Mother, Baby & Kids

Is Fast Food Actually Dangerous For Your Child?

fast food

For illustration purpose only.

Mcdonald’s, KFC, A&W, Burger King, and others. Does that ring a bell? Yes, those are few fast-food restaurants in Malaysia that we all LOVE. 

However, keep in mind that the joy of consuming fast-food comes with harmful side effects, especially towards the children’s health.

I think many of us, even our children enjoy eating fast-food on a regular basis. But, should parents be guilty of it?

Well, parents should be responsible for their children’s diet and food intake because it’s an important element for a child’s growth and development.

Did you know that children can gain 160 to 310 extra kilocalories in a SINGLE FAST FOOD MEAL? Yes, and that’s worrying! There are many dangerous risks which can harm your child’s health which you should be aware of.


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How Can Fast-Food Harm Your Child’s Health?

  • Higher chance of getting diabetes

Coke and other carbonated soda drinks can contribute to diabetes. There are too many sugar levels in the drinks which can cause your children to develop diabetes!

  • Increase blood pressure level

There is way too much salt in fast-food ingredients and do you know what salt can do to your child’s health – HYPERTENSION! 

  • Tiredness

Your child would probably feel too full after eating fast-food which later can cause them to become unproductive and not being able to exercise. They will often feel tired from the fullness of fast-food.

  • Weight Gain

Do you notice that children who love to eat fast-food tend to gain weight easily? This is because the ingredients in fast food contain high levels of FAT.

Also, the increase of fat can lower self-esteem and insecurity in children which can lead to depression. 

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It is never too late for a change, so what should you do as a responsible parent? Here are some things that you can help to change your children’s food consumption.

Ways to Help Your Children:

  • Stop or limit fast food intake

You can’t just stop it immediately. I would advise you to slowly stop buying your children any fast food and explain to them why they are dangerous.

  • Eat healthily

Change the whole diet! Preferably, you can cook for your children which is guaranteed safe. Also, you can buy food that is fresh and cooked from any restaurant.

  • Exercise Together

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This is the ultimate way to maintain a healthy lifestyle! Children tend to follow their parent’s behaviour. So, you can show them how to stay healthy and fit by exercising. What are you waiting for?

Spend some quality evening with your children by jogging or simple walking at the nearest park!

Here are some healthy food recipes that your children will love. You may try it at home!

Now that you are aware of the harm of fast food and how you can help your children when it comes to food, hopefully, it will help you to change your lifestyle for the better!

“Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.” – Heather Morgan.