Mother, Baby & Kids

Can I (REALLY) Use Feminine Hygiene Products on My Vagina?

feminine wash in bath tub

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Today, there are tons of feminine hygiene products out there in the market. Most of it claims to make your vagina to smell like the blooming flowers in the garden.

This, somehow makes us think that our natural vagina scent is smelly and disgusting. However, that is not the case, Mummies!

Our vagina smells like how it is supposed to smell like. Thus, I would advise you to stop putting fragrance or use any feminine hygiene product or wash your vagina. 

The Vagina is a “Self Cleaning Oven”


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You should let your vagina clean by itself. The way that the vagina does it is in the form of discharge.

Normally, the colour of our discharge is clear and white but it might turn a little bit brown when you are nearing your period.

Usually, the pH level in our vagina is between 3.5 to 4.5 which is quite acidic. Due to its acidic condition, it is able to prevent the bad bacterias from thriving.

The pH level of the vagina differs from one woman to another. This can be the cause of the period of menstruation or menopause. 

Please do not do these things to your vagina!

  • Douching 
  • Feminine wash 
  • Scented soap 
  • Talcum powder
  • Deodorant
  • Feminine wipe

What will happen if you do such things:

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  • It disrupts the pH Level in the vagina.

When the pH level is disrupted, the bacterias will hoora-hooray in your vagina, which will eventually make you feel pain when you pee or have sexual intercourse. 

  • It can cause irritation.

Irritation at the vagina is usually caused by fragrance and soaps that will make your skin dry.

  • It may cause unwanted disease.

Many people are experiencing diseases like cervical cancer, UTI, yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis because of the use of feminine wash. 

Does your vagina need cleaning?

Your vagina does not need cleaning. The only thing that you can do is just wash it with warm water.

You must also avoid using fragrance like scented pads, soaps or anything that is scented down there. The only place that you can use unscented soap is around your vulva.

Your vulva needs a thorough cleaning so that you are not infected by harmful bacteria. However, you must always remember to be careful so that the soap that you are using does not go into your vagina. 

Ladies, all vaginas have their own distinct smell. So, don’t worry or feel intimidated when you smell your own vagina.

Head to the doctor if the colour of your discharge is not clear or white, or if you feel itchy around the area. Do NOT go to the drugstore or having your own analysis.