Mother, Baby & Kids

What to Expect in Your Second Trimester


You’ve made it past the first three months of your pregnancy; but the fun is only just beginning!

As your baby grows in your belly, your body goes through further changes.

While you may no longer be experiencing the nausea and mood swings from your first trimester, your second one may bring its fair share of pregnancy symptoms.

From nasal congestion to bleeding gums, there is more than one sign that your hormones are once again kicking into high drive.

Here are three of the more common symptoms of pregnancy you can expect in your second trimester.

Frequent Urination

As your baby grows, there is less and less space in your abdomen to accommodate your other working parts.

So, everything else that is not your uterus gets squished.

Don’t worry, there’s enough space between your organs to make way for the new life growing inside of you.

But the lack of space also means you can expect some discomfort. Especially in your bladder.

This is why most pregnant women suffer from frequent urination.

A good tip to help reduce those inconvenient trips to the toilet is to lean forward when you urinate.

Rest your forearms on your knees to help empty the bladder more thoroughly. And avoid drinking too much water before bed.

Food Cravings

While often seen as a pregnancy cliché, scientists are still unable to understand why cravings happen.

One popular theory is that it’s the body’s way of saying it needs extra calories or to indicate certain nutritional deficiencies.

Another theory suggests that hormones may have a part to play in it.

Fluctuations in oestrogen and progesterone levels tend to increase appetite, after all.

But whatever the cause is, it’s important not to give in too much to your cravings.

Excessive weight gain during pregnancy has been correlated with gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, delivery complications and other medical conditions.

If you want to avoid cravings, eat a balanced diet and always keep yourself fed to prevent hunger pangs.


While harmless, pregnancy hyperpigmentation, or melasma, can leave unsightly marks on the body. Particularly on the face, breasts, armpits and genitals.

These usually manifest as dark spots on areas that can be quite apparent.

What Causes Pregnancy Hyperpigmentation

Between 50 to 70 percent of pregnant mummies will develop some form of melasma.

For those who don’t know, pregnancy hyperpigmentation is caused by changes in hormones, particularly oestrogen and progesterone, which causes the body to release excess melanin.

Melanin is responsible for the dark pigment in our skin.

How to Address It

While pregnancy melasma fades after you give birth, it can take weeks or maybe even months before those dark spots clear up.

One thing to note is that sun exposure can generally make it worse, so avoid being outdoors for too long. But if you must, apply a good sunscreen with SPF30 and above.

You may also consider wearing a hat while you’re out and about or carry an umbrella.

Another way to help fade melasma quicker is to invest in good skincare treatment to target the stubborn hyperpigmentation. There are many natural and safe alternatives such as plant oils that can help target pregnancy-related hyperpigmentation.

Some ingredients that are amazing for reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation include rosemary oil, lavender oil, chamomile oil, patchouli oil, rosehip oil, and chia seed oil.

You may be wondering, “But how can I experience the benefits of all these oils at once without paying for multiple products?”

Well, Bio-Oil may have just what you need!

Yes, this popular brand is not only an expert in dealing with scars and stretch marks, they also specialise in hyperpigmentation!

Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural): A Solution for Hyperpigmentation

Formulated with a potent blend of plant oils, Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural) contains powerful plant-based ingredients to help fade away hyperpigmentation.

A 2020 study found that after only 16 weeks, 61% and 57% of subjects showed a statistically significant improvement in uneven skin tone and mottled pigmentation respectively after using Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural).

One bottle contains a potent combination of 100% natural plant oils including:

  • 3 Base Oils: Soybean oil, Sunflower seed oil & Safflower seed oil
  • 4 Specialist Oils: Jojoba seed oil, Chia seed oil, Pomegranate seed oil & Inca Inchi seed oil
  • 2 Vitamin Oils: Wheatgerm oil & Rosehip oil
  • 5 Essential Oils: Chamomile oil, Lavender oil, Rosemary oil, Calendula oil & Patchouli oil

Each oil has its own properties and functions in the treatment of hyperpigmentation, and is 100% safe for pregnant mums and babies in the womb.

Try Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural) Today

Let Bio-Oil put your hyperpigmentation worries to rest.

Keep uneven skin tone, stubborn brown spots and melasma at bay with Bio-Oil Skincare Oil (Natural). Available now at Shopee and Lazada, Guardian, Watson and all leading pharmacies.

Bask in your pregnancy glow with confidence, mummies!

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