouring was real fresh fruits and vegetables.

Now, that says A LOT, doesn’t it?

Naturally Coloured Food

Now, we are not here to burst your child’s bubble when it comes to attractive food. After all, we cannot deny our senses. Therefore, we want to stress that there are also healthy colourful foods that are very much encouraged for your children.

There are the OGs because they are nature’s gift to our visual senses and health. Colourful foods, generally referring to fruits and vegetables, contain many of the vitamins and antioxidants we need—with less calories!

Greens aid eye health, regulate digestion and improve immune system functioning. Red vegetables get their hue and nutrition boost from lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant known to reduce heart disease risk, protect the eyes, and fight infections.

The Best of Both Worlds

Image credit: Alce Nero

In today’s world of nutrition, you can have food that is colourful, interactive and healthy—perfect for children!

Image credit: Alce Nero

If you didn’t know about such revelations, then you must be introduced to deliciously colourful and healthy products by Alce Nero:

Alce Nero Organic Tricolore Pasta Sport Shapes
Image credit: Alce Nero

The pasta comes in sport-related shapes with natural colouring.

Check out what these mamas have to say:

“My son loved the vibrant colours and shapes that this pasta came in and gobbled down his food in no time! I loved the fact that it is organic, and that the colours were naturally derived from veggies. Another good way to sneak veggies into my son’s diet! Also loved the fact that it was easy to cook, and I was able to reach the al dente texture in just a few minutes.” – Daisy O

“My kids love this Tricolore pasta. They even asked for more because they spotted a trophy and wanted to be a champion.” – Kelly K

“Anak suka melihat bentuknya yang unik. Mereka seronok menikmatinya. Dalam setiap bentuk pasta ada rasa tersendiri.Semuanya dari bahan organik yang terbaik. Penyediaan masak pun mudah. Terima Kasih.” – Siti Hanum O

Alce Nero Organic Spaghetti Tricolore
Image credit: Alce Nero

Made from organic durum wheat, this spaghetti tricolore is sure to bring colour to your plate thanks to the natural colouring.

Alce Nero Organic Fusilli Tricolore
Image credit: Alce Nero

Also made from organic durum wheat, the fusilli tricolore is texture and colour combined to make every meal a feast.

Try Alce Nero Today!
Image credit: Alce Nero

If you want to wean your child from not-so-healthy colourful food or introduce healthier and fun choices of food to your child, get the Alce Nero products now.

And good news to all our Motherhood readers, Alce Nero also has a special offer for all of you!

Get any two Alce Nero Tricolore Pasta for only RM15.70* now at #AlceNero online stores on Shopee or Lazada!

*Only applicable to Alce Nero Organic Spaghetti Tricolore & Fusilli Tricolore (500g)

For more insightful stories and fun recipes, stay tuned to Motherhood Story!