Mother, Baby & Kids

First Year Baby: Eleven-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

An Asian mother is lifting her 11-month-old baby high in the air.

Image credit: Canva

Does it seem like your baby is growing up too fast to already reach his eleven-month-old developmental milestones? While having mixed emotions about the hard and wonderful moments with your baby, let’s applause ourselves for those sleepless nights and days in establishing our little one’s routine and sleep schedules.

While your little one is still curious to learn new skills, read on to discover what you can expect form your 11-month-old baby and how you can encourage his development.

Eleven-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

11-month-old Sleep

Your little one is going to sleep for 14 hours per day. While sleeping for 11 to12 hours at night, he is going to have one to two naps during day time for around 3 hours.

Moving onto the eleventh month, your baby is now very active. This might be one of the reasons why sleep regression happens. You can resolve this issue by playing some soothing music or sticking to a relaxing bedtime routine. More importantly, always put him to bed at his usual bedtime.


Image credit: Motherhood Story

11-Month-Old Feeding

By the age of 11-month-old, you might notice that your little one does not eat as much as in his previous months. Worry not, this is just because his growth rate is slowing down and he is distracted to explore more exciting activities.

Simply feed your little one with formula or breast milk along with solid food as meals and snacks. So, here’s how much a eleven-month-old baby should eat:

  • If you are feeding your baby with formula, he should have six to eight ounces, three to five times a day.
  • If you are breastfeeding your baby, he should be breastfed for three to five times a day.
  • If you are trying to feed your baby with solid food, you can start with three meals with two snack times a day.

As we have introduced a variety of baby solid food that you can explore with your little one, here’s a sample meal plan that you can prepare for him:

Image credit: Motherhood Story

Key Milestones In Growth

In his eleventh month, we no longer measure his length. Instead, we are going to measure how tall he is! As he starts to stand more frequently, he is now seeing the world from an upright position. Here’s the average weight and height that you can expect from your eleven-month-old baby.

  • Weight: Around 8.71 kg for a 11-month-old baby girl and 9.43 kg for a 11-month-old baby boy
  • Height: Around 72.90 cm for a 11-month-old baby girl and 74.42 cm for a 11-month-old baby boy

Find out more about the developmental milestones of your baby here.

Key Milestones In Skill Development and Senses

Key Milestones in Movement

  • can crawl
  • can stand up unassisted
  • can cruise with objects as support
  • may walk or take steps
  • can roll from back to front and front to back
  • can grab finger food and feed himself

As your little one has been cruising for one to two months, he might show signs that he is ready to walk now. You might see him letting go of your hands to try out a few tentative steps to walk independently.

However, most babies do not walk well until around 13.5 months. For now, you might be seeing his feet turning outward while taking a few first steps. This is known as ‘out-toeing’ and it’s common among babies who first start walking. Once he is better at walking, you will see his feet pointing forward.

Additionally, you can try out these activities to encourage walking with your little one:

Image credit: Motherhood Story

Key Milestones in Five Senses

  • can easily watch objects as they move
  • can point to objects he sees or wants
  • can babble and imitate words
  • can understand simple one-word phrases or requests
  • starts to learn the names of people and objects they interact with regularly
  • can wave goodbye
  • can stack play items, cups or bowls
  • can hold a pencil or crayon and loves to make marks
  • has specific preferences for tastes and textures
  • shows personality traits

While your baby continues exploring objects with his mouth and play in both indoor and outdoor surroundings, you need to look into how can you ensure his health and safety. Here are four main tips that you can take along while babyproofing your house:

Image credit: Motherhood Story

11-Month-Old Baby Activities

You should continue to stimulate your baby’s fine motor skills, cognitive skills and language skills. Get him to play with blocks, stacking toys, puzzlesshape sorter and musical toys.

At the same time, you actually do not really need to spend a fortune to play with your baby either. Simply create a sensory bag with a variety of interesting objects that you can find at home. Here are some ideas for you to create a sensory bag for your baby to see, touch and smell:

Image credit: Motherhood Story

On a side note, you can start teaching your baby some basic differences on what is right and wrong since he can now understand simple words and gestures from you.

Savouring Every Moment That Your Little One Experiences In His Eleven-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

You might not be so eager for your baby to grow up too fast, but let’s enjoy all the eleven-month-old developmental milestones with your little one in the coming days and weeks. And let’s get ready to celebrate your baby’s first year in the coming month!

Lastly, do always remember that children learn best when we let them learn at their own pace. So instead of being anxious if your baby does not stand or walk as expected per the milestones chart, do allow him some space for to explore and participate. He will achieve his milestones when the time is right.

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