Mother, Baby & Kids

Let’s Try These Foods and Drinks That Can Relieve Your Period Cramps!

Period cramps are the worst, so when yours begins, it is perfectly reasonable that you want to dive face-first into an entire chocolate cake.

While right now it will certainly taste great, the sad news is that it won’t really make you feel better physically!

When you are menstruating, it is normal to feel pain around your belly, lower back, and thighs. The muscles of your womb are contracting and relaxing to help shed built-up lining during this time.

You will also feel cramps, which are your functioning muscles. Some women may also experience nausea, vomiting, headaches, or diarrhoea in some women.

Top 5 Foods and Drinks To Ease Your Period Pain!

  • Salmon

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Fatty acid that is also known as omega-3s is rich in salmon and other cold-water fish. According to Daily Health, they help to minimise inflammation, which makes them useful for general pain relief, including the pain of menstrual cramps!

It is also an incredible dietary source of vitamins D and B6, besides being a good source of protein. Vitamin D helps to make your period cramps more manageable. And vitamin B6, along with your incredibly painful cramps, will help with the breast tenderness and irritability you may be experiencing!

  • Dark leafy greens

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Every month, losing blood also means you lose iron, which can lead to feeling slow and inactive.

Dark, leafy greens such as spinach and kale are also powerhouses of vitamins that are excellent sources of iron. Besides, you can add some steamed broccoli if you are getting tired and bored of the leafy stuff. 

  • Fruits!

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Don’t forget to befriend your fruits! Dietician suggests that bananas contain vitamin B6 and a healthy dose of potassium, which can help to alleviate your bloating and cramping symptoms.

Also, Kiwis are rich in the enzyme actinidin, can help you more quickly digest protein, and fibre can also help move things along.

  • Chamomile Tea

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When you menstruate, sipping chamomile tea can help relieve cramps. Chamomile tea is made of compounds that are anti-inflammatory and suppress prostaglandins.

Prostaglandins are formed in the endometrium of the uterus by cells. During a woman’s cycle, these cells release prostaglandins, triggering muscle contractions of the uterus, discomfort, and cramps. So, chamomile tea can enhance menstrual flow to ease period symptoms!

  • Ginger

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Certain symptoms of menstruation can improve with a warm mug of ginger tea. Ginger, which can soothe achy muscles, has anti-inflammatory effects! Besides that, a research stated that ginger tablets relieved symptoms such as painful cramps.

These foods and drinks will be a side help for cramps and it doesn’t work with everyone. You must always try what is the best and suitable for you.

If it is too painful to bear, make sure that you go to see a doctor. Hopefully, this recommended food and drinks will ease your menstruation.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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