Mother, Baby & Kids

Gadget Zombie: The Impact On Our Society

RescueTime showed that average adults spend about 3 hours and 15 minutes on their smartphones on weekdays, but this hour increased to 4.5 hours on weekends.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that children aged 8 to 18 years are spending an average of 7.5 hours on digital devices for entertainment and more. However, these are only average numbers. It could be more. 

Technology in our fingertips. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, smartwatches, TV, etc are nothing new. Not only that these are our source of information, but the gadgets are also important where we get live updates, streaming for movies or drama, social media, entertainment and more.

Yes, we might not be able to live without our gadgets. This statement may be true. However, do not turn into a “gadget zombie”.

A “gadget zombie”, a person who is utterly addicted to digital or electronic devices such as smartphones and video games.

This is because addiction to gadgets can have negative impacts on our social life at all ages including small children, teenagers and adults. Let’s see the impact on our children first.  

Gadgets impair children’s brain and social development.

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Small children and even babies playing with tablets or smartphones are not an uncommon sight these days. Some parents may use this as their “shortcut” to pacify and entertain their kids without realizing that this act could cost the child’s mental and social development. 

For example, studies reveal that excessive exposure to smartphones, tablets, or computers to children can cause delayed development and vision problems.

However, it is more than that. There was also a study that claimed an early exposure of gadgets to children negatively changing the nature of childhood!

As if this is not terrifying enough, here are a few negative effects of gadgets to our children:

Negative Effects of Gadgets to the Children

  • Impede brain development

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In small children, their brain rapidly develops throughout the toddler years until adulthood. However, too much screen time indirectly delays this important development causing young children to have certain syndromes such as attention deficit disorder, cognition impairment and reduced independence. 

  • Violence

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Many studies have proven that children who spend too much time with gadgets are prone to tantrums and more aggressive. 

  • Less interaction

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Too much time spent on gadgets can reduce the children’s interest to connect with other people, as they are more comfortable staring at the digital device. This unfortunately could affect their communication and social skills. 

While for adults, being a gadget zombie has an impact on their psychological condition.

Depression, anxiety, suicidal and more.

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Not only children, but teenagers and adults can be addicted to gadgets too. Stress, depression and anxieties are common that lead to suicidal and domestic violence.

Experts agree that excessive exposure to electronic devices is the reason for all this. 

Suicides have become an alarming trend these recent years. In fact, it is one of the leading causes of death among teenagers aged 15 to 19 years globally.

While in Malaysia, the 2017 National Health and Morbidity Study reported an increasing trend of suicide among teenagers aged 13 to 17 years.

Exposure to digital devices disrupts the balance in body metabolism.

As the radiation emits from the screen damaging the cells, it will disrupt a balanced mechanism within our body. Thus causing health and mental problems. 

For instance, excessive usage of gadgets can be damaging to the brain tissue, which may affect the connections of the neurotransmitter that connects various hormones for emotion, thinking and decision making.

An article published in 2018 notes the responsibility of advance usage of smartphones, tablets and video games to the increasing case of severe depression and other psychological conditions. 

Use it wisely…

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Too much time scrolling on social media or video games can make us lazy. Be more disciplined instead, move more and live a healthier lifestyle with a balanced intake of diet. 

As an adult, it is always a wise move to set a screen time limit for ourselves and our children. A family who is addicted to gadgets are unknowingly leading themselves to mental problems.

Humans are made to interact, love and support each other. But, technology has stolen almost all the best things in human nature. And worst of all make us lose empathy.  

Yes, advanced technologies make our life better. But apparently, it comes with a price to pay.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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